But here's the thing перевод на французский
571 параллельный перевод
Here's the thing, I-I'd love to be a bridesmaid, but I don't think it would be fair for me to be a bridesmaid and for Valencia not to be.
J'adorerais l'être, mais ça ne serait pas juste que je sois demoiselle d'honneur et pas Valencia.
I don't mean to be rude, but that's the sort of thing I'd expect one of the patients here to say.
Sauf votre respect, c'est le genre de fariboles dignes de vos patients.
You know, it's a strange thing, my dear, but as I came down the corridor, I thought I heard Marcellina singing in here.
Vous savez, c'est étrange, ma chère... mais dans le couloir, j'ai cru entendre Marcellina chanter.
That's fantastic enough in all conscience, but an even more fantastic thing has just happened right here at the airport. You getting that? Go ahead.
Mais un fait bien plus fantastique s'est produit ici, à l'aéroport.
Talking of the village, by the by, I don't know if you're thinking of sending any of your efforts here to some periodical, but there's just one thing.
Si vous pensez envoyer votre propre travail à un périodique il y a une petite chose...
But for Walter the bad part is the waiting for the thing that happen Soon it's coming He'll be glad when it's finally here
Mais pour Walter la mauvaise partie est d'attendre que ça passe et cela arrivera bientôt il sera content quand ce sera enfin là.
But there's one thing here where I wrote : "We intend to enlarge the school building" you wrote : "We intend to enlarge the school building..."
"Nous voulons faire agrandir les écoles". Vous avez rajouté : "Et de faire réparer le clocher de l'église".
But if that guy runs out of fuel between here and the airport, I don't know where he'll put that thing down except in the middle of Market Street.
Mais s'il tombe en panne avant l'aéroport, je ne sais pas où il posera son engin à part au milieu de Market Street.
It's just a short way from here. I know it was crazy thing to do, but... Honey, I know the address.
J'ai peut-être eu tort d'y aller...
We won't go out any more than we have to, but there's one thing we should arrange, whether Mother comes here or the boys go and stay with her.
Maman vient-elle ici ou les gosses vont-ils chez elle?
It's a funny thing but none of the murders here were just ordinary just shooting, or stabbing.
Drôle! Aucun des meurtres, ici, ne fut ordinaire... revolvérisant ou poignardant...
There's no one by the name of Hansel working here, but you know, it's a strange thing.
Aucun employé ne s'appelle Hansel, mais c'est étrange.
But you're not leaving here with the money and that's the main thing.
Mais vous ne filerez quand même pas avec l'argent.
You've only been here a short time, but there's only one thing to learn - obey the rules, and we will take good care of you.
Il n'y a qu'une chose que vous deviez savoir. Elle est simple : respectez les règles et nous vous traiterons bien.
We don't know one another, but my name is black. Here's the thing. I'm Mr black.
On ne se connaît pas, mais je m'appelle Black, M. Black.
Here's the interesting thing. Not only were they having an affair, but it seems as though they were being watched.
Non seulement ça, mais ils étaient surveillés.
But here's the thing.
- But here's the thing.
- C'est merveilleux, Mark.
Humouring him's one thing. He can have all the fantasies he wants here. But you're going too far to make him feel good.
C'est bien de lui faire plaisir et chacun est libre de rêver, mais tu ne crois pas que tu en fais trop?
I haven't been in this house long, thank goodness... but Mrs. Tander, who's been here since the first wife, could tell you a thing or two.
Ça ne fait pas longtemps que je suis dans cette maison, Dieu merci, mais Mme Tander, qui est là depuis la première épouse, pourrait vous dire des choses.
- All right, the thought has crossed my mind, yeah if something should happen, I'll go along with it, but if it doesn't, it's no thing to me, because that's not what I'm out here for.
Bon, l'idée m'a traversé l'esprit si quelque chose se passe, j'irai, Mais s'il n'y a rien, pas de problème, parce que c'est pas pour ça que je suis là.
But it's the consensus of opinion around here that you're using Sam to get re-elected, with total disregard for his feelings, and we don't think that's a very nice thing to do.
Mais l'opinion générale est que vous vous servez de Sam pour vous faire réélire, sans vous soucier de ses sentiments, et nous trouvons que ce n'est pas bien.
Alan, who was supposed to be here, read the whole thing, but he's at a bar mitzvah, so he couldn't...
Alan l'a lu mais il est à une bar-mitsva, il ne peut pas...
But here's the thing- - and there's really know way of getting around this- -
Mais voilà- - et ça, c ´ est incontournable- -
See, the thing is, I'm in an awkward position here because I don't wanna get between you two guys but I need a dry-cleaning ticket that's in the pocket of those pants.
Ecoute, ma position est désagréable. Je ne veux pas me mêler de vos affaires, mais il me faut le ticket qui est dans la poche du pantalon.
