Then what was it перевод на испанский
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Then what was it you wanted us to stop doing?
¿ Entonces que es lo que quería que dejáramos?
Then what was it?
¿ Entonces qué es?
- All right, then what was it?
- No. - Bien, ¿ qué era?
But what struck me was : If the hair follicles are going in this direction and the razor is too then they're shaving in the direction of the beard, not against it.
Lo que me sorprendió fue que... si los forúnculos capilares van en esta dirección... y las cuchillas también... entonces te afeitas siguiendo el sentido de la barba, no en contra.
Well... No, if you... if you'd told me in the first place, if you'd told me what kind of job it was, then I would've considered it although... it makes me seem like you've maybe made a mistake.
Pues, si me lo hubieras dicho antes, si me hubieras dicho qué tipo de trabajo era, me lo habría pensado.
It was subtle, but I know what I heard. Some beat cops were talking about it... then the dispatcher came on and told them to shut up.
Unos policías estaban discutiéndolo... y se oyó la voz del regulador... mandándolos a callar.
That's the end of it, then. We can't pretend what was said never was, But we don't have to keep listening to it.
Eso será todo, entonces, no podemos prentender que lo dicho nunca fue pero no tenemos que seguir escuchándolo.
Then maybe your Dr. Turner would like to see my videotape, the one where my grandmother describes what it was like to be in Buchenwald.
Tal vez el Dr. Turner quiera ver mi cinta donde mi abuela describe lo que fue vivir en Buchenwald.
And the fact that It was a better time then... and people knew what they were supposed to do... and how to make the world better.
Y el hecho de que fuesen tiempos mejores... y que la gente supiese lo que debían hacer... y como hacer un mundo mejor.
Nobody knew what it was then.
Entonces no sabíamos qué era.
I always think if I could just accept the fact... that my life was supposed to be difficult, that's what's to be expected... then I might not get so pissed off about it.
Siempre pienso que si pudiera aceptar el hecho... de que lo normal es que mi vida sea difícil, que eso es lo que debo esperar, entonces las cosas no me joderían tanto.
But I say that, uh... not having realized what it would then be like being on Long Island... which was infinitely worse.
Digo eso porque no me había dado cuenta de lo que sería vivir en Long Island, que fue infinitamente peor.
And what was good enough then is good enough now, is it?
Y si entonces era lo bastante bueno lo es ahora ¿ verdad?
I didn't care if I was dying or not. I'd had my revenge. Then suddenly it came to me and I remembered what really happened.
No me importaba morir Me había vengado y de pronto recordé lo que realmente había ocurrido.
He bought me a drink, told me what was in his heart... as near as he knew it... and then he rode off to reckon with whatever he might find.
Me brindó un trago, me contó lo que sentía y su experiencia. Y entonces partió en busca de lo que fuera que pudiera hallar.
Damn'it, I was driving my life fine for 30 years! And then what? !
Joder, no me 30 años guiado solo, y ahora " m en la mierda, porque dos blancas que me han cogido.
It was like G, F sharp minor 7, B... made sure I remembered it then said to my friends " What's this?
Eran Sol, Fa sostenido menor 7ª, Si... y me los aprendi de memoria. Pregunté a los amigos si les sonaba de algo, tenia que ser un tema viejo.
No, no, no, I mean, I mean, pretend that the doll is you, and then show me what it was...
No, no, no, quiero decir que hagas de cuenta de que el muñeco eres tú y me muestres que era- -
What was it, then, that moved you to challenge Le Gaucher?
¿ Qué fue entonces, lo que te llevó a desafiar a Le Gaucher?
But to my parents, by then it was, "Yeah, what else is new?"
Pero mis padres dijeron, "¿ Y? ¿ Qué hay de nuevo?"
Then what would aliens, assuming that's who it was, want with our technology?
Y, los extraterrestres, si fueron ellos, ¿ qué quieren de nuestra tecnología?
Oh, what was it this time then?
- Sí. Ah, y qué fue esta vez entonces?
It was just beginning to get worse, with pit closing, losing me job... and then what happens?
Y la cosa iba empeorando, cerraron la mina, perdí el trabajo... y ¿ qué ocurre?
When Nando died it was so sudden I kind of went into shock for a while and then I woke up and there was the rest of my life and I had no idea what to do with it.
Cuando Nando murià ³, fue tan repentino... que estuve un tiempo en estado de shock, y despuà © s me despertà © y... vi el resto de mi vida por delante, y no tenà a ni idea de quà © hacer con ella.
