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Get him down перевод на французский

1,263 параллельный перевод
Help us get him down from here!
Chef! Aidez-nous à l'emmener!
Help me get him down!
Va chercher de l'aide!
You can always get him down at the diner, you know.
- Il est toujours fourré au Diner. - Noté.
If you cared about him at all, you'd use your influence to get him down.
Si tu t'inquiétais pour lui, tu userais de ton influence pour le faire descendre.
Get him down to the house. I'm not gonna be arrested today, Johnny.
Personne m'arrêtera aujourd'hui!
Get him down there now!
Get him down here. Tell him you were with John McClane.
Dis-lui que tu es avec John McClane.
Get him down!
Maintenez-le allongé!
All right, you get him down to Medlab 2.
Descendez-le au bloc.
Back off! Get him down to lockup. Now!
Mettez-le en cellule, et vite!
Get him down.
Get him down! Get him down!
How do we get him down?
Comment on va le faire descendre?
Somebody get him down! Get him on the ground.
Couchez-le à terre!
- Get him down!
Par terre!
Get him down here to interview Hailey.
Rodeheaver. Qu'il examine Hailey.
Get him down!
you do what you want. i'm advising you get him down to central booking.
Je vous conseille de l'emmener au central.
Okay, I'll call him... see if I can get him down there.
Je l'appellerai, alors. J'essaierai de le faire venir.
Perhaps if he was to sit on your shoulders, Then Frank and I can try and get him down.
Il n'a qu'à s'asseoir sur vos épaules et on le fera descendre.
Habib and Gladstone, how are you, the police, going to get him down?
Habib et Gladstone, comment allez-vous le faire descendre?
Get him down to the pod!
Faites-le descendre par là!
Get him down, Danny!
Descends-le, Danny!
- Get him down!
- Crève-le!
Come on, man, get him down!
Allez, mec, explose-le!
Get him down and beat the fucking hell out of him!
Allez, explose sa putain de grosse gueule!
- Get down there and get him!
- Descendons lui régler son compte!
After the Feds, state and city get through with him, you can cut that down to half.
Après déductions des impôts et des taxes, on peut diviser ça en deux.
- We must try and get it out of him, even though it may do as much harm coming up as it did going down.
C'est sûr, j'aurais crié.
- Go down and get him.
... descendre le chercher...
I asked you to get the tape. Why won't you do it? I'm bad, but I don't want to drag him down with me.
Tu l'as toujours dans la peau, ce mec!
You get him off. You both go free. He goes down you take the fall with him.
soit vous le défendez bien et vous êtes tous les deux libres, soit il est condamné, et vous plongez avec lui.
Tell him to come down here and get his own packages.
Dis-lui de venir les prendre lui-même.
They haven't been able to shut him down, so they've turned to the FBI to try and get a prosecution.
Ils n'ont pas pu arrêter leurs activités, alors ils font appel au FBI pour engager des poursuites.
And, so, when Eliphaz came down from Mount Hebron bearing fgs... he offered them to Moham... who you will remember is the father of Shecham... and to Hazar, on the occasion of their matrimony... much in the same- - We've heard enough about Bliz-blaz and Him-ham already. - Get to the bloody point!
Quand Eliphaz redescendit du Mont Hébron avec des figues, il les offrit à Moham, le père de Shecham, et à Hazar à l'occasion de leur mariage,
If he's sixty by the time he settles down... are we going to get him married as an old fossil?
S'iI a soixante ans avant qu'iI s'installe... va-t-on ie voir épouser comme un vieux fossile?
But she bade him get off her back and slammed the phone down.
Mais elle refusa et raccrocha sèchement le téléphone.
Tu vas mourir, négrillon!
I say to myself, " lf l turn him down, he'll get someone else.
Je me dis : si je refuse, il file le boulot à un autre...
Get him in that cruiser, bring him down here... and we'll get this done, then I'm buying at the Thick.
Vous l'amenez ici, on règle ça et je vous paie le resto.
I remember being very afraid for that little boy. All alone, down that well... not knowing if anybody's gonna get him out.
Je me souviens avoir eu très peur pour ce gosse... seul au fond d'un puits, ignorant si on viendrait le chercher.
Give him four units, and get another body down here now.
4 unités, et faites venir quelqu'un d'autre.
Let's get some phasers and hunt him down.
Armons-nous de phaseurs et partons à sa poursuite.
I think we're gonna negotiate his sentence down some in order to get him to testify.
On va devoir négocier une réduction de peine pour le faire témoigner.
Lawrence, you get your men down there and... when that car turns into Worth Street you stop it, you drag the black son-of-a-bitch onto the street and cuff him.
Envoyez vos hommes en bas. A l'angle, arrêtez la voiture, sortez-moi ce blackos et menottez-le!
- Then we go down and get him.
- Nous descendrons le chercher.
Then he fell down on the baby, and I had to get him off the baby.
J'ai dû le dégager moi-même. - Vous n'avez rien vu?
Get down on the ground. Show him how to get down. Freeze!
Tout le monde à terre!
You've got to get rid of him before he brings you down with him. - Quiet!
Débarrasse-toi de lui le plus vite possible.
There's a blanket underneath him. Get it and press it down over the wound hard.
Prends la couverture sous lui et presse-la contre la blessure en appuyant fort.
- I'll ask him when we get down.
- Je lui demanderai en bas.

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