To be frank перевод на испанский
1,050 параллельный перевод
I'm going to be frank with you.
Seré franco con usted.
To be frank, my dear chap, we really didn't think it would interest you.
Le confieso, querido amigo, que no pensamos que pudiese interesarle.
Now, look, Miss Wales, we've got to be frank with each other.
Ahora, escuche. Tenemos que ser francos entre nosotros.
She says, "I'm going to be frank, Ben." Then out it comes - Something mean and terrible about me... or something foolish about herself.
"Voy a ser sincera contigo, Ben"... es que me va a decir algo malo de mí... o alguna estupidez sobre ella.
To be frank, your parents bore me.
La verdad, tus padres me aburren.
To be frank, when you took command here, I was hoping you'd fail.
Para serte sincero, cuando te hiciste con el mando, esperaba que fallaras.
- Allow me to be frank.
- Permítanme ser sincero.
I want to be frank with you, Mr...
Seré franco con usted, Sr...
Again, to be frank, it's a difficult safari, and it doesn't fit with my schedule.
Y para serle franco, sería un safari difícil para el que no tengo tiempo.
It's better to be frank.
Es mejor ser franco.
" Now I believe the time has come for me to be frank with you.
Ahora creo que ha llegado la hora de ser franco contigo.
Well, to be frank, I was speaking of Anne.
Para ser sinceros, estaba hablando de Anne.
But since that isn't the case, I'm going to be frank.
Pero como no es el caso, seré sincero.
To be frank, I'm sad about my age.
Ya que me pides siceridad, te diré que estoy triste a causa de mi edad.
- Are you prepared to be frank?
- ¿ Hablará claro?
Well, Signor Maracelli's real name happens to be Frank Domano one of the bosses of the Mafia.
Bueno, el verdadero nombre del Sr. Maracelli resulta ser Frank Domano. - Uno de los jefes de la Mafia. - Ya pensé que llegaría lejos.
Lou, you're forcing me to be frank.
Lou, me obligas a ser honesto.
If there's one thing I've learned in this world it's the exact moment when not to be frank and aboveboard.
Si algo he aprendido en este mundo, es saber cuándo uno debe ser franco y sincero.
Frank what I wanted to be sure of was whether you trust me.
Frank quería estar segura de que confías en mí.
Well, as a matter of fact, it's a little bit disconcerting to have someone you scarcely know be quite so frank.
Bueno, en realidad, es un poco desconcertante que alguien que apenas conoces sea tan franco.
I'll be frank to say if she hadn't resisted... we wouldn't all be sitting here now.
Si no se hubiera resistido... no estaríamos sentados aquí ahora.
Bearing in mind the fact that she's engaged to be married to Dr. Cousins do you think she was frank with him as she should have been?
Sabiendo que estaba prometida con el Dr., ¿ cree que fue sincera con él?
- Well, sir to be perfectly frank, I did make reservations at Paradise Lake.
- Verá, señor para ser franco, he hecho una reserva en el Lago Paraíso.
Just to look in on him. To be quite frank Mrs Horton he's been rather badly hurt.
- Para ser franco, Sra. Horton,... está muy grave.
Furthermore, your stories may be holding out false hope of a pardon... to both Frank Wiecek and his mother.
Sus artículos podrían crear falsas esperanzas de un indulto... para Wiecek y su madre.
Gentlemen, I feel somewhat at a loss... because I came here to ask that the petition of Frank Wiecek be withdrawn.
Caballeros, me encuentro en una situación difícil... porque vine a solicitar que se retirara la petición de Frank Wiecek.
To be perfectly frank with you...
La verdad es que nunca terminé la carrera.
At the same time I'll be just as frank. I'm not only contacting Fleurette the first possible moment but I'm gonna do my darnedest to keep you from marrying her.
Y para ahorrar tiempo y serle franco, no sólo hablaré con Fleurette en cuanto me sea posible, si no que trataré de evitar que se case con usted.
Mr. Chairman, I want to be quite frank. We don't like this gun.
Sr. Presidente, seré franco, no nos gusta el cañón.
I want you to be very sure, Frank.
Quiero que estés bien seguro.
If we're going to be that frank about it, I do.