It's just that what you said to me on the radio was so clever and perceptive, and if you hadn't said what you said, then I wouldn't have kept Hank here.
Es sólo que Io que me dijiste en Ia radio fue tan inteligente y perceptivo, que si no hubieras dicho Io que dijiste, no me habría quedado con Hank.
And what actually caused it to collapse was the fact that the railway track then in America was only used for goods and commercial, it wasn't passengers anymore.
Al final, el proyecto se vino abajo porque entonces, en EE UU, sólo se usaba el ferrocarril para transportar mercancías. Ya no llevaba pasajeros.
I used to go upstairs, then trying get asleep around about, what was it?
Yo solía subir arriba entonces tratando de dormirme Alrededor, ¿ cuál era?
What was it then?
¿ Qué fue?
I used to be "with it." But then they changed what "it" was.
Yo solía estar en la onda, pero luego cambiaron la onda.
I didn't know what it was then.
No sabía qué era entonces.
Then you'd know what it was like for a woman.
Entonces sabrías cómo es para las mujeres.
If what you say is true- - if the power outage was part of Leyton's plan- - then it's worked perfectly.
Si el apagón fue obra de Leyon, el plan le salió a pedir de boca.
But then to learn that these freaks are what's left of my family, it was enough to drive me mad!
Debemos alejarnos de aquí. - ¿ Está todo bien? - Claro.
George, believe me if he was feeling what I'm feeling, then he would know how it feels.
George, créeme si él sintiera lo que yo siento, entonces sabría cómo me siento.
What was it the hippie kids used to say back then?
¿ Que fue lo que los ninos hippies solian decir en aquel entonces?
Then I got really sick in- - what was it, July?
Luego me enfermé de verdad... fue en julio, ¿ no?
But for what it's worth, he was a monotheistic diety So he was a god of good then.
Dicen que era una divinidad monoteista... del zoroastrismo.
She's had it so bad, that this can't be her end,'cause then what was her life for... Just suffering?
Lo ha tenido tan mal, que esto no puede ser su fin, porque entonces ¿ para qué fue su vida... sólo sufrimiento?
What if it was one of yours? What would you do then, huh?
¿ Y si fuera uno de los tuyos, qué harías?
Then what was it?
- ¿ Entonces qué fue?
Martok turned to wish me success and then he saw what I was planning... he saw it in my eyes.
Vio en mis ojos lo que estaba planeando.
Actually, they didn't know what it was then.
En ese entonces no sabían lo que era.
Then I realized that there was something about my face... which had to be hidden, but I never knew what it was.
Luego me di cuenta que había algo en mi cara que se debía esconder. Pero nunca supe qué.
I didn't know it then. Didn't even know what she was like.
Entonces no lo sabía.
It was then that the magnitude of what I'd done came home to me.
No habría un segundo libro
WOMAN : What was it like back then?
¿ Como era en ese entonces?
Might you... pretend to be in it till Wegg was bought up, then hand over to me what you'd been supposed to have pocketed?
No hasta que le haya sacado el último penique.
- I never knew what happiness was until I married your mother... - Just march. and by then it was too late.
- Descubrí qué era la felicidad sólo después de casarme con tu madre... y para entonces ya era tarde.
Charlie was what? five? about to start school and it was now or never if we hadn't moved then I don't think we would ever have done it but obviously I'm glad we did, there's a lot more here for the boys
Charlie tenia como cinco años, iba a entrar a la escuela y era el momento si no nos hubiesemos mudado entonces jamas lo hubiesemos hecho pero obviamente me alegro que haya sido asi, este lugar les ofrece más tienen más libertad
- Then what was it?
- Ese no era el punto. - Ah, entonces, ¿ cuál era?
But then I think about everything that kiss brought into my life. What it was like to look at you and know not just what you were thinking, but also what you were feeling because I was feeling the same thing,
Y cuando pienso en todo lo que ese beso trajo a mi vida no sólo sabía lo que pensabas, sino lo que sentías porque yo me sentía igual.
then what 1564
then what are you doing here 94
then what's the problem 77
then what happened 229
then what's wrong 25
then what is it 290
then what's the point 33
then what should i do 17
then what's this 25
then what are you 62
then what are you doing here 94
then what's the problem 77
then what happened 229
then what's wrong 25
then what is it 290
then what's the point 33
then what should i do 17
then what's this 25
then what are you 62