He came at me перевод на французский
329 параллельный перевод
I still don't know what instinct made me step aside when he came at me.
Je ne sais quel instinct m'a fait me pousser lorsqu'il a foncé sur moi.
But he came at me with a knife.
Mais il m'avait menacé avec un couteau.
But I didn't lift a hand at him until he came at me with a knife.
Mais il m'a agressé avec un couteau.
He came at me with a rock and the next thing I knew he was lying there.
Il avait cette pierre. L'instant d'après, il était par terre. Rentre, Dan.
He came at me, insisting that I give him money, even though I told him I didn't have any, and I tried to get the gun away from him and it went off.
Il s'est jeté sur moi en me réclamant de l'argent, même si je lui avais dit que je n'en avais pas. J'ai essayé de lui arracher son pistolet, et la balle est partie.
When he came at me again, I fired.
Quand il est revenu vers moi, j'ai tiré.
Before a draw was called, he came at me with an illegal tsuki thrust.
Avant que le combat ne soit proclamé nul, Bunnojo a placé un coup d'estoc interdit.
He came at me with a twelve bore.
Il a sorti son fusil.
He slammed into him and then he came at me, so I shot him.
Il l'a frappé et s'est dirigé vers moi. J'ai tiré.
He came at me like a mad thing.
Il était fou furieux.
We were arguing, then he came at me, and I stepped aside and then he just fell overboard.
La dispute, il m'a foncé dessus, j'ai fait un pas de côté, puis il est tombé.
He wanted to kill me, he came at me with the gun...
Il voulait me tuer, il a pointé son arme vers moi...
Look, he came at me.
Il m'a attaqué.
When I told him, he came at me with a knife.
Je lui ai dit, il a voulu m'étriper.
"He's a sailor, far away at sea." I wondered who this man could be that everyone spoke of in hushed tones and who never came back.
très loin, sur la mer. " Et moi, je me demandais qui était ce marin dont on ne parlait qu'à voix basse et qui ne revenait jamais.
When he came back, I'd ask him how many people you'd shouted at.
"Combien il en a engueulé?" II me répondait 2, 3 ou 4.
He came right at me! ( SCOFFS )
Il a foncé sur moi!
I was amazed at his violent reaction until the evidence came to me that he owned those very 200 acres.
Je fus surpris par cette réaction, jusqu'à ce que des preuves arrivent, montrant qu'il possède ces 100 hectares.
When you came to me at Melbridge shortly after he disappeared... I told you I was sure he hadn't deserted you knowingly. I told you a door in his mind had opened, but another had closed.
Quand vous êtes venue me voir, après sa disparition, je vous ai dit qu'une porte de sa mémoire s'était refermée.
He was looking at me rather suspiciously. Presently he came up to me.
Il me considérait d'un air soupçonneux et vint vers moi.
He behaved very strangely. At first, he avoided me, then he forced himself on me. He came to my room at the inn late at night.
Il m'a d'abord évité, puis s'est imposé à moi, à l'auberge, tard dans la nuit.
I used to turn weak whenever he touched me or looked at me or even came into the room.
Je fondais quand il me touchait ou me regardait... ou entrait dans une pièce.
Mr. Eastman was good enough to say that if I came through here, perhaps he'd be able to find some place for me at the mills.
M. Eastman m'a expliqué que si je venais jusqu'ici, il me trouverait peut-être un travail à l'usine.
I was walking towards home when he suddenly came at me with a wild look in his eye and insisted we were married.
Je marchais vers la maison lorsqu'il est soudain venu vers moi... une lueur de folie dans le regard et a insisté pour m'épouser.
Go on, laugh. He came to the restaurant at lunch. He recognized me.
Mais dépêche-toi de rire... il est venu au restaurant à midi, il m'a reconnu... il a parlé à André
Since I came, he keeps sneering at me, calling me names.
Il n'arrête pas de se moquer de moi et de m'insulter.
"Suppose I testify that he was not at home with me at the time of the murder, that he came home with blood on his sleeves, and that he even admitted to me that he'd killed her?"
"Imagine que je déclare qu'il n'ait pas été à la maison à l'heure du crime, qu'il soit rentré avec du sang sur ses manches et qu'il m'ait même avoué son crime?"
He came to see me at my office today.
Il est venu au bureau aujourd'hui.
