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Keep it together перевод на французский

629 параллельный перевод
Come on, let's get it together. I can't do any more than just ask you, beg you, just to keep it together.
Je ne peux rien faire de plus que vous demander de rester peinards.
Let's keep it together until we can find a way out of these.
Arrêtons de nous chamailler jusqu'à tant qu'on trouve un moyen de se libérer.
We gotta keep it together.
On doit rester unis.
Keep it together.
Tous ensemble.
Just keep it together.
Garder le cap.
- Keep it together, dear friend.
- Courage, mon amie.
I put myself in charge, man... because you can't keep it together.
Je me la suis confiée moi-même. Car tu ne sais pas diriger.
I hope he can keep it together.
J'espère que ça ira.
It was in'Causing a Commotion'and'Open Your Heart'... and'Keep It Together'and'Where's The Party'and'Vogue'... my sound kept coming out on my headset.
C'était dans'Causing a Commotion', dans'Open Your Heart'... dans'Keep lt Together', dans'Where's The Party', et dans'Vogue'... Ie son se coupait sans arrét dans mon casque.
- In'Keep It Together.'
- Dans'Keep lt Together.'
Keep it together in the family
Restons ensembles en famille
You've gotta keep it together.
Garde ton sang-froid.
Keep it together. Come on. Right?
Tenez-vous prêts.
Let's try and keep it together, no matter what.
On doit se serrer les coudes, quoi qu'il arrive.
Keep it together, please?
On est sur le coup!
Let's just keep it together until he gets here.
On ne va pas craquer avant son retour.
Keep it together.
Du calme.
Keep it together?
Du calme?
I don't know how you keep it together.
Comment contrôles-tu la situation?
Um, I was married once, but, uh, I just didn't know how to keep it together.
J'ai été marié une fois... J'ai pas su préserver mon couple.
Keep it together, Albert.
Tenez bon, Albert.
You just keep it together and you'll be fine.
Tenez le coup et tout ira bien.
I've given you more than any four of them put together. You'll keep on getting it, just give me a few breaks.
Je vous ai rapporté plus que les autres et ça continuera.
I'll keep it always in memory of you and the happiness we've had together with our children.
Je le garderai toujours près de moi en votre mémoire et en mémoire de la joie partagée avec nos enfants.
Keep your hands together and step into it. You see?
Rapproche tes mains et avance d'un pas.
Now, we wasn't all thrown together for no reason but, we gotta keep it kind of a secret.
Ce n'est pas un hasard! Mais il faut garder le secret.
I've done everything I could to keep us together, but you don't want it like that.
J'ai fait tout ce que je pouvais pour qu'on reste ensemble. Mais ce n'est pas ce que tu veux.
After 18 months of combat, it takes 24 hours a day to keep her together.
Après 18 mois de combat, il faut bosser 24h / 24 pour le faire flotter.
After 200 kms, it's hard to keep the conversation going, but... do you realize we'll soon be living together?
Après 200km, on a plus grand-chose à se dire. Tu te rends compte qu'on va vivre ensemble?
But we can't have loneliness push us together, it won't keep us together.
ça ne va pas nous aider...
Run it all together like that. Keep it moving.
Donnez la phrase en entier, sans reprendre souffle.
I came to telephone, we're both on the same story you keep out of it, this is my scoop oh dont say that, lets work together this time a great crime story by Mike Pierce and Claridge Dorset
Passer un coup de fil. On est tous les deux sur la même affaire. Pas touche, ce scoop est à moi.
Together they had built a myth. Too many died to keep it true.
Ensemble, ils avaient créé un mythe.
I mean about the help from white people, I mean, It doesn't matter so much because if tomorrow our agitation is successful, it's going to be that every student, in or out of the demonstration, black or white, will be considered an enemy, and it will be easier to keep the tension that we, all together, became a public threat
ça donnera que chaque étudiant dans ou en dehors de la manifestation, noir ou blanc, sera considéré comme un ennemi, et ça sera plus facile de maintenir la pression tous ensemble, en tant que menace publique
I'll tell you what, you keep writing in that book, Express because we've got a 60-day quarantine to face and we gonna face it together.
Continue de tout écrire dans ton carnet, Express, car ces 60 jours de quarantaine, on va les attendre ensemble.
It's a miracle you were able to keep putting him back together again.
C'est un miracle que vous ayez pu lui redonner figure humaine.
It's a difficult time for all of us so could we just keep working together?
On traverse tous une phase difficile... on essaye d'y faire f ront ensemble?
We will keep it and stay together forever :
Vous ne serez peut-être pas reçu très cordialement :
I put together the deal of the decade, and she wanted to keep it under wraps.
J'ai arrangé le deal du siècle et elle voulait le garder secret.
Jennifer, I don't know what witchcraft brought us together, but it won't keep us that way.
Je ne sais pas quelle sorcellerie nous a réunis, mais ça ne va pas durer.
Gotta keep it together.
Il faut qu'on reste unis.
Al, as much as I'd like it to be, I don't think I'm here to keep you and Beth together.
J'aimerais vraiment te faire plaisir... mais je ne crois pas être ici pour que Beth et toi restiez ensemble.
It's like if we could put our hearts together and keep them that way forever, we'd be safe, no matter what.
Si on pouvait unir nos cœurs, les garder toujours ainsi, on serait en sécurité, quoi qu'il arrive.
If you keep stalling me, I'll miss it. Let me finish what I'm doing, we'll leave together.
- Il y en a un à 13h30.
It's gonna keep us together for the rest of our lives.
Ca nous liera pour le reste de nos vies.
Sometimes when it was bad the only way to keep my mind together was to concentrate on ways of killing you.
Quand j'allais mal, mon seul moyen de m'en sortir était de me concentrer sur les manières de vous tuer.
Let's pray together it'll keep the ghosts away
Prions ensemble, cela éloignera les fantômes.
Listen, love keep your edges together. I want to keep it close.
Rapprochez les bords, plus serrés.
My loneliness and my affection for Kevin... ... brought us together, but it can't keep us together.
Ma solitude... et mon affection pour Kevin nous ont rapprochés.
... I'm a family man. I know how important it is to keep families together.
Et je sais qu'il est important de la préserver.
And it helps to keep the neighborhood together.
Ca resserre les liens.

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