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Eight minutes перевод на французский

723 параллельный перевод
You and my wife stayed in the car... for eight minutes... up to 2 : 43.
Vous n`en etes sortis que 8 minutes après. A 2 h 43...
[Chuckling] Eight minutes - Eight minutes can go like that! Yes.
Vous savez, 8 minutes... c`est vite passé.
- A cop passes this house all the time. - He won't pass for eight minutes.
Un flic patrouille devant la maison.
MAN : Eight minutes.
Huit minutes.
Eight minutes change.
Huit minutes pour se changer.
Come on, you only have eight minutes for your change.
Vous n'avez que huit minutes.
This show's got eight minutes to run, see?
Il reste huit minutes au spectacle.
If you want that gun, you're gonna wait eight minutes, see, and that's flat and final!
Tu veux cette arme, attends huit minutes, point final!
In another eight minutes it won't be May the 13th anymore.
Dans 8 mn, nous ne serons plus le 13 mai.
He just left, and he's eight minutes late.
Il vient de partir. Et il a 8 minutes de retard.
Your photos will be ready in eight minutes.
- Elles seront prêtes dans 8 minutes.
- Yes. I'll be back in eight minutes then.
Alors, à dans 8 minutes.
They'll leave the grate at the top of the ramp Open for eight minutes.
La grille du haut sera ouverte pendant 8 minutes.
Whatever you're gonna do, You got eight minutes.
Tu auras 8 minutes pour faire ce que tu as à faire.
- You're on in eight minutes.
- Vous passez dans 8 minutes!
Eight minutes ago, he had tried to throw a grenade through one of the police barrack windows.
Il avaitjeté une grenade sur les fenêtres de la police.
Eight minutes before countdown.
8 minutes avant le compte à rebours.
And what did you win for Maish, an extra eight minutes?
Tu auras prolongé Maish de 8 minutes.
If you're still here eight minutes from now, i'm going to have to kill you.
Si tu es encore là dans 8 minutes, je le tue
Only eight minutes now, Danny.
Plus que huit minutes.
You took two hours, eight minutes, and you beat me.
Tu as mis deux heures, huit minutes, et moi plus.
They monitored a transmission about eight minutes ago.
Ils ont détecté une transmission, il y a environ huit minutes.
Thus, in one hour, eight minutes, he has reduced the flower of the Highland clans to twitching, limbless corpses.
En 1 heure et 8 minutes, il a réduit l'élite des Highlands en des cadavres mutilés et disloqués.
Well, in about eight minutes we'll have an answer.
Dans huit minutes, nous aurons la réponse.
Time, Ladies and Gentlemen, eight minutes twenty-five seconds.
Mesdames et messieurs, huit minutes et vingt-cinq secondes.
- About eight minutes.
- Environ huit minutes.
Why don't we have breakfast together upstairs in about, uh, oh, eight minutes.
Déjeunons ensemble là-haut, dans 8 minutes.
Well, she will only have to wait eight minutes for the regular bus.
Dans 8 minutes, elle aura le régulier.
Fifty-eight minutes.
Cinquante-huit minutes.
Eight minutes from Outpost 4 at this velocity.
Nous atteindrons l'avant-poste 4 dans huit minutes.
Eight fifty-eight, in about three minutes.
A 20h58. Dans trois minutes.
A 20-minute walk, if you can spare me, then eight hours of sleep.
Une promenade de 20 minutes, si vous permettez, et huit heures de sommeil.
There's eight or nine men ahead of her.
Il y a 8 ou 9 hommes avant elle. Elle en a pour au moins 20 minutes.
- Eight hours and 12 minutes.
- Huit heures et douze minutes.
Bombers, fighters, dive-bombers, across that 21 miles of channel. That eight short minutes of water.
Bombardiers, chasseurs, bombardiers en piqué, survolant les 35 km de la Manche, toutjuste huit minutes au-dessus des eaux.
- Thirty minutes, eight seconds
30 minutes, 8 secondes, 9, 10...
I'll do seven or eight numbers, half an hour, with applause, 45 minutes.
Moi, sept ou huit numéros, 15 mn pour applaudir, 45 mn en tout.
I can't sum up in a few minutes... what you've learned in eight years. What you're taking with you... isn't just what's in the books.
Je ne peux pas résumer ce que vous y avez appris en huit ans, et ce que vous en tirez ne se trouve pas que dans les livres.
He said " "war is hell." " And what did he know about it? That eight-ball never left the states.
Il ne nous reste que 45 minutes.
Eight hours and 42 minutes of the allotted time remain.
Il nous reste 8 heures et 42 minutes.
I think so. - You'think so'? 'Two hours, forty three minutes, thirty-eight and two-elevenths seconds'.
2 heures, 43 minutes... 38 secondes et 2 / 10.
Bring him back on course 140 for 3O minutes at a speed of eight knots.
Faites-la revenir sur le cap 140, pendant 30 mn, à 8 nœuds.
140, 30 minutes, eight knots.
140, 30 mn, 8 nœuds.
Zero minus 10... nine, eight... seven, six, five... four, three, two... one, target zero.
Zéro minutes.. 10... 9, 8... 7, 6, 5... 4, 3, 2... 1, cible zéro.
Only eight more minutes, Admiral and it will be too late for you to do anything.
Dans huit minutes, amiral, vous ne pourrez plus rien faire.
You're down to eight minutes, commander.
Plus que 8 minutes
That's eight hours, 20 minutes.
Soit 8 heures 20 minutes.
His total time for the eight tests was six minutes, three seconds.
Il lui a fallu six minutes et trois secondes pour faire les huit tests.
The fight has eight two-minute rounds, with Joaquim Teixeira as referee.
Le combat a huit rounds de deux minutes, arbitrés par M. Joaquim Teixeira.
27 minutes past eight?
- Qu'en savez-vous?
Eight and a half minutes to go, Jack.
Jack, plus que huit minutes.

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