- Well, you think, but here's a helpful hint. 50 per cent of some money is better than 90 per cent of some broken toaster you're gonna have if you send the kid in, which is providing he don't trip the alarm. Don, you don't even know what the thing is on this.
Laisse-moi te dire un truc, 50 % d'un pactole, c'est mieux que les 90 % du grille-pain pourri qu'il va te ramener en espérant qu'il ne déclenche pas l'alarme!
But here's the odd thing, Mrs. Lynskey.
Mais voici ce qui est bizarre, Mme Lynskey.
It's one thing to cap on me, but I ain't gonna stand here and let you insult the cutest counselor in town.
J'accepte de me laisser chambrer. Mais je ne te laisserai pas insulter l'avocate la plus mignonne de la ville.
But one thing's certain, we're not going to find the answers sitting here staring at the viewscreen.
Mais ce n'est pas en restant là que nous le saurons.
Look, I don't know what the rules are here, but there's one thing that I do know. I don't have to obey your commands. And I'm gonna help her.
Je ne connais pas vos règles mais je n'ai pas à obéir à vos ordres.
Yeah, but here's the interesting thing.
Oui, mais voici la chose intéressante.
I'd hoped for the same thing but as recent events have demonstrated my continued presence here will only cause further disruption.
Je l'aurais voulu moi aussi. Mais ce qui s'est passé a montré... que ma présence n'entraînerait que des perturbations.
But let's just find the thing and get out of here.
Mais si on trouvait ce truc et qu'on sortait d'ici?
Not a chance. But I just want five minutes with the dean, that's all. The thing is, everyone else here has an appointment today.
ceux au talent inné et ceux qui développent ce talent, ce qui demande maturité, sens des responsabilités et capacité d'arriver préparé et à l'heure.
- But here's the weird thing.
- Mais...
- Well, that's the last thing I want, but I'm hitting my head up against the wall here, honey.
Je me tape la tête contre les murs.
But here's the really silly thing, Peter.
Tu as raison. C'est là où tu vas rire!
Maybe he's willing to go to the world to come but if he's stuck here on this earth I know one thing that no man wants to go through life without.
Il est peut-être prêt à rejoindre l'au-delà... mais s'il reste ici bas... je connais une chose dont aucun homme ne se passerait.
Well, if it is, same rules apply. But here's the critical thing.
Si c'est une simple suite, les règles changent pas.
Sex and ice cream, ice cream and sex. But we're not doing sex here. I mean, our Canadian women's focus group didn't appreciate the sex thing.
Ou plutôt "humour" et "crème glacée"...
But here's the thing. It's gonna cost us $ 2,000.
Il y a un hic, ça va nous coûter 2000 dollars.
But here's the thing. - There's an electoral problem? - There's an electoral problem.
Un autre problème?
It's one thing running around here trying to track the bag but cops?
Retrouver le sac est une chose.
See this woman coming along here now : she's the type that always orders the same thing, but she still needs you to ask her each time what she wants.
La femme qui vient d'entrer commande toujours la même chose et veut qu'on lui demande à chaque fois.
But if he was here, he'd tell you the same thing.
S'il était là, il vous dirait la même chose.
But here's the thing that I want to say.
Voici ce que je veux vous dire.
- No, but here's the thing, guys, you know the part where the prince comes home weary from his long journey?
- Voilà ce que vous allez faire. Vous voyez le passage où le prince revient chez lui, fatigué après un long voyage?
But here's the thing.
- J'ai un truc super.
Here's the thing, see... she can reach me, but I can't ever get her.
Tu vois, le truc, c'est qu'elle peut me joindre, mais je ne peux jamais l'avoir.
Hi, I know you're a genius, but here's the thing.
Je sais que vous êtes un génie mais j'ai un problème.
But let's just say, on the off-chance that Jerry is actually right. Then what happens if whatever the fuck it was in there that killed the guy, killed me, what happens if that fucking thing gets in here?
Mais supposons que Jerry ait raison... que se passerait-il, si cette merde qui a tué ce gars, me tuait?
but here's the problem 16
but here's the deal 31
but here's the good news 17
here's the thing 1106
the thing is 2099
the thing 152
the thing is that 20
the thing was 19
the things 18
but how 718
but here's the deal 31
but here's the good news 17
here's the thing 1106
the thing is 2099
the thing 152
the thing is that 20
the thing was 19
the things 18
but how 718
but here we are 98
but here it is 16
but here i am 78
but he doesn't 34
but how are you 17
but here you are 88
but here goes 21
but he didn't 242
but here 306
but he didn't answer 18
but here it is 16
but here i am 78
but he doesn't 34
but how are you 17
but here you are 88
but here goes 21
but he didn't 242
but here 306
but he didn't answer 18