Try to keep up перевод на французский
245 параллельный перевод
No, I can't. Well, I know I'm not in your class but I'll try to keep up with you.
Pour moi, il y a un seul bâtard dans la famille, et c'est pas Rafe.
- I still try to keep up with my field.
Je m'y intéresse encore. Aux zoos?
The fool doesn't even try to keep up appearances.
Ce fou n'essaye même pas de sauver les apparences.
- I think you might try to keep up.
- Reste pas à la traîne.
I try to keep up with everything.
Je m'escrime à tout vérifier.
Listen, try to keep up with me without changing the subject...
Écoutez, essayez de garder avec moi sans changer le sujet...
- You gonna try to keep up with me?
- Alors vous n'allez pas me perdre?
I try to keep up.
Je me tiens au courant.
I try to keep up, but these new computers are over my head.
Je me suis tenu au courant des techniques modernes, mais à quoi bon? Je suis dépassé.
I try to keep up.
- J'essaie de suivre.
- l try to keep up.
- Je me tiens à jour.
It's hard work and I try to keep up but my hands hurt most of the time.
C'est dur... et j'ai mal aux mains.
Try to keep up, Grundel, okay?
Essayez de suivre.
Try to keep up with me.
Accroche-toi, suis-moi!
Grab your gear and try to keep up.
En route, et ne traînez pas derrière.
Try to keep up.
Essaie de suivre.
Harvard and Cornell try to keep up with them as they cross the halfway point.
Harvard et Cornell sont à mi-course.
Okay, Joe. Try to keep up.
Essaie de tenir.
Bifocals, Grandpa. Try to keep up.
Lunettes à double foyer et essaie de suivre.
You don't want to try to keep up with me!
N'essaie pas de me battre sur mon propre terrain!
And one, two! Try to keep up!
Et... une, deux!
You just try to keep up.
Essaie de me suivre...
Try to keep up.
Essayez de suivre.
Try to keep up. Bobby is straight.
Mets-toi dans la tête que Bobby est hétéro.
- Like what? - You're not gonna try to keep this up.
La comédie a assez duré.
I try to keep them up for her.
J'essaie de les garder pour elle.
Basserman, go up to the wall and keep firing on them... in case they try to come to the front, ja.
Allez sur la route en tirant au cas où ils avanceraient.
At least try to keep up the pressure on your father.
Cherche à convaincre ton père.
Now, Aunt Clara, you wait here and keep going over these spells and try to come up with the one.
Tante Clara, attends ici, et passe en revue ces sorts et essaie de trouver le bon.
Go tell Jaffar to surrender or we'll blow up the house and everyone in it. Try to convince him if you want to keep your house.
Alors maintenant tu vas monter les escaliers et tu diras à Djafar que s'il ne se rend pas nous ferons sauter la maison et tous les gens avec, essaie de le convaincre, si tu veux garder ta maison.
I would suggest that you try to keep away from clichés, and look up the spelling of the Lady in Tennyson's
Je vous suggérerais d'éviter les clichés et de vérifier le nom de la dame dans le recueil de Tennyson :
I'll try to make contact with the planetary officials. Lieutenant, open up a channel and keep it open.
Je vais essayer de contacter les responsables planétaires.
I suggest that you reach deep down inside yourself..... and try and find something to keep you awake a little longer,..... because this transmission coming up may just rekindle your will to live.
Je te conseille d'aller chercher très loin en toi quelque chose qui te tiendra éveillé encore un peu parce que cet appel radio pourrait bien réveiller ton désir de vivre.
Try to keep it up.
Gardez-le bien haut.
- I got a lot to do today, so try to keep up.
Il faut t'y mettre.
You just have to try and keep up.
Essaie seulement de me suivre.
Try to keep our shields up in case Taris decides to act on her threat.
Essayez de maintenir les boucliers en place, juste au cas où...
It seem the rain will never let up I try to keep my head up
Il pleut, mais je relève la tête
All of them. They sent us down here because... they want us to change or grow up or something, and all they do is try and keep us the same.
Ils nous ont tous fait embarquer parce qu'ils voulaient qu'on devienne adultes mais ils nous traitent comme des gamins.
It's sweet of you to try to lie to me, but if you keep it up, that collar is going to electrocute you.
C'est gentil d'essayer de me mentir, mais si tu continues, ce collier va t'électrocuter.
If you can keep up, you're welcome to try.
Si vous êtes assez rapides, suivez-moi.
We'll try to keep you up to speed.
On tâchera de le faire.
I'd become hooked. I had to start making up rules... to just try and keep it under control.
J'étais accro, j'ai dû établir des règles, pour garder le contrôle.
'But they try to keep their spirits up.
Mais ils essaient de garder le moral.
If you can't keep up with the conversation, better not try to join in at all.
Si vous ne suivez pas la conversation, mieux vaut ne pas vous yjoindre.
Mixing up our ideas is pointless. Don't try to keep me out of your problems.
On ne gagne rien en se brouillant les idées, n'écarte pas ton père de la discussion de tes problèmes.
I couldn't decide whether to keep it up or try something new.
Je n'arrivais pas a me décider si j'allais rester comme ça ou essayer quelque chose de nouveau.
I try to keep looking up and forget about what's down.
je regarde en l'air pour oublier l'Enfer.
I know you understand that niggas ain't perfect, but we try, Lord. We try to keep our heads up in bad times.
Tu sais que nous ne sommes pas parfaits, mais nous essayons... nous essayons d'être courageux dans les moments difficiles.
All right, this is gonna go fast, so try to keep up.
Ça va aller vite.
I'm sorry you saw that, Fry. I usually try to keep my sadness pent up inside...
Je suis navrée que tu aies vu ça Fry.
try to understand 163
try to get some sleep 40
try to get some rest 25
try to stay calm 47
try to understand me 17
try to relax 119
try to 36
try to remember 95
try to calm down 25
try to sleep 39
try to get some sleep 40
try to get some rest 25
try to stay calm 47
try to understand me 17
try to relax 119
try to 36
try to remember 95
try to calm down 25
try to sleep 39
try to breathe 17
keep up the good work 182
keep up 222
try them on 27
try this one 103
try them 22
try this on for size 21
try this 317
try that again 27
try these 31
keep up the good work 182
keep up 222
try them on 27
try this one 103
try them 22
try this on for size 21
try this 317
try that again 27
try these 31