With this guy перевод на испанский
5,882 параллельный перевод
Yeah, but it's all or nothing with this guy, dad.
Sí, pero es todo o nada con este tipo, papá.
But all joking aside, I have tried and tried with this guy, and no matter how hard I work, he's never gonna give me an "A."
Pero bromas aparte, intenté e intenté con este tipo, y no importa cuán duro trabaje, nunca me iba a dar una "A."
Logan definitely had contact with this guy.
Logan sí que tuvo contacto con este tipo.
I think I know why you didn't flirt with this guy.
Creo que sé por qué no coqueteaste con este tipo.
You're barking up the wrong gay with this guy.
Le estás ladrando al gay equivocado con este tipo.
My sergeant walks up while I'm wrestling around with this guy, and the next thing I know, I'm in his office and he's accusing me of having romantic feelings for Eddie and threatening to terminate my partnership.
Mi sargento se acercó mientras luchaba con ese tipo y lo siguiente que sé, es que estaba en su oficina y él me estaba acusando de tener sentimientos románticos hacia Eddie y me amenazaba con terminar nuestra relación como compañeros.
Wow, first you have sex with this guy's girlfriend, now you're having sex with his sister?
Primero tienes sexo con la novia de este tipo ¿ ahora estás teniendo sexo con su hermana?
Bet you $ 20 it has something to do with this guy.
Te apuesto 20 a que tiene algo que ver con este tipo.
He's in the wind, but he's had a lot of prior dealings with this guy,
Él está en el viento, pero se tenía un montón de los tratos previos con este tipo,
What's with this guy?
¿ Qué le pasa a este tipo?
Roe spent a lot of time with this guy.
Roe pasó mucho tiempo con ese tipo.
I was studying with this guy who's basically the Vermeer of street art.
Estudiaba con este tupi que básicamente es el Vermeer del arte callejero.
You're angry with her, not with this guy.
Estás enojado con ella, no con este tipo.
Um, I had to take a pregnancy test because I had a thing with this guy.
Um, me hice un test de embarazo porque tuve algo con un chico.
I can't fight these fights with this guy.
No puedo pelear con este tío.
On Monday night I did an interview with this guy Bree, who had been hired by Pruit to run ACN Digital while Neal's gone.
La noche del lunes hice una entrevista a un tipo llamado Bree, que Pruit contrató para llevar ACN Digital mientras Neal no está.
We met up with this guy Johnson Zeng,
Nos encontramos con este tipo, Johnson Zeng.
One of your men strangle this guy with his own belt?
¿ Uno de tus hombres estranguló a este hombre con su propio cinturón?
- He's this guy I went to juvie with.
- Es el chico con el que estuve en el reformatorio.
So, this guy gets woken up to the sounds of a burglary, come outs, this guy surprises him with a gun, and here we go.
Así pues, este tipo se despierta por el ruido que hace el ladrón, sale, este tipo le sorprende con un arma y se acabó.
So, he kills this girl's father, cuts off the guy's face, and is wearing it as a mask while he makes out with her.
Ella mata al padre de esta chica, corta la cara del chico, y la usa de máscara mientras se besa con ella.
He's got this guy, he has been diagnosed with cancer and he thinks, " To pay for my treatment I will start making
Él tiene este tipo, que ha sido diagnosticado con cáncer y él piensa : " Para pagar mi tratamiento voy a empezar a hacer
- Help me with this guy.
This guy saw the worst parts of you, things that only your family knows about, and he's cool with it.
Este tipo vio las peores partes de ti, cosas que solo tu familia conoce, y está bien con eso.
There's this guy that he has to deal with.
Hay un tipo con el que tiene que tratar.
This guy's the one with OCD.
Él es el que tiene el TOC.
Well and this is me with a guy who I thought was Larry king.
Bueno... y esta soy yo con un tío que pensaba que era Larry King.
This is not how I imagined my first dance with another guy. You know what? Just get off me.
Right. Well, if this guy's such a bad dude, why don't I come with you?
Si este tipo es tan malo ¿ por qué no voy contigo?
So what's this Egyptian guy have to do with my DOA?
¿ Qué tiene que ver este tío egipcio con mi cadáver?
Isn't this the guy you had the dust-up with at the track?
¿ No es este el tipo con quien tuviste el enfrentamiento en el hipódromo?
This guy was eating with the man that you noticed.
Este tío estaba comiendo con el hombre en que te fijaste.
Well, don't you want to meet this guy somewhere in public before committing to an evening with him?
Bueno, ¿ no quieres quedar en un sitio público antes de comprometerte a pasar una tarde con él?
