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They can't do that перевод на испанский

824 параллельный перевод
You don't suppose I'm afraid of reporters, do you? But if they ever tag that little paper on me, I can't sail.
No temo a los periodistas, pero si lo publican, estoy acabado.
You can't say I am through with the war. They will not let you do that.
No puedes decir que has acabado con la guerra, no te dejarán.
Jail? Oh, Space, they can't do that.
No pueden hacer eso, Space.
They can ´ t do that!
¡ No puede hacer eso!
They can't do that to a theater personality.
No pueden hacer eso con un personaje del teatro.
They can't do that to me.
¡ Estaría bueno! ¡ A mí no pueden hacerme eso!
Why can't they do that?
¿ Por qué no se las dejas a ellos?
Why, I'm not allowed to take money. Internes can't do that while they're serving time at a hospital.
Los internos no podemos aceptar dinero mientras trabajamos para el hospital.
Most people think if they pay a few dollars to community chests and goodwill agencies and so on they've done their duty and they can shrug aside all responsibility. But you've got to do more than that. Don't be ridiculous.
- Mira Mary, mucha gente cree que si les das unos dólares a la comunidad a caridades y esas cosas ya has cumplido y no tienes más responsabilidades pero hay que hacer mucho mas.
When they can me, I wish someone'd shoot me - They won't do nothing like that -
A mí me gustaría que me disparasen pero no harían algo así.
Buscar trabajo no es pecado, no soy un delincuente.
That's what they all kept saying : You don't know how to live, you must bear it, you can't do anything about it, it's your fate.
Todos lo dicen : no sabes vivir, no sabes vivir, aguanta, qué le vas a hacer, así es el destino.
They say that your father is angry since he can't throw you out, even though he has a son of his own now. Do you want to hurt him more, Kikunosuke?
Y a pesar de la llegada de un hijo no se deshacen de su hijo adoptivo, aunque... con su conducta les da motivos para repudiarle. " Eso rumorean los vecinos.
My father insists that they did and still do and I'd like to know why they can't be inspected.
Mi padre insiste en que los hicieron y los hacen todavía, y yo quiero saber por qué no pueden ser inspeccionados.
Well, I guess they have a right to do that... when the North's run off with the only flag we know. The Union can't be blamed, Phoebe.
En fin, supongo que tienen derecho a hacerlo, ya que el Norte se ha ido con la única bandera que conocemos.
They can't do business with that dirty bus.
No pueden hacer dinero con ese autobús tan sucio.
Nobody can blame me then, can they? That don't do nobody no good. It don't help you, don't help Amy.
Nadie gana con eso, ni tú ni Amy.
But the one thing they can't say is that I ever do anything behind anyone's back.
Pero no pueden decir que yo haría algo a espaldas de nadie.
What else can we do? But doesn't it strike you as strange that Mannering and that Frankenstein girl never tell us what they're doing up there?
¿ No les parece extrano que Mannering... y la muchacha Frankenstein no nos digan qué hacen?
Well, they can't do that.
No pueden hacerlo.
They can't do that.
No pueden hacer eso.
No matter what happens, they can't do a thing without my consent... and I'll never in the world give that, believe me.
Pase lo que pase no pueden hacer nada sin mi consentimiento. Y nunca lo daré, puedes creerme. Ya lo sé.
They can't do that to me.
Eso no puede ser. A mi...
- They can't do that.
- No pueden hacer eso.
What's more, they've got an idea that things are getting a little run down here, can't do as much as I used to.
- No, señor. Por eso creen que todo está un poco descuidado. Que no puedo trabajar como antes.
But be careful not to do such a good job that they can't analyse the stains.
Pero procure no hacerlo tan bien que no puedan analizar la sangre.
They do grow up, and... and they do marry... because they learn that husbands and fathers can't be the same thing.
Crecen y se casan porque aprenden que los esposos y los padres no pueden ser lo mismo.
They can't do anything to a sick man, and that's what you are.
No le pueden hacer nada a un hombre enfermo. Eso es lo que eres.
But they can't do that.
No pueden hacerlo.
What can she do to me that they haven't already done?
¿ Qué puede hacerme que no me hayan hecho ya?
Ship captains can do that, can't they?
Los capitanes pueden hacerlo, ¿ no?
But they can't do that!
¡ No pueden hacer eso!
- They can't do that.
- ¡ No podrán hacer eso!
They can't do that to us.
No pueden hacernos esto a nosotros.
And what has happened to me will happen to others. Unless we go out, the whole town, every man, every boat, to bring Francesca back to show these people they can't do that to us.
Y esto que me ha sucedido le ocurrirá a otros si no vamos todos, todo el pueblo, todos los hombres, todos barcos, para traer a Fran y demostrarles que no pueden hacernos eso.
No, they can't do that.
- Eso no pueden hacerlo.
- And they can't do that with leg irons on.
- Y no pueden hacerlo encadenados.
They've got a signal through to the officer commanding there, told him to do what he can, but I don't suppose that'll be very much.
Le enviaron una señal al comandante, Le dije que hiciera todo lo posible, pero no podrá hacer demasiado.
They can't, they couldn't do a thing like that.
No pueden hacer una cosa así.
They can't let you do that.
No van a dejar que lo hagas.
They can do everything that needs to be done today, so don't you try to get up.
Pueden hacer lo que se necesita hacer hoy... - así que no intentes levantarte.
They can't do that!
No pueden hacer esto.
They just can't do that.
Esto es imposible.
I was gonna do that too, except in Hollywood they're so busy with producers, you can't even get an appointment.
Yo pensaba hacer lo mismo, pero en Hollywood... están tan ocupados con los productores que no hay citas.
Well, they can't do that.
No pueden hacer eso.
- But they can't do that.
- No pueden hacer eso.
I'm entitled to show them what I can do with it, but they won't even give me that.
Tengo derecho a mostrarles lo que puedo hacer, pero ni siquiera me dejan.
I figure a person who lives a regular life, lives in a worse world than I do, because that... They want to live the way I do but they just can't do it.
Creo que cualquiera que tenga una vida normal, vive en un mundo peor que el mío, porque... quieren vivir a mi manera pero simplemente no pueden.
- I can't think why they should do that.
- No me imagino por qué harían eso.
If they... whoever they are... if they can't keep up this illusion of being a human being, do you agree with me that we ought to be able to reduce their power of concentration?
si ellos... lo que sean... si pueden mantener esa ilusión de ser seres humanos, ¿ estás de acuerdo en que deberíamos ser capaces de reducir su poder de concentración?
They can do that.. I want to come with you.. you won't be able to follow a car in L.A.!
Eso lo pueden hacer ellos, yo voy contigo no podrías seguir un coche en L.A.

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