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You couldn't have перевод на испанский

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And your timing couldn't be better, as I'm choosing someone to run my new office, and you two have just shot to the top of that list.
Y el momento no podía ser más oportuno, ya que voy a escoger a alguien para que dirija mi nueva oficina, y vosotros dos acabáis de subir al principio de esa lista.
All the things that you could mess up in the past that would make the present from which you travelled impossible, therefore you could never have made the journey, therefore you couldn't have messed up the past.
Todas las cosas que puedes estropear en el pasado se estropearían en el presente haciendo imposible tu viaje, por lo tanto nunca habrías viajado, y por lo tanto no podrías haber estropeado el pasado.
Yeah, as you know, we couldn't have a Christmas party last year due to all the protests surrounding our last game,
Sí, como sabéis, no pudimos tener una fiesta de Navidades el año pasado debido a todas las protestas entorno a nuestro último juego,
I'm sorry I made you go through all this. But I couldn't have acted differently, I swear.
Siento haberte hecho pasar por esto, pero no podía hacer otra cosa, lo juro.
If Beom Hee couldn't come, you should have called me. Why did you call that bastard?
Si Beom Hee no vendría, ¿ debiste haberme llamado?
Had you been ashamed of your actions, you couldn't have possibly come back home.
Si estuvieras avergonzada de tus acciones, no habrías vuelto a casa.
Yeah, you couldn't have come.
Sí, no podrías haber ido.
OK, he's just jealous he couldn't have you.
Bueno, él es sólo celoso que no podía tenerlo.
You know, it didn't have to be Julia, but I just couldn't resist bringing it full circle.
No tenía que haber sido Julia pero me moría por cerrar el círculo.
- Yes. The Jester's spell is broken, and we couldn't have done it without you.
Se rompió el hechizo del Bufón y no podríamos haberlo hecho sin ti.
I couldn't have done it without all of you.
No podría haberlo hecho sin todos ustedes.
I couldn't have done it without you, Emily!
Yo no podría haberlo hecho sin ti, Emily!
You must have known when you put me in that hole you couldn't hold me there forever.
Cuando me metiste en ese agujero, debiste saber que no me mantendrías ahí para siempre.
Otherwise, you couldn't have undergone the procedure.
Si no, no te lo podríamos haber hecho.
I couldn't have you feeling sorry for me, could I?
Que no podía tener la sensación de lástima por mí, iba a hacerlo?
It can only be as good as... as the cast that takes you there, and we couldn't have asked for better.
Solo puede ser tan bueno... como el elenco que pongas allí, y no podríamos haber pedido algo mejor.
As if looking for something he didn't want to find... it became clear as vodka you keep in the icebox... that, whatever the connection between the L.A.P.D. and Adrian Prussia... he might as well have been working for them as a contract killer... doing deeds for them they couldn't do for themselves.
CONFIDENCIAL Mientras buscaba algo que no quería encontrar se hizo claro como el vodka que guardas en la hielera que, cual sea la conexión entre el DPLA y Adrian Prussia él podría estar trabajando para ellos como asesino a sueldo haciendo por ellos lo que ellos no podrían hacer.
Could have picked a less slushy record, couldn't you?
Podría haber elegido un registro menos fangosa, no pudiste?
You know he couldn't have found out about that shit.
Sabes que él no podría haberse enterado de esa mierda.
What I told you or didn't tell you is nothing you couldn't have figured out for yourself.
Lo que te dije o no hice dice que no es nada que no podría haber imaginado por sí mismo.
We couldn't have done it without you, though.
Pero no pudimos haberlo logrado sin ti.
Plutarch wanted you to have a weapon for the sake of the propos, but... I couldn't just make you a fashion accessory.
Plutarch quería que tuvieras un arma para los propos, pero no pude hacerte un simple accesorio de moda.
- You couldn't run from this... any more than you could have run from the Games.
-... no pudo huir de esto... - Te escucho. -... así como no pudo huir de los Juegos.
Couldn't yöu have gotten bald or fat or something?
¿ No podías haber conseguido calva o grasa o algo así?
I couldn't have yöu wait for me.
No pude tener me esperas.
Why couldn't you have a friendly face like Xiang?
¿ Por qué no puede tener una cara amigable como Xiang?
You couldn't have stopped him from crossing the street.
No podrías haberle impedido cruzar la calle.
You couldn't have been asleep.
No pudiste estar durmiendo.
I couldn't have looked after you myself I was destroyed when Delia died.
No podría haberte cuidado yo, estaba destruido cuando Delia murió.
Now then, Mr.Briggs, you couldn't have shown up at a more inauspicious time.
Ahora bien, señor Briggs, no pudo llegar en el momento menos oportuno.
Couldn't you have asked the busboy for a silencer or something?
¿ No podías haber pedido un silenciador?
But that couldn't have been you, right?
Pero eso no podía usted ha sido, ¿ no?
- No, I couldn't. You didn't have to give him Father's money.
- Usted podría haber traído a otros.
"You don't have to let me win," she had been screaming, but he couldn't hear it at all.
"Usted no tiene que dejarme ganar," ella había estado gritando, pero no podía oír nada en absoluto.
Why couldn't you have just stayed put, huh?
¿ Por qué no podías estarte quieto?
Couldn't you have it inside?
¿ No podrías tenerla adentro?
I would have found something about you I didn't like, really couldn't stand which would be very useful right now.
Me he encontrado algo acerca de usted no me gustaba, realmente no podía estar de pie que sería muy útil en estos momentos.
You saw what he did my Deirdre, Your lovely girl would have been next, I couldn't let that happen.
Viste lo que le hizo a mi Deirdre, tu encantadora niña habría sido la siguiente, no podía permitir que eso pasara.
And he couldn't have slipped back past you on the Tuesday?
¿ Y no podría habérseles escabullido y haber regresado el martes?
You must have thought it was a long shot that anybody would put two and two together, but you couldn't take the chance, could you?
Debió pensar que era muy improbable que alguien atara los cabos sueltos, pero usted no podía correr el riesgo, ¿ cierto?
Couldn't you have found a better place to romance?
¿ No podías haber encontrado mejor sitio para flirtear?
Couldn't have done it without you, Frankie.
No podíamos hacerlo sin ti, Frankie.
Uh... I couldn't have gotten this far without you.
No podría haber llegado tan lejos sin ti.
Mind you, come to think of it... there are things that you couldn't have hidden anyway.
Aunque, ahora que lo pienso hay cosas que no podrías haber escondido aunque hubieras querido.
You couldn't have told me about this last night?
¿ No pudiste decírmelo anoche?
Hey, dumb fuck, how come you couldn't have had this conversation before the wedding?
Oye, tarado, ¿ no podías habérselo dicho antes de la boda?
I couldn't have done it without you guys.
No podría haberlo hecho sin Uds.
You know, she couldn't have used you if you didn't want some.
No te hubiera usado si no hubieras querido.
You couldn't have her exposing you, so you killed her.
No podía permitirle exponerlo, así que la mató.
I-I couldn't tell you. You'd have been angry, you know, disappointed in me.
Te habrías enfadado, te sentirías decepcionada.
You couldn't have known, Harry.
No podías saberlo, Harry.

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