It just went off перевод на французский
123 параллельный перевод
It just went off by accident.
Le coup est parti par accident.
It just went off!
BEN : Oups...
I don't know. it just went off.
Le coup est parti tout seul.
It just went off? - Yes. sir.
- Oui. monsieur.
It just- - It just went off.
C'est parti tout seul.
And... wow... it just went off.
Et... Le coup part!
It just went off line. There's another master alarm.
On a une autre alarme générale!
It just went off.
C'est parti tout seul.
- It just went off.
- Le coup m'a échappé.
It just went off!
Le coup est parti tout seul!
- It just went off.
- Le coup est parti.
You were cleaning it and it just went off.
Vous le nettoyiez et il est parti tout seul.
- It just went off.
- Il est parti comme ça!
- Nobody. It just went off.
- Le coup est parti tout seul.
When I grabbed it, it just went off.
Je l'ai reprise, le coup est parti.
And then it just- - the light bulb went off.
Et là ça a fait... l'ampoule s'est éteinte.
I told her you wouldn't like it. I told her right off. But she hollered and went on, so I put it on just to keep her quiet.
Je lui ai dit que ce n'était pas votre genre... mais elle s'est mise à brailler.
No. I had a roast in the oven, and I was opening the door and it just fell off and went... just like that.
J'avais un rôti au four et quand j'ai ouvert la porte, elle est tombée, comme ça.
He just grabbed for the gun and it went off.
Il a attrapé son arme et le coup est parti.
Well, sir... Well, I don't know, sir. I was just kind of cleaning my rifle and it sort of went off.
Eh bien je nettoyais mon fusil et le coup est parti.
I just picked it up and it went off.
Le coup est parti.
The name comes off the jersey just as easy it went on.
On efface le nom du maillot aussi vite qu'on l'y inscrit.
It was like a light just went off in my head, and I knew she'd- -
Ça a fait comme un déclic dans ma tête.
I don't recall what happened to it then, it probably just died off but the next time we went to EMI they were really more friendly
Ensuite, je ne sais plus. Il a dû moins se vendre Mais quand on est retournés chez emi, ils étaient beaucoup plus sympas
I couldn't come off that, really because if you went to do anything on the toms, it was just nothing
Je ne pouvais rien faire d'autre Si je faisais un truc sur les toms
But then I just fully went for it and pulled off the demi-entrechat.
Ensuite, je me suis donné à fond et j'ai réussi le demi-entrechat.
It just went off, Sir.
Elle a explose.
Because when I went in there with my third nipple he just lopped it right off.
Pour mon troisième téton... il l'a tranché directement.
And it's time you went off to sleep I've started my own company I'm going to export German craftsmanship all over the world I'll create the biggest import-export company in Germany, just for you
Et vous feriez mieux d'aller dormir J'ai créé il y a peu une petite entreprise J'exporterai du travail allemand de qualité dans le monde entier Je vais créer la plus grande entreprise d'import-export d'Allemagne... pour vous
Look outside. - I saw it. The trucks'lights just went off.
- J'ai vu, ils cassent les phares.
It's signs that Gareth's made for the door of his office. He started off with'interrogation room'. He went to'interrogation office','investigation room'...'investigation office', just for...
Pour la pancarte que Gareth a faite pour son bureau, il a commencé par "Salle des interrogations", puis "Bureau des interrogations", "Salle des enquêtes",
The dialling sequencer just went down. - Take it off line, Sergeant.
- Déconnectez-le, caporal.
... toward him, and he was slumping down and the second shot went off, and it just knocked him down.
... de lui, il s'est effondré et le deuxième coup est parti, ça l'a renversé.
It's just that Eric went off on this whole thing about writing a story.
Eric s'est mis en tête d'écrire une histoire sur toi.
- Wait, you're not just gonna take it. - Clark. When the sheriff questioned me, I said I couldn't remember where the truck went off the road, but it's only a matter of time before he shows up.
Clark, quand le shérif m'a interrogé sur l'accident je lui ai dit que dans la confusion, je ne me souvenais plus de l'endroit exact où le camion avait quitté la route, mais C'est juste une question de temps avant qu'il ne revienne.
I swear, we'd be in the middle of doing it, and if his goddamn beeper went off... then he'd just leave.
On était en plein milieu du truc, et quand son beeper sonnait... il partait.
It just turns out it's Earl the Pearl's night. Cat went off.
Earl-La Perle a fait un festival.
I'm just asking if, after we had sex - if that's the way it went - would we take our clothes back off afterwards?
Apres avoir fait l'amour - si tant est qu'on Ie fasse - est-ce qu'on se deshabiIIera a nouveau?
And that was it I just took off never went back
Et voilà, je suis partie, et je ne suis jamais revenue.
So he'd put on and take off his clothes, again and again Then he got sick of it and just went into his house
Alors il enlevait et remettait ses vêtements encore et encore puis il en a eu marre et il est rentré chez lui.
Well, after thinking about it for a little while, it seems the Plattsburgh lecture just went great, and it went exactly the way we originally expected these lectures to work, which is that, at a certain point, it was like a light bulb's going off
Après y avoir pensé un petit moment, on s'est dit que la conférence à Plattsburgh s'était très bien passée. Ça s'est passé exactement comme on voulait que ça se passe.
I just floated through life pissed off at the world, just getting by, getting high, just making it up as I went.
J'allais au gré du vent. J'en voulais au monde entier. Je me démerdais, je planais.
I don't think it went too well, so just stopped off for a little pick - me - up.
Ca s'est pas trop bien passé, alors j'ai pris un petit remontant. Ca va?
Nah, it just snapped off and went flying. I've seen that before.
Non, il s'est juste cassé et a volé quelque part, j'ai déjà vu ça
The kid liked it, but Karen - she just went off the deep end.
Le gosse l'aimait bien. C'est Karen qui a perdu les pédales.
And it just... kind of went off.
Et le coup est... parti.
It just went straight off the cliff.
Il a foncé en dehors de la falaise.
It just went straight off the cliff.
Il vient de se jeter de la falaise.
So I went down the street and took one of them and put them against this garage door and lit it and just blew this fucking garage door off.
Dans la rue, j'en ai pris une, je l'ai posée contre un garage, je l'ai allumée et la porte a volé en éclats.
It just went straight off the cliff.
Il vient de dévaler la falaise.
It just went straight off the cliff!
Il a dévalé la falaise.
it just happens 49
it just doesn't feel right 28
it just occurred to me 28
it just goes to show 17
it just is 92
it just feels right 19
it just doesn't 17
it just so happens 29
it just came out 53
it just started 21
it just doesn't feel right 28
it just occurred to me 28
it just goes to show 17
it just is 92
it just feels right 19
it just doesn't 17
it just so happens 29
it just came out 53
it just started 21