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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ D ] / Don't even try

Don't even try перевод на французский

567 параллельный перевод
Its result showed some patients to be cured, even if its success rate is really low. We don't know when they will announce the start of the second trial, and although when it is announced, it won't be easy for you to be on the list, but I will try my best as well.
Certains patients ont pu être guéris même si le taux de succès est faible.
Don't even try it!
Manque de pot!
I don't know why I even try to lie to you.
J'ignore pourquoi j'essaie de vous mentir.
Don't even try.
Ne prenez pas ce risque.
C'mon, try to drink a little even if you don't really want it.
Allez, bois même si tu n'en veux pas.
I don't even try.
Je n'essaye même pas.
As a matter of fact, they don't even try anymore.
En fait, il n'y a même plus de tentative.
Don't even try, no one has managed that
Personne n'a encore réussi.
- You must admit that you don't even try. Oh, no? No?
- Avoue que tu ne fais rien pour ça.
Don't you think we can even make a try at it?
Vous ne pensez pas qu'on puisse essayer, au moins?
Don't even try to learn how, Franek.
N'apprends pas, Franek. Surtout n'apprends pas.
- Don't even try.
Oh non, te fous pas de moi.
You don't even want to try again, to stop by her house?
Tu ne veux pas non plus passer la voir?
Don't even try it!
Pas d'histoires.
Break it, can't you? I don't even propose to try.
- aux services secrets, je crois!
You don't even try, Simon.
Tu ne fais aucun effort, Simon.
Even my friends have been saying the same thing lately... "Don't mention crossing the Pacific to Horie, " because the more you try to dissuade him, the more he'll want to go. "
Ces derniers temps, ils ont compris qu'en s'opposant à mon projet, ils ne feraient que me pousser à partir.
I know you don't understand me, but it's very difficult to even try to explain.
Tu ne me comprends pas mais c'est difficile à expliquer.
You don't even try to hide it.
Et tout ça, sans la moindre pudeur!
What sort of people sit in a restaurant and don't even try to talk to each other?
Quel genre de gens dînent ensemble sans se parler?
And don't even try to phone, or you'll be very sorry.
Essaie même pas de téléphoner, ou tu le regretteras.
You don't even try to make up good excuses anymore.
Tu ne prends plus la peine de chercher des prétextes.
They want you to try, even if they don't let you.
Elles veulent que tu essaies, même si elles ne marchent pas.
- Don't you even want to try it?
- Tu ne veux même pas l'essayer?
Don't even try to make her repent for her sins.
N'essayez pas de la faire se repentir de ses pêchés.
Don't even try to sing them, but read what he had to say.
N'essayez pas de chanter, lisez seulement ce qu'il avait à dire.
Don't even try.
N'y pense même pas.
Even if I try to live freely with men, they don't change.
Même si j'essaye de vivre librement avec les hommes, eux-mêmes n'ont pas vraiment évolué.
Don't even try!
Gare à toi, si tu le touches!
I don't even try. You're not a gambler?
Je n'essaie même pas!
- I didn't even try to. - Oh, don't give me that!
- Je n'ai rien fait pour qu'elle tique.
I don't even think they'll try to kill you till then. Come on.
Et ils ne vous feront rien avant.
Hey, don't even try it.
Hé, n'essaie même pas.
Don't even try.
N'essaie pas.
Don't even try.
Carlos. Christopher.
Don't even try it. I was gonna buy you one drink, as a courtesy, at the club.
J'allais vous offrir un verre en guise de courtoisie.
- Don't you even try!
- N'essaie même pas!
So not only do you try to make me into a big maricón but you sell cars behind my back and don't even give me a cut.
Non seulement tu veux me rendre impuissant... mais en plus tu vends des voitures sans me donner ma part?
Look, guys, don't even try it.
C'est même pas la peine d'essayer.
Everytime I look at myself I do penance by saying how ugly I am. I don't even try to imagine it away.
A chaque fois que je me regarde, je fais pénitence, tellement je me trouve laide!
I don't try to change it or even understand it.
Je n'essaie même plus de le comprendre.
# Don't even try to understand #
Ne cherche pas à te l'expliquer
Boy, don't even try...
N'ose pas le faire.
♪ We don't even have to try ♪ To see things eye to eye
Nous n'avons même pas besoin d'essayer
Don't even try it.
N'essaie pas.
If you are not faster than my bullets, don't even try.
Si tu n'est pas plus rapide que mes balles, n'essaie même pas.
Don't even try it, Cap'n.
Je ferais pas ça, à ta place.
"How do you know you don't like it if you won't even try it?"
"Goûte, tu sauras si tu aimes." Tu lui dis ça?
- Don't even try.
- Restez où vous êtes!
Don't even try.
N'y pense plus!
If I don't make it, will you even try?
Si j'échoue, tu essaieras?

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