For all i knew перевод на французский
228 параллельный перевод
For all I knew he had your gun.
Il t'aurait pris ton arme.
For all I knew, you were in on the whole thing.
Puisque je savais que vous étiez mêlée à l'affaire.
It could have been Mars for all I knew.
Pour moi, il aurait pu s'agir de Mars.
My master might be abroad for all I knew. And if he were at Thornfield Hall with his poor lunatic wife,
A la lumière de ce que je savais, mon maître était à l'étranger, et s'il était à Thornfield Hall c'était avec sa folle de femme.
She might have been screaming for a week for all I knew.
Elle aurait même pu crier une semaine.
I knew this coat would come in handy for something, after all.
Je savais que cette veste servirait à quelque chose.
But since I knew that you were anxious to get rid of the property, and all the memories connected with it, I thought that in my position as Mayor, I would take the liberty of sending for you.
Mais comme je savais que vous désiriez vous débarrasser de la propriété... et de tous les souvenirs qui s'y rattachent... j'ai pensé qu'en tant que maire... je pouvais prendre la liberté de vous faire venir.
I knew then that... a man may be free if at all costs if he will, but a woman can only escape for a night and a day.
J'ai compris alors J'ai compris alors qu'un homme peut vivre libre s'il en a la volonté mais une femme ne peut s'échapper qu'une nuit et un jour.
I knew you'd be in today, so I have it all wrapped and ready for you.
Je savais que vous passeriez, alors tout est prêt.
I knew she hated me for that worst of all.
C'était surtout pour ça qu'elle me détestait.
I wish I knew of some way to break it off without hurting him... but all I can do is wait for him to get tired of coming.
J'aimerais en finir sans le heurter mais j'attends qu'il se lasse de venir.
I knew it all the time. Surely my childish prank couldn't have changed his love for me, so why had he gone?
Ma gaminerie n'avait pas pu changer son amour?
They all knew what to do for the baby, and they said I didn't.
Ils disent que je ne sais pas m'occuper du bébé.
How many times as a child have I caught you in the blackcurrants when you knew perfectly well that I wanted all the blackcurrants for my own jam
Tout jeune, tu volais les groseilles que je gardais pour ma confiture.
I knew that's what you been scratching for all along.
Je savais que c'était là que vous en arriveriez depuis le début.
I knew you were looking for him all along.
Je savais que tu étais à sa recherche depuis le début.
I would if I knew where l could get food for the children, medical care, schooling, all that they need.
Je partirais, Hoka, si je savais où nourrir et soigner les enfants.
For your information, I knew all about Lander - and my wife.
C'est gentil d'être venu, mais inutile d'insulter mon frêre.
I knew she would be all right with those ladies, and I couldn't do anything more for her.
Avec moi, elle n'aurait pas pu être heureuse.
I'm asking all the people who cared for me and knew me in the line of my duty, the blameless ones and the jailbirds, if you'll meet a martian one day by any chance, for writing to me inmmediately at the following address : ex Sergeant Vincenzo Berruti,
Si jamais vous voyez un martien, écrivez immédiatement à l'ex Brigadier Vincenzo Berruti,
You all took it for granted that I knew all there was about fishing.
Vous avez tous supposé que je savais tout sur la pêche.
I knew he was innocent but because of my testimony, they sent him up for 10 years, that's all.
Je le savais innocent, mais mon témoignage lui a valu 10 ans de prison. C'est tout.
Of all the gods, I knew and I waited. Waited for you to come and sit by my side. I don't understand.
De tous les dieux, je suis le seul qui savait et qui ait attendu votre venue pour que vous soyez à mes côtés.
I saw you looking around for something and I wondered what it was. And all of a sudden I knew.
Je vous ai vu chercher quelque chose et je me suis demandé ce que c'était.
I knew that your mania for bothering people would have brought all the misfortunes on us. I knew it.
Je savais que ta manie de tracasser les gens allait pointer sur nous le destin... Tu dois te défendre.
You could say we knew all this from the start and this is an excuse for me to get rid of you after I knew about your little defect.
Tu pourrais me dire que toutes ces choses, [br ] nous les savions dès le départ et que c'est seulement un prétexte [ br] pour me débarasser de toi après que j'aie su pour ton petit défaut.
What if I told you... that I knew for sure... you could pay'em back $ 20,000 and that'd be all you owed'em.
Et si je te disais que je sais, de source sûre, qu'avec 20000 $, ils te ficheraient la paix.
I mean, for all Edmund knew, it could have been the murderer who would be the first person to open the safe.
Edmund peut penser que le meurtrier ouvrira le coffre.
Of all the students of Zhishan I knew you'd be the only one to look for me
De tous les étudiants de Zhishan, je sais que tu es le seul qui me cherche.
You know, I used to figure you had a handle for everything. You knew it all.
Autrefois je croyais que tu avais une réponse pour tout.
I could have been the devil himself for all you knew.
J'aurais pu être le diable en personne.
I'm here at lunch with you which I knew was the reason you invited me and all I'm sitting here for is to get guilty with you, right?
