These are great перевод на испанский
764 параллельный перевод
These are great numbers.
Estos son grandes números.
These are great, Judge.
Hay muchos, Juez.
Hey, these are great.
Hey, genial la ropa.
- These are great guys.
- Son tipos estupendos.
These are great little legs.
Son unas piernas preciosas.
These trails are marked on US military, maps from the 1850s, 0ne of them was called the Great Comanche Trail,
Estos caminos están marcados en los mapas militares de la década de 1850. Uno de ellos era llamado El Gran Camino Comanche.
But these are not the only grey clouds in the Great Dukedom of Abacco's skies.
Pero estos no son los únicos nubarrones en el cielo del Gran Ducado de Abacco.
Miss March, it would give me great pleasure if I could show you some of these things while you are here.
Señorita March, sería un gran placer si pudiera mostrarle algunas de esas cosas, mientras esté aquí.
I don't know where Michael got all these doctors, but they sure are great.
De dónde habrá sacado Michael estos médicos, pero son fantásticos.
These are three great friends of mine.
Estos son tres grandes amigos míos.
O God, who dwellest in the high and holy place... with them also who are of a humble spirit... Look down mercifully upon this, thy servant Edward, our King... here humbling himself before thee at thy footstool... and graciously receive these oblations... which in humble acknowledgment of thy sovereignty over all... and of thy great bounty to him in particular... he hath offered up unto thee... through Jesus Christ, our only mediator and advocate.
O Dios, que estás en el más elevado y santo lugar... con los que también tienen espíritu humilde... mira con misericordia a este tu siervo Eduardo, nuestro Rey... que se humilla sumiso ante ti en tu templo... y recibe graciosamente estas ofrendas... en humilde conocimiento de tu soberanía sobre todos... y agradeciendo tu generosidad en particular a él... se ofrece a ti... a través de Cristo, nuestro único mediador y defensor.
Plenty of these planes carry detachable auxiliary gas tanks, Which give them great range. These tanks are dropped when they reach the objective,
Muchos de ellos llevan depósitos auxiliares de combustible, que les permiten tener una gran autonomía, y que lanzan cuando llegan a su objetivo, para no perjudicar su eficiencia de vuelo.
The carrying into practice of these ideas will preserve us from new disappointments similar to those which we are now undergoing, will infuse new life into the league, and will bring it abreast of the great task it has to perform.
Poner en práctica estas ideas impedirá nuevas decepciones, similares a las que hoy conocemos, hará revivir la Liga, y permitirá cumplir las grandes tareas futuras.
These are our great-great-great-great-grandfathers.
Estos son nuestros tátara, tátara, tátara, tatarabuelos.
These kids are great, Bill.
Los chicos son geniales, Bill.
'These princes and boyars have amassed great wealth,'but not a thought do they spare for the Tsar or the State,'and they are even indifferent to religion,'since they refuse to defend themselves against our enemies'the Tartars, the Livonians, the Germans
"Los príncipes y los boyardos, poseedores de grandes riquezas... no se preocupan ni del señor, ni del Estado, ni de la cristiandad... ortodoxa." "Se han negado a proteger a la cristiandad contra los enemigos... de Livonia, de Crimea... y de Alemania, y están violentando al pueblo."
These pens are great. They write any place.
Estas plumas son buenas, escriben en cualquier sitio.
These are some of the great Bannister's trial tactics, in appeal for sympathy.
Estas son las tácticas jurídicas del gran Bannister para ganarse a la gente.
Now those of us to help these three into a film are happy once again to pay tribute to a great writer
Quienes ayudamos a llevar al cine estas tres. nos alegramos de homenajear así a un gran escritor.
These sketchbooks are filled with great ideas he never got around to painting.
Estos bocetos están llenos de grandes ideas que no llegó a pintar.
These people are great trackers.
Pero ellos los rastrearán.
These great empires are now dead kingdoms to history.
Estos grandes imperios ahora son reinos muertos para la historia.
After all these years, I still think parades are great fun, don't you?
- Después de todos estos años, aún creo que los desfiles son muy divertidos, ¿ no?
These mothers are imbued with the spirit that has made America great.
Estas madres están imbuidas del espiritu que hizo grande a Norteamérica.
But mark my words, the deposits in Dalmatia... these are the most important because the great- -
Pero recuerde, los yacimientos de Dalmacia... son los más importantes, porque el gran...
Our Father, in these days of stress and strain... when men are called upon to bear great burdens... give this Senate the strength and charity... to ascertain of each who would serve his nation his true nature and purpose... lest through inadvertence and oversight... there slip into seats of power, those who would misguide... and mislead this great people.
Nuestro Padre, en estos días de estrés y tensión cuando los hombres son llamados a llevar grandes cargas dale a este Senado la fortaleza y la caridad para apoyar a quien le daría a su nación su honestidad y su propósito y que por inadvertencia y descuido no lleguen a las sillas del poder aquellos que guiarían mal a este gran pueblo.
These kids are a great satisfaction.
Estos chicos me dan muchas satisfacciones.
ln these areas, people are very fond of Dachshunds, Poodles, Boxers, Great Dane cubs, but, usually they have a preference for the Chow-chow, those very cute dogs also appreciated for their intelligence and their faithfulness.
