With a knife перевод на испанский
2,632 параллельный перевод
You know, they either geld a horse with a knife or with the chemicals.
Sabes, a los caballos los capan con un cuchillo o con los químicos.
Done with a knife, just like the others.
Acuchillada, como los otros.
You know, and then there was like, one with a knife and blood dripping, and that was right about the time that I, uh, had bars put on our windows.
Y otra era de un cuchillo con sangre ahí fue cuando pusimos barrotes en las ventanas.
There's something real about a guy with a knife who just... snaps.
Es realista, sobre un tipo con un cuchillo que enloquece.
If somebody comes at you with a knife, you put her whole family in the morgue.
Si se te acerca con un cuchillo mandas a su familia a la morgue.
You can't kill her with a knife.
No puedes matarla con un cuchillo.
You can't exactly rob somewhere like that with a knife or a hammer.
No exactamente puede robar en alguna parte de esa con una navaja o un martillo.
How are you with a knife?
- ¿ Qué tal con un cuchillo? - ¡ Basta!
The hand was cut off with a knife and - the bone broken like a match. - I see.
La mano fue cortada a cuchillo y el hueso se rompió como un fósforo.
I won't complain even if you cut me with a knife
No me quejaría ni aunque me cortaras con un cuchillo
That guy's out there with a knife, and you're gonna arrest me?
Ese tío está por ahí fuera con un cuchillo, ¿ y me detenéis a mí?
He attacked me with a knife!
¡ Me ha atacado con un cuchillo!
I'd get him to take with a knife.
Szúrkálnám a la muerte con un cuchillo.
- A fight. They hurt him with a knife.
Una pelea, lo hirieron con un cuchillo.
That would be like a backhand tennis shot with a knife.
Estaríamos hablando de un golpe de revés de tenis.
You went there with a knife intending to get what you wanted and when you were confronted, bang, your anger boiled over.
Fue allí con un cuchillo con intención de hacerse con lo que querías y cuando se le enfrentaron, bang, su enfado explotó.
You went there with a knife intending to kill him.
Fue allí con un cuchillo con intención de matarlo.
Then they left him for a few hours and later they went to work on him with a knife.
Lo dejaron ahí por unas horas y luego han trabajado con cuchillo.
A knife thrower with a conscience.
Un lanzacuchillos con conciencia.
And to carve it, I thought we might use the beautiful Irish hunting knife emblazoned with the Byrnes family crest that Jack so thoughtfully brought back for us from his ancestral homeland.
Y para cortarlo, voy a usar el hermoso cuchillo irlandés de cacería que tiene grabado el timbre de la familia Byrnes que Jack trajo de su patria ancestral.
That's why Ted Minton didn't fold his tents, and shit, why should he when he's got a knife with her blood and your initials?
Por eso Ted Minton no retiró los cargos. ¿ Por qué lo haría si tiene tu navaja con la sangre de ella?
So the first thing he did afterwards was get himself a knife, - to carry with him at all times.
Lo primero que hizo después de eso fue conseguir una navaja para llevarla consigo en todo momento.
No,'tis a knife, but I'll gladly penetrate you with it.
No, es un cuchillo, pero con gusto te lo clavaré.
'Cause if there's even a hint of that, badge or no badge, I will cut your fucking heart out with a rusty butter knife and eat it while it's still beating.
Porque a la menor sospecha de amenaza, con placa o sin ella te saco el puto corazón con un cuchillo sin punta y me lo como mientras palpita.
If, in thy wisdom, thou canst give no help, do thou but call my resolution wise, and with this knife I'll help it presently.
Si en tu sabiduría, no cabe prestarme ayuda, declara solamente que apruebas mi sabia resolución, y con este puñal voy a remediarlo al instante.
What were you gonna do with that knife?
¿ Qué iba a hacer con el cuchillo?
If you see him tell him to avoid the blond in the kitchen with the really big knife.
Y hazme un favor, si le ves dile que evite a la rubia de la cocina con el cuchillo de carnicero.
And what are you doing with a pocket knife?
¿ Yqué haces con una navaja?
I will create a spark by striking this rock with my Swiss Army knife, which Dave took from me.
Produciré una chispa frotando esta roca con mi navaja suiza, que Dave me sacó.
She was caught with a bloody knife in her hand.
La atraparon con un cuchillo ensangrentado en la mano.
The character of Nikki Heat is a smart, complicated detective with... with enormous depth, and then... the studio goes and casts the braless coed in blood-soaked t-shirt from "Knife II"?
El personaje de Nikki Heat es una inteligente y complicada detective con... con mucha profundidad, y entonces... ¿ el estudio va y contrata a la universitaria sin sujetador y camiseta ensangrentada de Cuchillo II?
Umm, I guess why don't you trail over there with bizcocho and millhouse and we'll take a look at your mise en place and knife skills and shit.
Supongo que podrías arrastrarte hasta allí con Bizcocho y Millhouse y veremos tu mise en place y cómo eres con el cuchillo.
boy scout knife with a snake on it and a wolverine.