I know this because the furthest I've ever gone with a guy...
Lo sé porque lo más lejos que he ido con un chico...
So what I did is I created this guy that she would like, so maybe she would fall in love with him and then realize she was still in love with me.
Así que lo que hice fue inventarme a este tío que sabía que le gustaría, para que, tal vez, se enamorara de él, y entonces se diera cuenta de que sigue enamorada de mí.
She's been fawning over this stupid guy and it's disgusting what I have to put up with.
Ha estado revoloteando alrededor de ese estúpido y ha sido asqueroso lo que he tenido que soportar.
I think they were hoping to torch this guy in his car along with everything with him.
Creo que estaban esperando a la antorcha a este tipo en su coche junto con todo con él.
This Bill Anderson guy either kills himself in a week or gets caught in 18 months with some waitress in pig's knuckle, Iowa.
Ese tipo, Bill Anderson, o se suicida en una semana o lo cogen en 18 meses con una camarera y comiendo un jamón cocido en Iowa.
There is a weird guy with a violin hiding behind this vent.
Hay un tipo raro con un violin escondiéndose atrás de la ventilación.
This guy I worked with... he used to get loaded and drive out to the Indian casino in Connecticut.
Ese tipo con el que trabajaba... solía cargar y conducir hasta el casino indio en Connecticut.
And then, like, three other women, and then this guy with a crazy big monster hog.
Y luego, como con otras tres mujeres, y un tipo con un aparato enorme.
To see if any of their physical descriptions match up with the tall guy in this video.
Para ver si alguno se parece al hombre de este video.
This guy's got a.38 alcohol level, creams another car, and he only ends up with a black eye and a boo-boo neck.
Este tío da 0.38 de alcohol en sangre, se estampa contra otro coche, y solo acaba con un ojo morado y un cuello machacado.
This guy looks like he was shot with a cannon.
Este tipo parece como si le hubieran disparado con un cañón.
Let's see what's going on with this big guy now that he's out.
Veamos que ocurre con este chavalote ahora que está inconsciente.
I just talked to one of the paramedics, and he said this guy came in with a "do not treat" bracelet on his wrist,
Acabo de hablar con uno de los paramédicos, y dice que este tío llegó con una pulsera de "no tratar" en su muñeca
But with the Beatles, there was this guy, the power behind the throne, Brian Epstein, who, by all accounts, was the fifth Beatle.
Pero con Los Beatles, había un tipo, el poder detrás del trono, Brian Epstein, que, para todo el mundo, fue el quinto Beatle.
This guy was eating with the man that you noticed.
Este tipo estaba comiendo con el hombre que decías.
¿ Qué vamos a hacer con este hombre?
But when our story comes out that this guy worked with the US, they're gonna slit the throats of his children right in front of him and then drag them down Main Street, so I don't want to pick the wrong 50.
Pero cuando salga nuestra historia de que ese tío trabajó con los EEUU, van a rajar las gargantas de sus hijos frente a él y luego los arrastrarán por la calle principal, así que no quiero elegir la mitad equivocada.
Every time I leave this place, every time I can't go in because you're with some other guy, giving yourself to him even though I know he doesn't give two shits about you.
Cada vez que dejo este sitio, cada vez que no puedo entrar porque estás con otro hombre, dándote a él incluso sabiendo que no le importas una mierda.
with this ring 42
with this 305
with this one 17
this guy 1059
this guy right here 37
this guy is good 19
this guy's good 38
this guy is 20
this guy here 33
guys 27890
with this 305
with this one 17
this guy 1059
this guy right here 37
this guy is good 19
this guy's good 38
this guy is 20
this guy here 33
guys 27890
guys like you 17
guys like me 21
guys like us 29
guy stuff 23
with you 1138
with me 1243
with all due respect 1080
with you by my side 17
with all my heart 134
with your family 23
guys like me 21
guys like us 29
guy stuff 23
with you 1138
with me 1243
with all due respect 1080
with you by my side 17
with all my heart 134
with your family 23
with men 23
with your permission 239
with your mother 23
with your wife 28
with your help 124
with your 48
with your dad 25
with pleasure 453
with her 211
with your father 34
with your permission 239
with your mother 23
with your wife 28
with your help 124
with your 48
with your dad 25
with pleasure 453
with her 211
with your father 34
with whom 203
with that in mind 45
with good reason 53
with us 243
with your life 24
with it 82
with your hands 23
with that said 19
with a knife 24
with that 162
with that in mind 45
with good reason 53
with us 243
with your life 24
with it 82
with your hands 23
with that said 19
with a knife 24
with that 162