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To eat перевод на испанский

34,205 параллельный перевод
[Curtis] Most of our people have medication that they have to eat... every day, but when they go out hunting, they throw that away... and, uh, the country makes them feel better.
La mayoría de los nuestros toman medicamentos a diario, pero al salir de caza, tiran esos medicamentos... El campo los hace sentir mejor.
I mean, when they're born, their eyes are open, they can run around, they know who Mama is, they know how to eat, they understand scents and smells and bonding.
Apenas nacen, con los ojos abiertos, pueden caminar y saben cuál es su mamá, saben comer, entienden de aromas, olores y vínculos.
♪ And too damned old to eat ♪ Kosher was significantly smaller than Mona.
Kosher era mucho más pequeño que Mona.
Rare breeds people, a lot of them don't want to eat them, don't want to kill them.
Muchos no quieren comer chanchos de razas exóticas, no quieren matarlos.
[Curtis grunts ] [ Kumpaya] The next day, we start preparing and get it out of the fire ready to eat.
Al día siguiente, empezábamos a prepararlo y lo sacábamos del fuego para comer.
[man] All we need is someone to eat.
Solo necesitamos comensales.
But how can you continue to eat wholesome, home-cooked food in such a world?
Pero ¿ cómo se puede seguir comiendo comida sana y casera en un mundo así?
This is food that's just ready to eat, completely cooked.
Son alimentos listos para comer, totalmente cocinados.
They're actually trying to engineer your cravings and get you to eat as much as you possibly can.
Diseñan el modo de generar esos antojos y lograr que uno coma lo más posible.
They have a vested interest in destroying food culture and food traditions and getting people to eat the stuff they've gotten good at making.
Tienen un interés creado en destruir la cultura y las tradiciones culinarias para lograr que todos coman lo que ellos saben preparar.
Tell me what you want to eat.
Dime qué quieres comer.
They want to eat something.
Quieren comer algo.
We used to eat, uh... mostly home food, what my mother used to cook.
Siempre comíamos principalmente comida casera, lo que cocinaba mi mamá.
I'll allow you to eat all the cookies, all the ice cream, and all the pie you can have tonight.
Te dejo que comas todas las galletas, el helado y el pastel que quieras esta noche.
"Sow in order to eat."
"Siembren para comer".
Nature knows what to eat.
La naturaleza sabe qué comer.
Am I supposed to eat one of these, now?
¿ Se supone que ahora tengo que comerme uno de esos?
I used to eat in here even when I was an undergrad.
También venía cuando era alumno. ¿ Cuál es tu plan?
To eat geoduck.
Comer almeja reina.
I just... never got time to eat today.
Yo sólo... nunca tuve tiempo para comer hoy.
Not even to eat.
Ni siquiera para comer.
I'm not supposed to eat corned beef.
Supone que no debo comer carne en conserva.
But now you'll be able to make your own milk to eat the cookies with.
Pero ahora serás capaz de crear tu propia leche con la cual comerte las galletas.
You will be at meals on time if you want to eat.
Se encontrará en las comidas a la hora si desea comer.
We've been extremely cooperative, And this is really starting to eat into my schedule.
- Hemos sido extremadamente cooperativos y esto está empezando a alterar mi agenda.
And, you know, to some lucky kid, He would mean a-a shower and a place to eat and shelter And clean clothes and, most importantly,
Y, mira, para algún niño afortunado, él podría significar una ducha y un sitio para comer y dormir y ropa limpia y, lo más importante, alguien en quien confiar.
You want something to eat?
¿ Quieres comer algo?
... your ex-husband's current address, our patrol officers will get you something to eat.
... la dirección actual de su ex-marido nuestros oficiales de patrulla le conseguirán algo para comer.
Well, Downey's assistant said he left at around noon to get a bite to eat before speaking in a conference.
Bien, la ayudante de Downey dice que salió al mediodía a comer antes de hablar en una conferencia.
Well, she wanted to get something to eat, so we decided to buy a lottery ticket.
Bueno, quería conseguir algo de comer, Así que decidimos comprar un billete de lotería.
I want to eat it. I don't wanna settle down and have kids with it.
- ¿ Has hablado con el agente Davies?
Mom, get something to eat.
Mamá, conseguir algo de comer.
And ever since then, I haven't been able to eat chocolate.
Y desde entonces, no he sido capaz de comer chocolate.
There is no way I'm going back to your place to eat pizza and explore my superpowers.
Nunca iré a tu casa a comer pizza y explorar mis súper poderes.
We all agree to eat Tyler first, right?
Todos estamos de acuerdo en comernos a Tyler 1º.
Yeah, but there's so much to eat.
Pero tienes más de comer.
I am curing Mr. Szathmary, breaking him of his blood addiction by forcing him to eat and drink so much that it makes him sick.
Estoy curando al Sr. Szathmary, al romper su adicción a la sangre obligándolo a comer y beber tanta, que lo enferme.
Is make me want to eat a giant marshmallow.
Se me dan ganas de comer un malvavisco gigante,
Get... get yourself something to eat.
Obtener... se consigue algo de comer.
Have you had anything to eat?
¿ Ha tenido algo de comer?
I'll pick him up later, take him for a bite to eat, and then we'll go straight to the art show.
Lo recogeré más tarde, lo llevaré a comer algo y luego iremos directo a la muestra de arte.
We learnt how to cook our food with fire and eat.
Aprendimos a cocinar nuestra comida con fuego y a comerla.
And it was, for most people, for most of history, just given you have to cook if you wanna eat.
Hasta hace poco, la mayoría daba por sentado que para comer había que cocinar.
[Michael] There's so many foods that we couldn't eat unless we had water to soften them and kind of bring them to life.
Hay muchos alimentos que no podríamos comer si no tuviéramos agua para ablandarlos y darles vida.
You guys got anything to eat?
Chicos, ¿ tienen algo de comer?
I mean, I'll eat two entrées, if I have to.
De ser necesario, comeré dos entradas.
After we eat, I want everyone to make sure your bottle is topped off at 4,500 psi.
Luego de comer, quiero que todos se aseguren... que sus botellas estén coronadas a 4500 psi.
Take that time to nap, eat, hydrate.
Tome el tiempo para hacer una siesta, comer, hidrato.
- The guy in the wine store said that this was a good wine for the price, and that if you open it up an hour before you eat, it gives it time to breathe and for the aromatic- -
- El tipo de la tienda de vinos dijo que se trataba de un buen vino por el precio, y que si lo abres una hora antes de comer, le da tiempo para respirar y para el aroma -
I would take, like, five hours to cook before you could eat me.
A mí haría falta cocinarme 5 horas antes de poder comerme.
So she sat me down and she made me eat them for days and weeks until just the thought of a Ring-Ding made me want to puke.
Así que se sentó y me hizo Ring-Ding más, me daba ganas de vomitar.

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