It took you перевод на французский
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Well, it took you long enough!
Vous avez pris votre temps! Mike!
It took you long enough.
Tu en as mis du temps.
And it's possible that you took it so you could have yourself a nice little nest egg when he tosses you out.
Et il est possible que vous l'ayez pris pour avoir vous-même de belles petites économies quand il vous rejetterrait.
With all my talk about courage, you were the one who took the big leap yesterday and now it's my turn.
avec tout mon discours sur le courage, tu fus celui qui a fait le grand saut hier et maintenant c'est mon tour.
BOOTH : Look, there's a cryo-whatever-you-call-it place in Vienna, Virginia, just a block from where she took her bus trips.
Regarde, il y a un endroit cryo-machin-truc à Vienne, en Virginie, à un bloc de l'endroit où elle prenait le bus.
You saw an opportunity and you took it.
Vous avez vu une opportunité et vous l'avez prise.
Look, I know it took a few times, but what you did for me, it really stuck.
Ça a pris du temps, mais ce que tu as fait pour moi, m'a fait plaisir.
You should ask the judge who took it away from me. Well, where is it?
- Ils sont où?
- You took care of it?
- Tu t'en es occupé?
I once felt as you did, mate, and all it took was meeting the right person and everything changed.
Je ressentais la même chose, mais rencontrer la bonne personne a changé la donne.
I'll have you know, it wasn't me who took that shot at you.
Sachez que ce n'était pas moi qui vous ait tiré dessus.
The way I remember it, you tossed me three pitches, took a phone call, and never came back.
D'après ce dont je me souviens, tu m'avais fait trois lancers. puis tu avais pris un appel téléphonique et n'es jamais revenu.
It took decades for you to invent.
Ça te prendra des décennies pour l'inventer.
You told the police that it was three men took her.
Est-ce que je vous ai permis de vous asseoir?
I thought I would like it if you took me to Paris with you.
J'ai pensé que j'aimerais bien que tu m'emmènes avec toi à Paris.
You know, I honestly don't know why it took you so long to, right? Well, you're one to talk.
Tu peux parler.
That's probably where he kept the gold when he wasn't, you know, bugging out. Mm-hmm, and during his practice run, he took it in there with him, along with his guns and his canned beans.
C'est sûrement là qu'il gardait l'or, quand il n'était pas en train de s'enterrer et pendant son entraînement, il l'a amené avec lui, avec ses armes et ses haricots en boîte.
Then you assembled his list of clients and you took it to market.
Puis vous avez rassemblé la liste de clients pour la mettre sur le marché.
You took it?
Tu l'as pris?
I wanted you to have a good time, and I just took it too far.
Je voulais que tu passes un bon moment, et j'ai déconné.
When you took home that skateboard... Did you know he had made it?
Quand vous avez pris le skateboard, saviez-vous qu'il l'avait construit?
Yeah, you do. You know my one regret, though, I gotta tell you, is the chicanery it took to waylay you here in Hemlock Grove.
Tu sais ce que je regrette, je vais te le dire c'est la ruse mesquine utilisée pour t'attirer à Hemlock Grove.
I'm glad that you and Jack took the time to find it.
Je suis content que Jack et toi ayez pris le temps de la retrouver.
You little shit! It took me all night to walk home!
J'ai marché toute la nuit pour rentrer!
Mr. Wilkerson... is it possible that you killed her, took her cellphone,
Mr Wilkerson... est-il possible que vous l'ayez tué, prit son téléphone,
I'm so sorry it took so long to get you these clothes.
Désolée que ça ait pris autant de temps pour t'apporter ces vêtements.
I took it and then I met you and I gave you a life...
Puis je vous ai rencontrée et vous ai donné une vie...
It's like when I had tuberculosis, and you took me out to the Utah desert, and there was nothing but dry open space for hundreds of miles around us.
C'est comme lorsque j'ai eu la tuberculose... et que tu m'as emmené dans le désert de l'Utah... où il n'y avait que de grands espaces secs et arides... à 100 km aux environs.
So I thought that maybe you'd feel more comfortable about what I do if I took you on a ride-along. You up for it?