Cuchillo de explorador con una serpiente y un lobezno.
And they ontweidde him with a makeshift knife.
Entonces \ n eviscerado, como de costumbre.
The knife is in Vince, so you strike with the baseball bat, head, I think.
El cuchillo atravesado en el Vince es, palabras a un bate de béisbol \ szétcsapnom la cabeza, creo.
" Were consistent with a large kitchen knife, possessing precise serration, approximately six inches long. Yeah?
"Era compatible con un cuchillo de cocina grande... con una hoja de aproximadamente 15 cm de longitud."
I carry a knife with me because I was sexually assaulted in a mall food court last spring.
- Yo llevo un cuchillo conmigo porque fui agredido sexualmente en un patio de comidas centro comercial la primavera pasada.
Line the edge of your shield with a blade... a knife or the broken end of a sword.
Afilen el borde de sus escudos con una hoja un cuchillo o el extremo roto de una espada.
Or kill a puma with a single knife?
O, mira, a una pantera con un cuchillo.
Tell the one with the knife that killed my friend - if I see him outside again, he's a dead man.
Díselo al del cuchillo que mató a mi amigo... si lo veo ahí fuera otra vez, es hombre muerto.
The only thing they'll want from me is a picture of Andy Dixon and his family at Christmas. Preferably with him holding a turkey knife.
Lo único que querrán de mí es una foto de Andy Dixon y su familia de estas navidades, preferiblemente con él sujetando un cuchillo de trinchar.
You and this girl, you followed him back to his front door, you've got a knife with you.
Esta chica y tú, le seguís de vuelta a la puerta principal, tú llevas un cuchillo.
How did you do that with a knife?
¿ Cómo lo hiciste con un cuchillo?
But whoever wielded the knife against your son - whether it was Constance with William's encouragement, or the two of them together - I believe that you, with your selfishness, your lies and dissembling, you are the real author of this tragedy.
Pero quien haya empuñado el cuchillo contra su hijo así fuera Constance con William animándolo a hacerlo, o los dos juntos, creo que usted, con su egoísmo, sus mentiras y disimulos es el verdadero autor de esta tragedia.
Ladies and gentlemen, the state intends to prove that the defendant maliciously killed her husband, billionaire Harry Kaplowitz - - not with a gun or a knife, but with her body.
Señoras y señores, el Estado intenta probar que la acusada mató maliciosamente a su marido, el millonario Harry Kaplowitz... no con una pistola o un cuchillo, sino con su cuerpo.
I shall cut his heart out with a dinner knife and serve it to you.
Le arrancaré el corazón con un cuchillo de cocina y te lo serviré.
We provided you with your own J.A. Henckels knife sets.
Nosotros le proporcionamos el propia J.A. Establece cuchillo Henckels.
Is it also true that you always carry a knife with you?
¿ Es también verdadero que tú siempre llevas un cuchillo contigo?
When he came back, he saw a strange man with a bloody knife standing over Meredith.
Cuando él regresó, él vio a un hombre extraño con un cuchillo ensangrentado de pie frente a Meredith.
He came out to find a man he describes as raffaele with a bloody knife.
Él salió a encontrar a un hombre que describe como Raffaele con un cuchillo ensangrentado.
Miguel could have stabbed himself with the knife.
Miguel pudiera haberse apuñalado a sí mismo con el cuchillo.
with all due respect 1080
with all my heart 134
with a twist 22
with a 297
with anyone 35
with a friend 35
with a smile 21
with all respect 40
with a man 43
with a gun 52
with all my heart 134
with a twist 22
with a 297
with anyone 35
with a friend 35
with a smile 21
with all respect 40
with a man 43
with a gun 52
with a little help 17
with all this 27
with a capital 21
with any luck 181
with a woman 42
with a big 18
with an 90
with a little luck 33
with a bit of luck 31
with a kiss 16
with all this 27
with a capital 21
with any luck 181
with a woman 42
with a big 18
with an 90
with a little luck 33
with a bit of luck 31
with a kiss 16
with a girl 41
a knife 109
knife 176
with you 1138
with me 1243
with you by my side 17
with your family 23
with your permission 239
with men 23
with your 48
a knife 109
knife 176
with you 1138
with me 1243
with you by my side 17
with your family 23
with your permission 239
with men 23
with your 48
with your mother 23
with this ring 42
with your help 124
with your wife 28
with your dad 25
with pleasure 453
with your father 34
with her 211
with that in mind 45
with whom 203
with this ring 42
with your help 124
with your wife 28
with your dad 25
with pleasure 453
with your father 34
with her 211
with that in mind 45
with whom 203
with us 243
with your life 24
with your hands 23
with good reason 53
with it 82
with that said 19
with that 162
with what 706
with him 285
with your life 24
with your hands 23
with good reason 53
with it 82
with that said 19
with that 162
with what 706
with him 285