Para serte franca, sí.
- Orville is going to be very frank.
- Orville será muy franco contigo.
Not to be outdone, the fisherman gave Frank a big swordfish.
Para no ser menos, el pescador dió a Frank un enorme pez espada.
It was supposed to be me, and a big wave came up and washed it away, and he said, "Well, I've lost you", and I said, " You'll never lose me, Frank.
Se suponía que era yo, y una gran ola llegó y se la llevó. Y él dijo : "Bueno, te he perdido",
Uh, I.... To be perfectly frank there has been a malefactor tampering with our accounts but the loss is entirely covered.
Eh, yo.... para ser totalmente sincero ha habido un malhechor manipulando nuestras cuentas pero la pérdida está completamente cubierta.
But you certainly have your work cut out as mistress of Manderley. To be perfectly frank with you, my dear, I can't see you doing it. You haven't the experience.
Ser la señora de Manderley es un duro trabajo... no te veo haciéndolo, no tienes experiencia... ni sabes qué es ser una gran dama.
You know, Martha, when Frank said he'd take my sister to the dance if I'd take you... I thought it was going to be a terrible night.
Cuando Frank dijo que invitaría a mi hermana, si yo te invitaba a ti... pensé que la pasaría muy mal.
I'm going to be perfectly frank with you.
Mire, seré muy sincero con usted.
Frank called me up on the phone last night... and told me to be here at 11 : 00. I don't know.
No lo sé.
To be perfectly frank, none of us knew what to expect.
Si les soy totalmente franca, ninguno de nosotros sabía qué esperarse.
I'll be frank and say that you're a big surprise to me too.
Yo también seré sincero. Usted también es toda una sorpresa.
To be perfectly frank, I was afraid.
Para serte sincera, tenía miedo.
To be frank, I was.
- Y así fue.
Don't you want to see Frank? He'll be here any minute.
¿ No quiere ver a Frank?
In order to achieve this eminent and desirable state of affairs, it will be necessary to have a continuous and frank exchange of information.
Con el fin de conseguir este resultado será necesario tener un continuo y justo intercambio de información.
It's very important to me that I should know howyou feel, so please be perfectly frank.
Para mí es muy importante saber qué sientes... respóndeme con sinceridad.
Why, Frank Thurlowe Pulver you mean to say you'd be willing to unglue yourself from that sack to do a favor for someone else?
¿ Quieres decir, Frank Thurlowe Pulver que estarías dispuesto a levantarte de tu cama... solo para hacerle un favor a alguien?
But you seem to forget. Im Franks date. Youre supposed to be with Ruth.
¿ Te olvidas de que estoy con Frank y tú con Ruth?
To be perfectly frank... I think there's very little chance of our being interested in the project... unless this new angle you mentioned... drastically alters the picture.
Para ser muy franco... creo que hay muy poca probabilidad de que nos interesemos en el proyecto... a menos que el nuevo ángulo que mencionó altere la situación drásticamente.
Look, soldier, to be perfectly frank, I don't give a damn what you gave him.
Escuche, soldado, para ser franco, no me importa qué le haya dado.
You've got to be frank with me.
¡ Tiene que ser franco conmigo!
to be continued 170
to be honest 1950
to be on the safe side 18
to better days 18
to be loved 19
to bed 99
to be more precise 22
to be quite honest 33
to be or not to be 51
to be happy 39
to be honest 1950
to be on the safe side 18
to better days 18
to be loved 19
to bed 99
to be more precise 22
to be quite honest 33
to be or not to be 51
to be happy 39
to be with you 30
to be blunt 18
to be honest with you 224
to be completely honest 27
to be free 36
to begin with 126
to be fair 354
to be perfectly honest 76
to begin 33
to be sure 151
to be blunt 18
to be honest with you 224
to be completely honest 27
to be free 36
to begin with 126
to be fair 354
to be perfectly honest 76
to begin 33
to be sure 151
to be precise 156
to be 126
to be clear 133
to be safe 60
to be specific 31
to be alone 26
to be married 16
to be exact 289
to be truthful 21
to be 126
to be clear 133
to be safe 60
to be specific 31
to be alone 26
to be married 16
to be exact 289
to be truthful 21