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The no перевод на испанский

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"Or sometimes the metaphor part of it is true," but then the literal part is not true.
O a veces, la parte metafórica es real, pero la parte literal no lo es.
And then the next time you're prepared for it "and uh... and it doesn't hurt you as much."
Pero la próxima vez, estarán preparados y no les dolerá tanto.
" And will probably kill you the next time it shows up.'"
"Lo que no te mata te hace más débil, y probablemente te mate la próxima vez que aparezca".
All of a sudden... he is not so easy on the eye.
De repente, ya no es tan atractivo.
"Then you won't want to get out... and run around in the grass and have fun with the stick."
Entonces, no querrás salir a jugar en el pasto con ese palo.
Or in the whole...
No, en todo el...
"You're not a country because you keep going to war with the world," and... no one does...
" Porque siguen haciendo la guerra contra el mundo, y ya nadie...
And it wasn't the real bionic ear from the show, it was a fucking hearing aid.
Y no era el oído biónico del programa, era un maldito audífono.
And uh... the guy who sold it to me didn't tell me about all the fucking diseases this thing has.
Y el sujeto que me lo vendió no me dijo nada de las malditas enfermedades que tenía.
"Hey, the only reason I married you is to fuck your sister, right?"
Sabes que me casé contigo para follarme a tu hermana, ¿ no? ".
I mean, you're the victim in this whole thing. "
Digo, tú eres la víctima aquí, ¿ no?
"I'm the most savage" and prolific serial killer that ever was... and I've just never been found out yet, "that's all."
Soy el asesino serial más salvaje que jamás existió y todavía no me atrapan, eso es todo ".
I was like, "Here I am!" They were like, "Now it's the other kids."
"No, son los otros niños".
- I can't let them get away with this without handing it off to the one lawyer I know who cares enough to see this thing through.
No puedo dejar que se salgan con la suya sin pasarlo al único abogado que sé que le importa para seguirlo.
I don't wanna think about what the man wears.
No quiero hablar sobre lo que él usa.
- So basically you came here to look at what he eats and to say that this is a "no" for the wedding.
Básicamente viniste a ver lo que come - y a decir que no sirve para la boda.
I just got off the phone with a client, and she never filed their motion to dismiss.
Acabo de hablar con su cliente. No presentó la solicitud de desestimación.
- Louis, you need to calm down right now before this goes in the wrong direction,'cause this isn't about Stephanie.
Cálmate ahora antes de que esto vaya en la dirección equivocada. Porque esto no es por Stephanie, esto es por Tara.
This is about Tara and the fact that you
- No has resuelto nada con ella.
So instead of telling me that you're not gonna hire Stephanie back, why don't you go tell the lord God almighty that if he is not careful, he's not gonna have a kingdom to rule over anymore!
Así que en lugar de decirme que no recontratarás a Stephanie, ¿ por qué no vas a decirle a Dios Todopoderoso que si no tiene cuidado no va a tener un reino al cual gobernar?
- Maybe you didn't know this, but that's good enough to get you into the Hall of Fame.
Tal vez no lo sabías, pero con eso basta para que entres al Salón de la Fama. ¿ Sabes qué?
- The truth is, Harvey, you don't need to come to me anymore.
La verdad es, Harvey, que ya no necesitas venir conmigo.
- He said a bachelor pad is no place for his special little girl to celebrate the biggest day of her life.
Cree que un departamento de soltero no es bueno para que su nena especial celebre al mayor día de su vida.
- Well, Mike, you have to admit the only reason that we changed it from the Plaza in the first place was because we didn't want the attention.
Mike, tienes que admitir que la única razón por la que la cambiamos del Plaza es porque no queríamos atención.
- Why aren't you playing from the men's tees?
¿ Por qué no juegas del lado de los hombres?
- Oh, I don't care if she gets married at the Taj Mahal.
No me importa si se casa en el Taj Mahal.
- The guard's testimony doesn't match their version of events, - and I can't prove it.
El testimonio del guardia no coincide con su versión de los acontecimientos y no puedo probarlo.
- I get it... I convince them I have the doctor's time card, and he was nowhere near that place, - I can get them to settle.
Los convenzo de que tengo la tarjeta de asistencia del doctor y no estaba cerca del lugar, así los obligaré a llegar a un acuerdo.
- This isn't the Roman Empire.
- Esto no es el Imperio Romano.
- You know what, Louis, if you think that, then why the hell don't you fire me right now?
Si crees eso, ¿ entonces por qué diablos - no me despides ahora mismo?
- Well, beating someone off the line doesn't mean that you didn't jump the gun to do it. And our losses are growing by the day.
Vencer a alguien por poco no significa que no violaste la ley para hacerlo y nuestras pérdidas están creciendo.
- You being willing to give me your phone number - isn't the point, Louis.
Que estés dispuesto a darme tu número no es el caso.
Alex... - I'm not just the newest senior partner, Tim.
- No solo soy el nuevo socio mayoritario.
- No, it's the truth.
No, es verdad.
I can be the best lawyer in the world, and... it won't change how they see me.
"Puedo ser el mejor abogado del mundo y eso no cambiará la forma en que me ven".
- I mean this isn't the number you give to make someone go away.
Esta no es una cifra que das para alejar a alguien.
- We're here to tell you that if you try this shit again, the same thing's gonna happen, only next time, we won't just play defense.
Vinimos a decirte que si intentas esto de nuevo, va a suceder lo mismo. Solo que la próxima vez no solo estaremos a la defensiva.
Oscar, there's no price that'll make the pain go away.
Oscar, no hay precio que haga que el dolor se vaya.
- You don't have the manpower to fight him, do you?
No tienes la fuerza laboral para pelear con ellos.
If I don't have the numbers to fight a war, I have to at least make it look like I do.
Si no tengo las cifras para pelear una guerra, al menos debo fingir que sí las tengo.
- Then let me go, because I'm not gonna be responsible for driving you in the ground.
Déjame ir. No seré responsable de su derrumbe.
I don't have the resources to handle this alone.
No tengo los recursos para manejarla solo.
Which means if I get involved and they find out, the case gets tossed, and Oscar gets nothing.
Si me involucro y lo descubren, el caso se pierde y Oscar no recibe nada.
But if you don't let this shit go, they're not gonna be the only ones I tell.
No. Pero si no acabas con esta mierda, no serán los únicos que lo sabrán.
- So you don't wanna have it at the Plaza anymore?
¿ Ya no quieres hacerlo en el Plaza?
- That doesn't mean you pick up the phone and call him.
Eso no significa que tenías que llamarlo.
I didn't like the way I was treated on my way out the door, and if he wanted to get to you, he should play you against Louis.
No me gustó la forma en que me trataron cuando me fui. Si quería atacarte, debería ponerte contra Louis.
- Jessica, I called you for advice, not so that you'd go behind the scenes - and manipulate things.
Jessica, te pedí un consejo, no era para que actuaras tras bambalinas y manipularas todo.
- Doesn't mean you can't make time for... - The more important things.
No significa que no puedes hacer tiempo para cosas más importantes.
What I was gonna say was even though it was fake, I got kind of excited about the thought of working with my dad.
No, lo que iba a decir es que, a pesar de que sería falsa, me emocioné con la idea de trabajar con mi papá.
I may not say it often enough. But I think it all the time.
Tal vez no lo digo con frecuencia, pero lo pienso todo el tiempo.

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