Et voilà qu'en plein déjeuner, mais j'aurais dû m'en douter, il faut encore que tu cherches à me culpabiliser!
Amanda, it'd be a lot easier for me to get General back in the house if I knew what these bad dreams were all about.
Je pourrais plus facilement laisser Général revenir dans la maison si tu m'en disais plus sur tes cauchemars.
Maybe I took all the money meant for Rivas, because I knew you two were planning to cut me out.
Peut-être ai-je pris l'argent destiné à Rivas car je savais que vous alliez me doubler.
Every time I saw it, I'd run like hell, but I knew that one day we'd have to settle this thing once and for all.
Tu l'as mise en premier et elle a décoloré les tomates.
And the next thing I knew, all three were on me and I was fighting for my life.
Cela leur a déplu, ils se sont jetés sur moi et il a fallu que je me batte.
And I had to ask myself why you did that, and got charged for it and all, when you knew it was gonna rain.
Je me suis demandé pourquoi vous aviez fait ça. Ça coûtait cher et vous saviez qu'il allait pleuvoir.
Except that hasn't bothered me since high school... when she got all the dates and won all the English prizes. Because I discovered I knew how to make money... for everybody. And she discovered just how much she needed me.
Ça ne me gênait pas qu'elle soit courtisée et qu'elle gagne des prix littéraires car j'ai pu gagner de l'argent pour tout le monde et elle a découvert qu'elle avait besoin de moi.
For a second, I thought I was dead. But when I heard all the noise, I knew they were cops.
Je me suis cru mort, mais au bruit, j'ai su que c'étaient des flics.
Well, I said I knew a guy that roadied for him a few years ago, that's all.
Je connais un mec qui a bossé pour lui une fois, c'est tout.
I always knew all that stuff how he had been a hit man for the mob in Chicago... and in New Orleans and stuff... and how he was icing people at a pretty young age, but, uh... you know, I didn't know all that stuff about his dogs.
J'ai toujours su qu'il était tueur à gage pour le crime organisé, à Chicago, à la Nouvelle-Orléans, tout ça, et qu'il avait refroidi des gens dès son jeune âge, mais j'ignorais ces trucs à propos de ses chiens.
For all you knew, I'd drowned.
Pour vous, J'avais dû couler.
All the good things you've done for me that I never knew.
Tout le bien que vous m'avez fait, sans que je le sache.
Well, for me, the first time, it happened so fast, I hardly knew I had honed at all.
Eh bien, pour moi, la première fois, ça s'est passé si vite que je ne savais pas que j'avais affûté.
I was gettin'revenge for you, boy. You knew all along I was the one that had to do it.
Je me vengeais pour toi, mon gars... car tu as toujours su que c'était moi qui devait le faire.
I knew there was a reason for all of this.
Croyez-moi. Je suis désolé.
So for three centuries I've guarded the house on All Hallows Night, when I knew some airhead virgin might light that candle.
Donc, durant 3 siècles j'ai gardé la maison, la nuit d'Halloween, au cas où un jeune crétin vierge, allumerait la bougie!
All these years because you took it for granted that I knew?
t'as cru que je savais?
For the moment I'm not concerned with all this. I never knew what daddy was doing.
Pour l'instant, tout cela ne me préoccupe pas.
As I remember it now, those were golden years... warmed by an unworldly light. And when things became the most difficult... Draco's star shone more brightly... for all of us who knew where to look.
Je m'en souviens aujourd'hui comme d'une époque heureuse, exaltée par une lumière céleste, et quand les choses se compliquaient, l'étoile de Draco brillait avec plus d'éclat pour nous qui savions où regarder.
All these years, I've been trying to convince myself that I knew what was best for our village.
J'ai toujours cru savoir ce qui était le mieux pour notre village.
for all intents and purposes 51
for all i care 74
for all you know 82
for all we know 381
for all i know 267
for all of us 271
for all our sakes 38
for all of it 31
for all eternity 28
for all of you 34
for all i care 74
for all you know 82
for all we know 381
for all i know 267
for all of us 271
for all our sakes 38
for all of it 31
for all eternity 28
for all of you 34
i knew it 3235
i knew it was coming 17
i knew it all along 22
i knew you'd like it 33
i knew it was too good to be true 27
i knew you could do it 105
i knew it was you 83
i knew something was wrong 68
i knew you'd come 123
i knew you had it in you 28
i knew it was coming 17
i knew it all along 22
i knew you'd like it 33
i knew it was too good to be true 27
i knew you could do it 105
i knew it was you 83
i knew something was wrong 68
i knew you'd come 123
i knew you had it in you 28
i knew that 414
i knew you would 138
i knew it was him 16
i knew you'd say that 47
i knew something was up 41
i knew it was wrong 23
i knew you would come 37
i knew you were gonna say that 36
i knew 590
i knew you'd understand 40
i knew you would 138
i knew it was him 16
i knew you'd say that 47
i knew something was up 41
i knew it was wrong 23
i knew you would come 37
i knew you were gonna say that 36
i knew 590
i knew you'd understand 40