Try them перевод на французский
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Try them.
- Essaye le.
Try them with a DUI.
Essaye de conduire soûl.
Let's try them for a while, okay?
On va essayer ceux-là. Pendant quelque temps.
We'll try to locate them if they get captured.
Nous essayerons de les localiser, s'ils sont capturés.
Tell them not to try and dial Earth.
N'entrez pas les coordonnées de la Terre.
Tell them not to try and dial Earth.
Dites-leur de ne pas essayer de composer la Terre.
Shouldn't we try and help them?
Ne devrions-nous pas essayer de les aider?
Try to dial them.
Essayez de les contacter.
Even if we trusted them enough to try it, which I'm guessing we don't, they blew their FTL by dropping out so quickly.
Même si on leur faisait assez confiance pour l'essayer, ils ont court-circuité leur P.V.Q.L.
Tell them not to try and dial Earth.
Dites-leur de ne pas aller sur Terre.
What are we gonna do now? I'm gonna try to hold them off.
Qu'est ce qu'on va faire maintenant?
I still have some friends there, so I try to visit them every 6 months.
J'y ai encore des amis et j'essaie d'y aller tous les six mois.
I'll try talk with them.
Ils viennent voir leur ami. Je vais leur parler.
Do you want them to try zaustviti?
Tu veux l'arrêter? Je t'en prie.
You know, you try to rescue two drowning swimmers at once, you go down with them.
Vous savez, quand vous essayez de sauver deux nageurs qui se noient en même temps, vous coulez avec eux.
I did try to tell Peter that I'd seen them, but, I mean... ( Laughs )... who's got the words for a thing like that?
J'ai essayé de dire à Peter que je les avais vus. Mais, enfin! Qui trouverait les mots pour une chose pareille?
If you hold them gently, they'll try to escape.
En les tenant doucement, elles vont s'enfuire.
But try to give me something to tell them.
Mais me faut une histoire.
I'll try to take them out of competition.
Je vais les sortir de la compétition.
Sometimes it makes you try to pull them even closer.
Et parfois elle peut faire que tu te rapproches d'eux.
Please try to answer them.
Essayez d'y répondre.
Okay, I'll try to keep them away.
Je vais essayer de les éloigner.
I try not to think about them.
J'essaie de ne pas y penser.
Well, sh-she thought it was worth one last try to get them together.
Elle pensait que cela valait le coup de tenter une dernière fois de les réunir.
Okay, listen. Do not try and fight them. Just hold tight and we'll be right there.
N'essaie pas de les combattre, retiens-les juste et on arrive.
It's pretty grainy, but I can try cleaning them up.
Il y a du grain, mais je dois pouvoir nettoyer.
Right, I've got a few, a few ideas of me own. I want to them try out.
Bien, j'ai quelques idées à moi que je veux essayer.
Try to make them differently, yes.
Tout refaire différemment, oui.
I could try to draw them out.
Les amener à sortir.
- Try burying them. - Why wait?
- Vous n'avez qu'à les enterrer.
I try and talk to them and they blank me.
J'ai essayé de leur parler et elles m'ont ignoré.
Let's surround the area, try to box them in. Copy that.
Essayons de les encercler.
Didn't try to warn them.
Pas d'avertissement.
What's the point of you even being here if you don't try and stop them? !
Vous servez à quoi, si vous les laissez faire?
We can't cut off the top of his head based on a few symptoms that disappear whenever we try to test for them.
On ne peut pas ouvrir son crâne à cause de symptômes qui disparaissent quand on essaye de les examiner.
"do not try to stop them, " for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
"ne les en empêchez pas, car le royaume de Dieu appartient" à ceux qui leur ressemblent.
Bunch of goddesses put their minds to something, you try stopping them.
Un tas de Déesses avec un but commun, va essayer de les arrêter toi.
She's probably gonna try to fix them.
Elle va tenter de les réparer.
And if they try, he has them killed before they get a chance.
Et ceux qui ont essayé sont morts.
So the wife is released from the hospital, the first thing she does is try to leave Robert with her daughter, but every time she tries that, he tracks them down.
Alors la femme quitte l'hôpital, la première chose qu'elle fait est de quitter Robert avec sa fille, mais à chaque fois qu'elle essaie, il les traque.
I'm gonna go down to I.A.B., set it right with them before those sons of bitches try and make it public.
Je sais comment ça marche. Je vais à l'IGS donner ma version avant que ces pourris rendent ça public.
We try every day to do everything we can to prevent them from happening again.
Nous faisons chaque jour tout ce qui est en notre pouvoir pour que ça ne se produise plus.
Please try to cooperate with them.
Essaie de coopérer avec lui.
If you can send in your bits of news and any interesting articles we'll try and get them published.
Si vous pouvez nous envoyer vos nouvelles ou des articles intéressants nous essayerons de les publier.
Try and stand up to them.
Pourquoi tu te défends pas?
And I think that my goal for today... is to try to show them that they're capable of a lot more.
Je pense que mon but aujourd'hui est de leur montrer qu'ils peuvent en faire plus.
Just try to wing them.
Vise les membres.
We can go back to the well, again. Try to get them to come into the Program.
- On peut retourner les voir, les convaincre d'intégrer le Programme.
We gonna try and get them blind drunk and then flip them over to our team?
On les saoule, et elles changent de bord?
And the people that try to save them.
Et pour les gens qui tentent de les aider.
Tell them we'll try to get the South to leave Orisia.
Dis-leur qu'on fait le maximum pour que le Sud se retire.
try them on 27
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16
try to keep up 60
try to understand 163
try to get some sleep 40
try to get some rest 25
try to stay calm 47
try to understand me 17
try this one 103
try to relax 119
try to 36
try to keep up 60
try to understand 163
try to get some sleep 40
try to get some rest 25
try to stay calm 47
try to understand me 17
try this one 103
try to relax 119
try to 36