Was it not перевод на испанский
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Well, you're not gonna believe it, but it was Robert Rogers.
Bueno, no lo creerá, pero fue Robert Rogers.
But it's not. It was all a lie.
Pero no, Todo fue una mentira.
Wow. It's not really the reaction I was expecting.
Esa no es la reacción que esperaba.
No, it was not me.
No, no fui yo.
It was supposed to be me and you down there killing people, not sitting in some luxury box eating humongous raisins.
Se supone que íbamos a estar tú y yo ahí abajo matando gente, no sentados en una zona de lujo comiendo pasas gigantescas.
It was Liv, not him!
Fue Liv, no él!
But then I wandered into the Enchanted Forest for a drink, not knowing it was a...
Pero estaba deambulando por el Bosque Encantado para tomar algo, sin saber que era...
He made it sound like by not telling you about Drake I was somehow protecting him.
Él hizo sonar como por no informándole sobre Drake que de alguna manera lo estaba protegiendo.
And it turns out, I'm not so bad at my job, I was right.
Y resulta que, no soy tan malo en mi trabajo, yo tenía razón.
I do not care if it was Peng, the Vietnamese or the pirates, James is still there without his captain, nor his Deputy.
No me importa si fue Peng, los Vietnamitas o piratas, el James sigue ahí sin su Capitán ni su Comandante.
I'm not sure that it was the lyrics that really made it popular.
No sé si la letra la hizo famosa.
I Didn't Know What It Felt Like To Not Have Black Pop Artists Because He Made Us Feel And Believe That That Was Just A Norm.
Yo no sabía cómo era que no hubiera cantantes negros, porque él nos hizo sentir y creer que era lo normal.
It's not an excuse, but his stepfather was the evil kind.
No es una excusa pero su padrastro era un demonio.
- No, it was not. - Why not?
- No, no lo era. - ¿ Por qué no?
He wrote something down that was meaningful to him, not knowing it would make its way into a song.
Él escribió algo que era importante para él, sin saber que sería hacer su camino en una canción.
It was shitty going for a while there, not being in Brakebills, but I can't sit here now and think it was anything but fate.
Me la pasé muy mal por un rato al no estar en Brakebills, pero ahora no puedo sentarme y pensar que no fue otra cosa sino el destino.
It was like, I wouldn't feel as responsible if he would just stop popping up, like not still doing stuff to still hurt my grandma.
Es sólo que no me sentiría tan responsable si él simplemente dejara de aparecer y dejara de hacer cosas que lastiman a mi abuela.
Not that we wanted to erase a memory or, not have pictures and stuff, but it was hard to go by the place on the road where he'd been killed and his old practice, which was now an administrative building.
No queríamos borrar su recuerdo, no tener fotos ni nada de eso, pero era difícil pasar por el lugar donde él había muerto y por su antiguo consultorio, que ahora era un edificio de oficinas.
So, the plan was to go somewhere not too far away, and... not so much larger that it would be a shock to the kids.
El plan era no alejarnos mucho, para no generar un gran impacto en los chicos.
I was told not to say anything because it could just mess with the case.
Me dijeron que no dijera nada para no entorpecer la causa.
And then it got more graphic and... him on top of her and she was just kind of, like... limp and not really functioning very well.
Que luego se volvía más explícito y que él estaba encima de ella, y ella sólo estaba... inmóvil y que no estaba muy bien.
And the only reason, we all know, because Audrie was extremely private, that we could have brought it forward is because she's not with us anymore.
Como Audrie era muy reservada, todos sabemos que seguimos con esto porque ella ya no está con nosotros.
There was drinking involved, and it's not like... we thought everything was okay.
Estuvimos bebiendo, no es que pensáramos que todo estaba bien.
- I mean, yeah... - Nothing was okay, but... I've always felt, like, not okay about it.
Nada estuvo bien, sí, pero nunca me sentí bien con eso.
And so I was like, "okay, it's not that bad."
Yo pensaba "bueno, no es tan malo".
It was an assault not just on me but on my family, you know?
- ANTIGUO PARTICIPANTE Era un acoso no solo a mí, también a mi familia.
I'm not convinced it was him, actually.
No estoy convencido de que fuera él, en verdad.
