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They're wrong перевод на испанский

1,504 параллельный перевод
And they're always wrong.
Y siempre están equivocados.
Not enough they drive on the wrong side. They're colorblind, as well.
Como si no bastara, coducen por el lado equivocado de la calle, ¡ son daltónicos!
So you spend the next six agonizing hours thinking that you're going to have a baby smaller than your own hand. until they ring and say "Oops, oh sorry, wrong person." and you think "Fantastic!"
Y entoces pasas las próximas seis agonizantes horas pensando que vas a tener un bebé más pequeño que tu propia mano hasta que llaman de nuevo y dicen "uy, oh lo siento, persona equivocada." y piensas "¡ Fantástico!"
The important thing is that you're right, and they're wrong.
Es parte de crecer. Lo importante es que tú tienes razón y ellos están equivocados.
I gave the rat a little stuff in the container... and something is seriously wrong, Julian, they're acting crazy.
Le di a las ratas lo que contiene el barril y algo esta mal están actuando como locas.
The problem is they're usually wrong.
El problema es que casi siempre se equivocan.
No. They're wrong!
Están equivocados!
They're wrong.
No son las correctas.
So they're wrong this time.
pero se equivocan esta vez.
I was wrong, Madeleine. I'm sorry. They're so sensitive.
Estaba equivocado, lo siento, son personas muy sensibles.
They're wrong about that. Because we're not the same people we were before.
Se equivocan porque no somos los mismos que éramos antes.
They're wrong.
Se equivocan.
- Tell'em they're going the wrong way. - Eezie-peezie! Leave it to me!
Confíe en mí, jefe.
You're scared to question authority because what if they're wrong?
Temes cuestionar la autoridad por si se equivocan.
Because once your associates know that you will stand up for what is right, then when they see a wrong occur, they're more likely to contact you.
Cuando sus empleados saben que Ud. pelea por lo justo, si ven un problema, vendrán rápidamente a verlo.
They're wrong, Mom.
Haciendo esas cosas, están mal, mamá.
Well, they're wrong.
Pues bien, se equivocan.
And sometimes they're wrong.
¡ Y también se equivocan!
Well, what am i supposed to do, tell'em they're right when they're wrong?
Bueno, ¿ y qué debo hacer? ¿ No decirles que están equivocados?
If they're done wrong.
Si se las hace mal.
The next time there's any sign of anything wrong with any of my friends... if I think they're gonna be going to the hospital, any sign of anything, I'm just...
La próxima vez que haya señales de algún problema con alguno de mis amigos... si creen que irán al hospital, si dan alguna señal de algo, yo sólo...
It's the quickest way to prove to the police that they're wrong.
Es la manera más rápida de probarle a la policía que están equivocados.
Listen, whatever was wrong with them in the past you're probably gonna find that they're cured.
Pasara lo que les pasara antes seguramente descubrirá que están curados.
I wanna make sure they're not operating on the wrong spot.
Radiología por favor. Quiero estar segura de que operen el lado correcto.
What they're doing is wrong.
Lo que están haciendo está mal.
And since we don't know whether the cancer's really gone or not, maybe they're not wrong.
Y como ni siquiera sabemos si esto del cáncer ha acabado o no Puede que no estén equivocados
They're just completely wrong for each other, but hey, what do I know.
Ambos están completamente equivocados, pero hey, yo que sé.
Even when they agree, they're wrong.
Incluso cuando coinciden, se equivocan.
I'm so scared they're not gonna find out what's wrong with you.
Tengo miedo de que no encuentren lo que tienes.
Ms. Davis, all parents think that about their children, and they're usually wrong.
Sra. Davis, todos los padres creen eso de sus hijos y, por lo general, se equivocan.
Yeah, well, they're doin'it wrong.
Sí, pues, están haciéndolo mal. Me refiero a Hank.
It doesn't mean they're wrong this time.
No por eso se equivocan ahora.
And they're both wrong.
Y los dos están equivocados.
They're looking for the wrong man, Joe.
Están buscando al hombre equivocado, Joe.
As long as they're looking for the wrong man, there's a possibility somebody else might die.
Mientras estén buscando al hombre equivocado existe la posibilidad de que alguien más pueda morir.
Yeah, but is it worth the price? If they're willing to admit they were wrong,
Si, ¿ pero merece la pena el precio?
If they're willing to admit they were wrong, change their minds, learn from their mistakes, change their minds, learn from their mistakes, then I owe it to them to at least consider their offer. then I owe it to them to at least consider their offer.
Si ellos van a admitir que estaban equivocados, cambian de parecer, aprenden de sus errores, entonces por lo menos consideraré su oferta.
They're wrong.
- Están equivocados.
No, the Ori are wrong for doing what they're doing, but the part I haven't figured out yet, the part that's really bothering me, is why they're doing it.
No, los Ori están equivocados haciendo lo que hacen pero la parte que no lo ha descubierto todavía, lo que realmente me molesta es ¿ por qué lo están haciendo?
They're so wrong but it works.
Se hacen mucho daño, pero funciona.
I think they're wrong.
Se equivocan.
They're gonna feel pretty stupid when they find out they screwed with the wrong people.
Van a sentir bastante estúpido cuando se enteran que confundieron con la gente equivocada.
We're shooting a segment where we ask straight people questions about gay culture And if they get'em wrong- - We throw water on them
En esta sección, le preguntamos a heterosexuales cosas sobre la cultura gay, y si se equivocan, les arrojamos agua.
You're wrong, because they were Etruscan, too,
Bueno, se equivocan, porque también eran etruscos.
Wrong. They're medical records AND national secrets.
Muy equivocado, son registros médicos y secretos nacionales.
U wish they'd just disappear what's wrong with you they're not that bad
Quisiera que se esfumaran. ¿ Qué te sucede? No son tan malas.
- They're looking in the wrong place.
- Ellos buscaron en el lugar incorrecto.
But they're just doing it the wrong way.
Pero no Io están haciendo bien.
When people make it worse by doing the wrong things like taking your parking space or cutting in front of you in line at a store and then they're just making the world an uglier place.
Cuando la gente lo empeora haciendo cosas que están mal o adelantarse frente a ti en la fila de la tienda hacen del mundo un lugar más feo.
And you know what? Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean they're wrong.
- Sólo porque alguien es paranoico, no significa que esté equivocado!
If this goes down wrong, they're going to dump this whole mess in your lap, you know?
Si esto sale mal... te echarán toda la culpa, ¿ lo sabes?

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