Alors j'ai pensé que peut-être tu changeras d'avis si tu viens avec moi faire une patrouille.
Where's the woman you took it from?
Où est la femme à qui vous l'avez pris?
It wasn't just the baby they took from you.
Il ne t'ont pas pris que le bébé.
You killed your lover, you killed your own child, paid your grandfather to kill your father, and then he took the gun you gave him and turned it on himself.
Tu as tué ta copine, tu as tué ton propre enfant, payé ton grand père pour tuer ton père, et il a pris l'arme que tu lui avait donné et s'est suicidé.
You took it?
Vous l'avez pris?
It took a little horse trading to get you here, but it's plain as potatoes to me now.
Il a fallu quelques négociations pour vous avoir ici, mais maintenant je sais que c'est bon.
So your boss didn't know you took it.
Pour que ton patron ne sache pas que tu l'avais pris.
I am so sorry I took you for granted, and it'll never happen again.
Je suis désolé de t'avoir pris pour acquis, ça n'arrivera plus jamais.
C'était toi qui as tiré?
If it wasn't you, been somebody else took my job, Carl.
Si ça n'avait pas été toi, ça aurait été un autre, Carl.
I took it from the inn after you left.
Je les ai prises de l'hôtel après ton départ.
He said that you took work from other scientists and published it as your own.
Il dit que tu as volé le travail d'autres scientifiques et l'as publié comme le tien.
You know, you took a couple shots to the head, so maybe we should give it a few days.
T'as pris quelques coups à la tête, donc faudrait attendre quelques jours.
I think it might be best if you took a couple of weeks off just to...
Ce serait bien si vous preniez quelques semaines, juste pour...
Yeah, she saw a picture of you with it when you were a kid, and so she took crochet classes so she could learn how to make it.
Oui, elle a vu une photo de toi avec quand tu étais enfant, et elle a pris des cours de crochet. pour apprendre comment la faire.
It's 6 : 00- - You took a long nap.
6 heures. Longue sieste...
It was just the moment took us, you know, and there was... there was a passion, certainly, in the boudoir.
C'était simplement sur le moment, et il y avait... il y avait de la passion, dans cette chambre.
Then help me find out who's sending these texts and who took that photo... Assuming, of course, it wasn't you.
Alors, aide-moi à trouver qui envoie ces textos et qui a pris cette photo en supposant, bien sûr, que ce n'était pas toi.
Look what I just took from you, and look how fast I took it.
Regarde ce que je viens de te prendre, et regarde à quelle vitesse je l'ai pris.
Them ledgers were took by, what do you call it?
- Division est du district nord de l'Illinois
All right, Todd, you took a tip, used it for your client- -
D'accord, Todd, on vous a filé un tuyau et vous l'avez utilisé pour votre client
Mr. Latardo, you took a small thing and made it worse by getting that tattoo.
M. Latardo, vous êtes parti d'un petit truc et l'avez empiré en vous faisant un tatouage.
So you're trying to convince us that a married man, a father, who practically raised Nicholas since he was two, took him from his bed, starved him in a warehouse for five days, demanded $ 80 million ransom, got it
Donc vous essayez de nous convaincre qu'un homme marié, un père, qui a pratiquement élevé Nicholas depuis qu'il a 2 ans, l'a sorti de son lit, l'a affamé dans un entrepôt pendant 5 jours,
it took you long enough 29
it took me 90
it took me a while 16
it took a while 40
it took a long time 18
it took 95
took you long enough 124
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
it took me 90
it took me a while 16
it took a while 40
it took a long time 18
it took 95
took you long enough 124
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
youtube 39
you suck 398
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
youtube 39
you suck 398
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
yours 1007
your phone 169
your honor 7894
younger 104
you tell 24
youn 21
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
yours 1007
your phone 169
your honor 7894
younger 104
you tell 24
you got a pen 63
you know that 5741
you are 6060
your full name 16
you're welcome 5601
youth 73
you well 16
you all right 5423
you know that 5741
you are 6060
your full name 16
you're welcome 5601
youth 73
you well 16
you all right 5423