Allá son apreciados el bichon, teckel, boxer... pero en general se prefiere al chow chow perros graciosísimos, en otras partes muy apreciados su inteligencia y fidelidad
These are heavy burdens, great drainers of creative energy.
Son pesadas cargas. Grandes drenajes de energía creativa.
Mr. Ferguson, you seem to have forgotten that these figures are the work of the great henri guilmont - the only ones he created outside of europe.
Porque, Landru era un hombre elocuente. Estaba lleno de ternura. ¡ Ahí tiene!
You are about to embark on a great crusade... toward which we have striven these many months.
Están a punto de emprender la gran cruzada... por la que hemos luchado todos estos meses.
These are the emeralds... Orlov brought to Catherine the Great... from the Crimea.
Estas son las esmeraldas... que Orlov trajo a Catalina la Grande... desde Crimea.
are great dangers for whoever rules these lands.
son grandes peligros para quien gobierna en estas parajes.
These three are having a great dice for third place.
Estos tres están jugándose fuertemente el tercer lugar.
These pills are really great, Jen.
Estas píldoras son geniales.
"Oh, these mushrooms and cold soups are too much," as Nikolai Vasilyich Gogol said, that great writer of our Russian land.
"No me deis más sopas con setas", decía Nikolái Gógol, el gran escritor ruso.
These Americans are great.
Estos americanos son muy buenos.
As I have repeated, the great protagonist of my film, for which these are mere notes, should be the people.
Naturalmente, como ya he dicho antes, el gran protagonista de mi película, de la que esto no son más que apuntes, será el pueblo.
And yet these are the qualities that made Athens great.
Y sin embargo, son ésas la virtudes que hicieron la grandeza de Atenas.
or not... every time I look at these fools I thought if anything is missing try to come up to counter no that is not Now I have to know coach if there is any way these dogs are arrested Danes say no big or something really are not that great any hero could arise and taking
o no... cada vez que miro estos tontos sigo pensado si falta algo tratare de que suba al mostrador no no es eso ahora tengo que saber entrenador si hay algun modo en que estos perros sean detenidos digo no son gran daneses o algo no son tan grandes realmente
These are treasures of great...
Son tesoros de gran...
Are these the great patrons of our days? This is just a brainless youth.
¿ Son estos los mecenas de hoy?
When we are very young, then we don't tend to believe in these equations, and we aim at great achievements.
Cuando se es joven, se cree en estas ecuaciones... y se aspira a grandes triunfos.
These studies are of extremely great importance.
Estos estudios son de extrema importancia.
- Are these ribs really that great?
? Son tan buenas esas costillas? -!
Before I leave, I do want to say this, that these hearings on the Mafia are in no way whatsoever a slur upon the great Italian people.
Antes de marcharme, diré lo siguiente : Esta investigación sobre la Mafia no es en modo alguno desconfianza hacia los italo-americanos.
These, proud people of Sicily. are the verses from exile the great poet Gabriele D'Annunzio sends you.
Éstos, orgulloso pueblo de Sicilia, son los versos que desde el exilio el gran poeta Gabriele D'Annunzio os envía.
These kids are all graduate students am on a great sleepers at night.
Tenemos a estudiantes graduados monitoreando a los sujetos por la noche.
These great public events are intended to show our guest the magnificence of Fascist Italy ΄
Las manifestaciones colectivas son para demostrar al huésped la magnífica realidad de la Italia fascista.
These walkie-talkies are great.
Estos walkie-talkies están buenos.
These great hospital complexes are the cathedrals of our age.
Estos complejos y grandiosos hospitales son las catedrales de nuestro tiempo.
these are for you 196
these are my parents 38
these are your friends 17
these are my friends 112
these are 200
these are my children 16
these are good people 21
these are my people 41
these are delicious 19
these are their stories 161
these are my parents 38
these are your friends 17
these are my friends 112
these are 200
these are my children 16
these are good people 21
these are my people 41
these are delicious 19
these are their stories 161
these are beautiful 38
these are amazing 39
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these are mine 45
these are the 22
these are the rules 19
these are nice 28
these are good 54
these are your people 17
these are really good 21
these are amazing 39
these are yours 24
these are mine 45
these are the 22
these are the rules 19
these are nice 28
these are good 54
these are your people 17
these are really good 21
these are facts 19
these are people 17
these are so good 16
great 25235
great minds think alike 42
great job 528
great stuff 65
great to see you again 26
great to meet you 111
great to see you 248
these are people 17
these are so good 16
great 25235
great minds think alike 42
great job 528
great stuff 65
great to see you again 26
great to meet you 111
great to see you 248
great scott 63
great work 234
great shot 34
great news 351
great idea 483
great party 136
great meeting you 24
great song 31
great guy 76
great minds 35
great work 234
great shot 34
great news 351
great idea 483
great party 136
great meeting you 24
great song 31
great guy 76
great minds 35
great seeing you 38
great place 25
great day 31
great job today 19
great man 24
great game 51
great show 88
great speech 37
great khan 37
great king 30
great place 25
great day 31
great job today 19
great man 24
great game 51
great show 88
great speech 37
great khan 37
great king 30