About them перевод на французский
15,023 параллельный перевод
The gods are gonna hear you talking about them...
Les Dieux vont t'entendre parler d'eux...
Do we have to worry about them?
Doit-on s'en inquiéter?
Worry about them.
Tourmente-toi pour elles.
Wow. I'm one of those people that thinks everything is about them.
Je pense toujours que le monde entier tourne autour de moi.
It's not about you, you selfish bastard. It's about them.
Il ne s'agit pas de toi, mais d'eux, espèces d'égoïste.
That part about them I really admire.
Et c'est impressionnant.
What about them?
Qu'est-ce qu'ils ont?
- What else did he know about them?
- Que savait-il d'autre?
You don't you think there's something off about them?
Tu ne trouves pas qu'un truc cloche chez eux?
- Don't worry about them. They're idiots.
- Ne t'en fais pas, ce sont des abrutis.
Forget about them!
Oubliez votre passé.
I ain't worried about them firing me.
J'ai pas peur de ça.
Just called me down there, the Commissioner's office, everybody's worried about them firing me.
Je suis convoqué, et tout le monde... a peur qu'on me vire.
I ain't worrying about them firing me.
Moi, j'ai pas peur.
Got it all over the Courier about them raiding Seefus'place where you be hanging out with all them thugs.
Y a eu une descente chez Seefus où tu traînes avec les voyous.
Where's the bit about them sitting like pelicans?
On les compare à des pélicans?
I'd completely forgotten about them.
Je les avais complètement oubliés.
And I'm gently trying to educate my fellow wizards about them.
Et je tente d'éduquer mes semblables à leur sujet.
She misses her brothers and sisters. She still talks about them.
Ses frères et sœurs lui manquent toujours.
Was there a boy about seven or eight years old with them?
Y avait-il un garçon de sept ou huit ans avec eux?
It was weird looking at them, because... something about it felt right.
C'était bizarre de les regarder. Comme si c'était quelque chose de normal.
Well, I've delivered about 3,000 of them.
J'en ai mis au monde environ 3 000.
Okay. I'm sorry I invited them, but who gives a shit about me?
Désolée de les avoir invités, mais qui s'intéresse à moi?
The girls always think they've made their decision to be a surrogate but a lot of them change their mind after about an hour with Carl.
Elles croient être sûres de leur choix mais se rétractent après avoir parlé avec Carl.
Man, I would just kill for some of them mini hot dogs right about now.
Je tuerais pour des mini hot-dogs.
Yeah, about taking lives, not saving them.
Tout pour tuer les gens, pas les sauver.
You never hear them talk about their families or their old schools.
- On ne les entend jamais parler de leur famille ou ancienne école.
Bobby, please tell them I want the books on Lincoln. About his funeral.
Bobby, dis-leur que je veux des livres sur Lincoln et ses funérailles.
And they were so moved when I told them about Brittany and Frankie's reproductive challenges that they all wanted to help.
Le défi biologique qui vous attend les a profondément touchés. Ils ont tenu à vous aider.
All those stories about my mom and dad and how great they are, I made them up.
Toutes ces histoires à propos de mes merveilleux parents, je les ai inventées.
I think the less they know about us spying on them, the better, don't you?
Il faut éviter qu'ils sachent qu'on les espionne...
- Why don't you tell them about...
- Karen, raconte-leur... - Quoi?
Why don't you tell them about the urinal?
Parle-leur de l'urinoir.
I guess I just figured you'd go down to Mexico and order a round of daiquiris with flowers in them and meet a little mamacita and forget all about me.
J'étais convaincue qu'une fois au Mexique, tu irais quelque part commander des daiquiris avec une fleur dedans, que tu rencontrerais une jolie mamacita et que tu m'oublierais.
About how them two girls, they raised separately, but then they meet each other at summer camp and it blows their tiny minds.
L'histoire de deux fillettes qui sont élevées séparément et qui se rencontrent au camp de vacances - et ça leur fait un méga-choc.