- Since he came in, he's been looking at me, laughing.
Depuis que vous êtes entrés, il rigole.
Abdel Hamid came to me at work and said he was coming to Iftar
Abd El-Hamid vient dîner avec nous
Before my return, he came to visit me at the hospital.
Avant mon rapatriement, il est venu me voir à l'hôpital.
Strangways and me, we slip in at night. He take some samples, we came straight back. Don't do to hang about there.
J'y suis allé avec M. Strangways. ll a pris des échantillons et on est vite repartis.
He came to interview me at the White House this morning.
Il m'a interviewé à la Maison-Blanche ce matin.
The inspector who came here yesterday told me. He was kidnapped right at your door.
C'est l'inspecteur qui est venu ici hier, vous savez celui qui s'est fait emballé en sortant.
- He came straight at me.
- Il m'a foncé dessus.
He wasn't hurt. He came right at me.
Il n'avait rien.
He came toward me, looking at me, then took me in his arms and kissed me.
"Il est venu vers moi, il m'a regardée, " il m'a prise dans ses bras et il m'a embrassée.
When I came to America I wanted to see him, so I called at his home in Chicago and his mother told me he was dead.
En arrivant ici, j'ai voulu le voir. J'ai appelé chez lui, à Chicago. Et sa mêre m'a dit qu'il était mort.
The car came towards me. He aimed at me and said :
Depuis la voiture, il a pointé sur moi son revolver en criant
He came to visit me at the nursing home.
II est venu me voir à la clinique.
Besides, he was at Rome at the time of Caligula's assassination but he never came near me.
De plus, il était à Rome quand Caligula a été assassiné et il ne m'a pas fait un signe.
He didn't really order it for me, but I came at the right moment to inherit it.
Il ne l'a pas commandé vraiment pour moi, mais je suis arrivé au bon moment pour en hériter.
I was crossing the street to go to the club... he came out of the dark, he looked like he was heading right at me... he swerved, I dove, he hit Everett... it was the same guy, and that's all I know.
Je traversais la rue pour aller au bar, la voiture a surgi de l'obscurité, comme si elle se dirigeait vers moi, il a fait un écart, j'ai plongé et il a écrasé Everett. C'était le même type, c'est tout ce que je sais.
He came to see me at my home after the Jumbo crash, through all the chaos and the traffic.
Il est venu chez moi le lendemain du crash malgré le chaos et les embouteillages.
He found me, and he came to me at the end of the service and started chattering about the sermon.
C'est lui qui m'a trouvé. Après le service, il m'a parlé du sermon.
One day Jean-Pierre, when I was taking the train after filming in Paris and I was going back to Nice or somewhere, he came to see me off at the station and at the last moment, he got on the train.
Je l'ai tout de suite remarquée.
You carried my lament to him. He came to me at your command.
Tu lui as porté mes plaintes, il m'est apparu sur ton ordre :
He came to pick me up one day after school and took me to lunch at the Grand Hotel.
Un jour, il vint me chercher à la sortie de l'école et il m'emmena déjeuner au Grand Hôtel.
I was born to save their marriage. But when my father came to pick me and my mother up at the hospital, he said, "I thought this was going to help,"
Je suis née pour sauver leur mariage... mais quand mon père est venu nous chercher à l'hôpital, il a dit : " Je pensais que ça nous aiderait,
He came out of the bedroom and he stopped at the closet and then he swung at me with that iron bar.
Il est sorti de la chambre et il m'a frappée avec une barre en fer.
One night he came to see me at the theater. - I was so embarrassed.
Un soir, il est venu au théâtre Il m'a foutu la honte!
he came 86
he came to me 86
he came back 79
he came home 23
he came out of nowhere 46
he came in 45
he came to us 20
he came here 25
he came to see me 41
at me 65
he came to me 86
he came back 79
he came home 23
he came out of nowhere 46
he came in 45
he came to us 20
he came here 25
he came to see me 41
at me 65
he can't swim 20
he can fly 25
he can't walk 19
he can't 392
he can handle it 31
he can't speak 18
he can't hurt you 21
he can't help himself 22
he can't hear me 22
he can't come 19
he can fly 25
he can't walk 19
he can't 392
he can handle it 31
he can't speak 18
he can't hurt you 21
he can't help himself 22
he can't hear me 22
he can't come 19