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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ E ] / Eight thousand

Eight thousand перевод на французский

234 параллельный перевод
We're worth eight thousand dollars.
On vaut 8000 dollars.
After all, I've got eight thousand.
Après tout, j'ai 8000 $.
Eight thousand.
2500 m. 2500 m.
- What's the price of this bed? - Eight thousand dollars.
- Combien coûte ce lit?
Eight thousand.
Twenty-eight thousand.
8500 mètres.
Thirty-eight thousand.
11600 mètres.
Eight thousand square miles ofwater over two miles above sea level... Lake Titicaca has been prominent in Inca history and folklore for generations.
2 1 000 km d'eau à plus de trois km au-dessus du niveau de la mer, le Lac Titicaca figure dans le folklore inca depuis des générations.
A guy comes along, wants to buy the business. Offered me eight thousand bucks. I took it.
Puis arrive un type qui me propose 8 000 dollars.
Mopu is eight thousand feet up.
Mopu est à 2 400 mètres d'altitude.
One hundred and eighty-eight thousand?
One hundred and eighty-eight thousand rubles.
188000 roubles.
- Eight thousand? This is Saratoga, Gus.
- On est à Saratoga, Gus.
Eight thousand.
Eight thousand?
Eight thousand tons at least.
Quel monstre! D'au moins 8000 tonnes.
Eight thousand tons.
8000 tonnes!
Eight thousand marks.
- 8 000 marks.
That would make eight thousand.
Ça fait 8000 francs en tout.
Eight thousand five hundred, sir.
A 2750 m.
That's 43 dollars American. Eight thousand more and we get our tent.
Dur de payer les factures sans argent.
- It is Amara. - Twenty-eight thousand?
- C'est bien Amara.
- Twenty-eight thousand, 28.
- 28 000.
He overestimated his sales possibilities and got stuck... with eight thousand pair.
Il s'est gouré dans ses prévisions et il est resté... avec huit mille paires sur les bras.
Thirty-eight thousand and closing.
38000 en approche...
Thirty-eight thousand and closing.
38000, en approche.
About eight thousand feet.
Environ 8.000 pieds.
Eight thousand degrees centigrade.
8000 degrés centigrades.
Eight thousand. That's my last offer.
Alors, je n'achète pas, je vends.
Ninety-eight thousand ampoules.
98 000 ampoules.
Eight thousand fucking dollars.
8 000 $, bordel.
Seven, eight thousand degrees?
Dans les 400 ° C?
Eight thousand miles from home, my cameraman's mind has gone to mush on some whacked-out water diet!
A 13 000 km de la maison, mon cameraman péte les plombs á cause d'un régime tordu á base d'eau!
- Two thousand eight hundred and...
- One thousand eight hundred and eight-six.
And then here.. two, eight, nine thousand
Deux autres à Madrid — 8 000 et 7 000.
Eight... Eighty-five thousand in gold and in notes.
85 000 en or et en billets.
- Two thousand, two hundred and eight, sir.
- 2 208 personnes.
- Eight thousand.
- Huit mille.
In that case, ma'am, you'll be delighted to know that you're only one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three miles away from him.
Dans ce cas, vous serez enchantée d'apprendre que vous n'êtes qu'à... deux mille neuf cent... quatre-vingt seize kilomètres de lui.
Seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred, one thousand yen.
Sept cent, huit cent... neuf cent, mille yens.
This is crazy. worth it will be eight, nine, ten thousand rand.
C'est fou. Ca nous coûtera 8,9,10000 dollars.
One thousand, eight hundred men.
Mille huit cents hommes.
Fifty thousand, thirty-eight dollars, and fifty-three cents.
Cinquante mille trente-huit dollars et cinquante-trois cents.
This ring is worth eight to ten thousand marks.
Elle vaut entre 8 et 10 000 marks!
- Eight to ten thousand.
- 8 et 10 000.
Eight to ten thousand.
8 à 10 000...
This enormous system consisting of over one thousand suns is at a distance of eight miIIiard light years
Selon le professeur Horst Löb, environ 6 % des soleils de l'univers tournent autour de planètes qui pourraient être habitées.
In the year of Our Lord one thousand five hundred and ninety-eight, five trader warships left the Dutch city of Rotterdam as the first expeditionary force ever sent to ravage and plunder Spanish and Portuguese possessions in the recently discovered New World.
En l'an de grâce 1598, cinq navires marchands armés quittent Rotterdam pour la première expédition jamais entreprise pour piller les possessions espagnoles et portugaises du Nouveau Monde.
One thousand and eight!
Mille huit!
One one-thousand, two one-thousand, three one-thousand, four five one-thousand, six one-thousand, seven one-thousand eight one-thousand, nine one-thousand, 10 one-thousand.
Un... Deux... Trois...

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