It was not Bea Smith
No fue Bea Smith
booms, booms, remember that she was not approved yes but it is not my fault sure, but you should have a bit'of understanding
Booms, Booms... Solo recuerda que a ella no la aprobaron aun Si, bueno... no es mi culpa
Non lo so do not believe it was Mr. Jackson, they are crap you honey, I know
No lo sé Y ustedes todas saben que no fue el Sr. Jackson, eso es mentira Si querida, eso lo sabemos
It was San Francisco but not this San Francisco.
Era San Francisco pero no este San Francisco.
So, if somebody was going to buy this and hang it up on their wall they might not be able to relax.
Así que, si alguien iba a comprar esto y colgarlo en su pared... Es posible que no puedan relajarse.
It was a lovely thought, but I won't be in debt to Scrooge, not for baubles.
Era una idea encantadora, pero no estaré en deuda con Scrooge, no por baratijas
You better not be saying it was me,'cause I'm clean.
Será mejor que no estés insinuando que fui yo, porque yo estoy limpio.
I asked... - But that was not it.
Pero no fue eso.
We say then that the blood that covered her as she ran... it was not hers.
Podemos decir entonces que la sangre que la cubría mientras corría... no era suya.
It... if I was... if I was a match for the hanging man, I'm also a match for her, am I not?
Si... yo era... si era compatible con el ahorcado, también soy compatible con ella, ¿ no?
But it was not planned, Bennet.
Pero no se planeó, Bennet.
I only say that what you saw, it was not real.
Solo digo que lo que viste no era real.
Why is it, do you suppose, in the... in the 2Â ½ months since Isaac was hanged, you have not sat down to take a drink with me once?
¿ Por qué razón supones... que en los dos meses y medio desde que Isaac fue ahorcado, no te has sentado ni una sola vez a tomar un trago conmigo?
It was not as though I did not remember the man fondly, Mr. Reid.
No fue porque no recordara al hombre con agrado, Sr. Reid.
So it was not until you had Rabbi Steiner's account of him being attacked - by Bloom that you returned.
Entonces no fue hasta que tuvo conocimiento de que Bloom había atacado al rabino Steiner que regresó.
And when it was felt that the full and awful details of the crime should not be broadcast abroad for fear of panic and so the newspapers were injuncted, all this you recall?
Y cuando se decidió que la totalidad de los detalles desagradables del crimen no debían proclamarse por temor al pánico y se prohibió su publicación en los periódicos, ¿ recuerda todo esto?
So, it was not soiled in the staged video.
Por lo tanto, no se ensucia en el video por etapas.
No, we will not have it said that it was written under duress, that you were coerced, that this was somehow false.
No, no aceptaremos que diga que lo escribió bajo coacción, que fue obligado, que se trataba de una farsa.
Not because it was cold- - frostbite comes with living in DC- - but because it made me reconsider every reason I became a Federal agent, both NSA and NCIS.
No porque haya hecho mucho frío... y vivir en DC suponga un riesgo de congelación... sino porque he estado reconsiderando todos los motivos por los que me convertí en agente federal, tanto de la NSA como del NICS.
Calderon knew the gun was loaded, just not that Dwight would be pointing it at him.
Calderón sabía que la pistola estaba cargada, sólo que no sabía que Dwight estaría apuntándola hacia él.
And for once, it was a conversation that Simms was not allowed to hear.
Y por una vez, una conversación que Simms no tuvo permiso para escuchar.
Apparently, this is not the safe place I thought it was.
Parece que este no era un sitio tan seguro como pensaba.
Maybe it was because of stress. Habit could arise, is not it?
Tal vez sea estrés, ya casi es el ritual, ¿ No?
It was not just a dream!
¡ No era un sueño!
was it 1813
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was it you 219
was it a 18
was it good for you 18
was it worth it 132
was it something i said 48
was it me 31
was it fun 48
was it nice 29
was it good 112
was it you 219
was it a 18
was it good for you 18
was it that bad 22
was it an accident 37
was it hard 20
was it him 59
was it bad 29
was it her 21
was it true 23
it notes 17
nothing 25771
not allowed 48
was it an accident 37
was it hard 20
was it him 59
was it bad 29
was it her 21
was it true 23
it notes 17
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note 183
noth 18
notice 40
notes 105
notebook 23
not yet 7691
notorious 29
not really 5709
nottingham 42
not at all 5606
noth 18
notice 40
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