How about we just talk to them before we start throwing math problems at them?
Pourquoi ne pas leur parler avant de leur soumettre des problèmes de maths?
Enough for them to think about their actions time.
Assez pour réfléchir à ce qu'ils ont fait.
You have to warn them about Horunvendush day.
Vous devez les mettre en garde contre Horribendush.
You get one of them fastballs about waist high on the outside corner of the plate where you can get the meat of the bat on it, and, good God, you could kiss it good-bye. - Am I lying?
Ces balles rapides, à mi-corps, au ras de la zone, qu'on peut taper dans le gras, bon Dieu, tu pouvais leur dire adieu.
Where them plums you talking about?
Où sont les prunes?
Been fighting with them people about driving and ain't even got a license.
Il revendique et il a pas le permis!
Only thing my daddy cared about was getting them bales of cotton in to Mr. Lubin. That's the only thing that mattered to him.
Livrer les balles de coton à M. Lubin, y a que ça qui l'intéressait.
And have sex once every six weeks, and listen to him going on and on about how much he adores the children, while doing nothing to actually take care of them.
Faire l'amour toutes les six semaines, l'écouter raconter combien il aime les enfants alors qu'il ne fait rien pour s'occuper d'eux.
Guys, I want you to tell them how you did it. Go ahead. Tell them the whole story about how you took out your owner.
Les gars, racontez comment vous avez fait, comment vous avez buté votre maître.
Yeah, because I was thinking about emailing them... But then I was thinking, um... What kind of floozy-ass bimbo would respond to that ad?
Ouais, car je pensais leur envoyer un email... puis j'ai pensé... quel genre de poufiasse répondrait à cette annonce?
Yeah, texts, tweets, Instagrams. Anything that says "Horsemen," brags about seeing the Horsemen, tag them and bundle them.
- Oui, textos, tweets, Instagram, tout ce qui contient le mot Cavalier, ou "Je viens de voir un Cavalier", tu les récupères et tu me les envoies.
I think about all the times I sent them to their room. All the times I didn't speak to them, the time...
Quand je les envoyais dans leur chambre, quand je ne leur parlais plus...
I understand if you feel guilty about the deaths of your men but you don't avenge them by running away. You stand and fight.
Si vous vous sentez coupable de la mort de vos hommes, vous ne les vengerez pas en fuyant, mais en restant vous battre.
No, it's all about how the white man went and, sort of, slaughtered them and enslaved them.
Non, ça raconte que l'homme blanc a massacré les Amérindiens et les a réduits à l'esclavage.
He gets really mundane things and he makes them about the universe, and stars, and electricity and shit, so...
Il prend des choses sans intérêt, et il parle de l'univers, des étoiles, d'électricité et tout ça.
Whoever has miraculously survived this plummet from the skies into the icy Hudson has about 300 of New York's finest ready to help them.
Quiconque a miraculeusement survécu à cette chute dans l'Hudson glacial peut compter sur 300 des meilleurs secouristes new-yorkais.
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16
about 2987
about last night 149
about yesterday 53
about this morning 24
about me 284
about damn time 21
about an hour ago 126
about it 81
about you and me 17
about you 267
about last night 149
about yesterday 53
about this morning 24
about me 284
about damn time 21
about an hour ago 126
about it 81
about you and me 17
about you 267
about yourself 16
about what 2516
about time 287
about your mother 24
about that 749
about the wedding 20
about a year ago 138
about the other night 40
about a week ago 65
about earlier 42
about what 2516
about time 287
about your mother 24
about that 749
about the wedding 20
about a year ago 138
about the other night 40
about a week ago 65
about earlier 42
about your 17
about your dad 25
about an hour 78
about a month ago 113
about your age 24
about the baby 35
about face 40
about a week 45
about a 36
about a year 76
about your dad 25
about an hour 78
about a month ago 113
about your age 24
about the baby 35
about face 40
about a week 45
about a 36
about a year 76