Let her through перевод на французский
244 параллельный перевод
CHUCK : Let her through.
Laissez-la passer.
They'll lower the gate to let her through.
Ils vont ouvrir le filet.
Charlie? - Hey, let her through!
Laissez-la passer!
Then tell here she's coming out. They'll let her through
Kris, ils la laisseront sortir.
Let her through! Celestina Mengozzi!
Ernestino Vengossi!
- Mal told us to let her through.
- Il nous a dit de la laisser passer.
Let her through.
Laissez-la passer.
I can't stay standing up. Let her through, she's pregnant.
Oui, Madame est enceinte.
Let her through, please. She's just a baby. Thank you.
Laissez-la passer, c'est une enfant, merci.
They let her through.
Ça y est, ils l'ont laissée passer.
Who let her through?
Qui l'a fait entrer?
What? Let her through. It's his wife.
Let her through!
Laissez-la passer.
Excuse me, Officers, let her through, please.
Excusez-moi. Laissez-la passer.
- OK, let her through.
- OK, laissez-la passer.
Couldn't you just let her through to say goodbye?
Laissez-la passer pour qu'on se dise au revoir.
Let her through. Let her through.
Laissez-la passer.
I wasn't going to let you go through with holding them up, after I found out how much you cared for her.
Je n'allais pas te laisser les escroquer... après avoir appris à quel point tu l'aimais.
If she's gone off with that gypsy scum, let her run. Let her run through storm and hell.
Si elle a voulu suivre ce gitan, laissons-la braver la tempête.
When Evans came through the window to let her in, you hid in the closet.
En entendant Evans, tu t'es caché dans le placard.
Well if you're through whacking her, come on, let's get going.
Vous avez fini? On peut y aller?
And that's why I'm going to let Vivian go right on through. Even though the stop signal's against her.
Et c'est pourquoi je vais laisser passer Vivianne... même si le signal d'arrêt est contre elle.
You ain't gonna tell the newspaper reporters, are ya, and let them make up their nasty stories and drag her name through the mud?
Vous ne direz rien aux journalistes? et les laisser écrire des horreurs sur elle, Allez-y, vous le regretterez.
One of you won't... let her come through.
L'un de vous s'oppose à ce qu'elle vienne!
One of our men at the theater let her slip through his fingers without making a statement.
Un de nos hommes l'a laissée filer sans explication.
Let the mob drive her like a dog through the streets to the city gates?
Tu la laisserais pourchasser comme un chien par la foule?
You bet I did. I'd have it on my conscience if I knew that stuff and let him get caught! - Is Mitch through with her?
Parfaitement, sinon je l'aurais eu sur la conscience!
- I'm afraid I do. Let it go, Tom, let her think about it through tomorrow.
Laissez-la réfléchir jusqu'à demain.
- Let her go through what I've been through.
Qu'elle en bave, comme moi.
You can let her go. I'm through with her.
Qu'elle s'en aille, je l'ai assez vue.
Yes, I could let you dictate something to her, but I tried to get through to Brisbane myself half an hour ago.
Oui, allez-y. Dictez-lui ce que vous voulez. Mais impossible d'avoir Brisbane.
But what are we gonna do, honey? We can't let her go through the whole vacation in this kind of misery. Wh...
On ne peut pas laisser Katy gâcher toutes ses vacances.
And don't let her get through to Blake's Tours. She's trying to get me fired. We're almost there, Peebie.
Empêche-la de parler à l'Agence Blake!
Let's go and put her through her tricks.
Montons lui faire faire des tours.
All right, let her come through this way.
Bon, d'accord, par ici.
- She let me go through her purse.
- J'ai pu regarder dans son sac.
Let me go see how our Caterina slept through the night with her nightingale.
Voyons un peu comment Caterina a dormi cette nuit avec son rossignol.
... her nipples got hard. The finger that touched her nipple, let out electrical charges which crawled through her weakened body.
Le doigt qui touchait son mamelon, provoquait des décharges électriques qui se répandaient dans son corps alangui.
She has been calling through space and time for you to come and let her rest.
Elle invoque votre venue depuis longtemps, car elle souhaite trouver le repos.
O Eternal One, let it be through her!
du salut si quelque espoir me reste, qu'il vienne d'elle, ô Dieu puissant!
- A 12-year-old girl, traveling on her mother's passport. Let's check the flights that left after we covered the airport, just in case our boy slipped through. OK.
Une fille de 12 ans voyageant sous le passeport de sa mère.
The bitch has to let out water, and she releases it through her eyes.
la pute est malheureuse même les putes pleurent!
There was a pain spreading through her chest... a pressure building in her head... Let me go. I never meant to be so bad, I just get like this sometimes...
Une douleur sourde emplissait sa poitrine... une pression se lovait dans sa tête... lâche-moi, je n'ai jamais voulue être si mauvaise... je suis comme ça de temps en temps... laisse moi j'aurais dit que je m'excusais, s'il te plait, lâche-moi.
Let us get through to take care of her.
Laissez passer.
Let her pass in safety through the gates of death... and dwell with all your saints in the blessed light...
Qu'elle franchisse sereinement les portes de la mort et demeure avec tous tes saints dans la lumière bénie...
Well, if she's available, I won't let her slip through my fingers this time.
Si elle est libre, je la laisserai pas filer!
And at my grandmother's funeral, when you told my relatives..... you could see her nipples through her burial dress, I let it slide.
À l'enterrement de ma grand-mère, quand tu répétais que tu voyais ses tétons à travers sa robe, j'ai fermé les yeux.
How long are we going to let her go through this?
Combien de temps va-t-elle tenir?
Let her through. This is her house. This is her son.
Laissez-la passer, c'est son fils.
Are you just going to let them put her through this process?
Comptez-vous les laisser faire?
Just give her some space, let her work it through.
Donne-lui un peu d'espace, le temps qu'elle s'y retrouve.
let her go 1277
let her in 69
let her go now 17
let her 65
let her sleep 28
let her be 47
let her do it 16
let her rip 38
let her speak 36
let her know 18
let her in 69
let her go now 17
let her 65
let her sleep 28
let her be 47
let her do it 16
let her rip 38
let her speak 36
let her know 18
let her finish 17
let her alone 16
let her talk 43
let her stay 20
let her out 30
through 593
through the window 42
through me 16
throughout history 33
through and through 51
let her alone 16
let her talk 43
let her stay 20
let her out 30
through 593
through the window 42
through me 16
throughout history 33
through and through 51
through the woods 16
through christ our lord 18
through the door 29
through that door 24
through here 120
through there 98
through you 26
let him go 1637
let him talk 70
let him in 156
through christ our lord 18
through the door 29
through that door 24
through here 120
through there 98
through you 26
let him go 1637
let him talk 70
let him in 156
let him sleep 41
let him have it 44
let him speak 75
let him wait 26
let him be 121
let him finish 62
let him try 35
let him do it 52
let him go now 17
let him up 33
let him have it 44
let him speak 75
let him wait 26
let him be 121
let him finish 62
let him try 35
let him do it 52
let him go now 17
let him up 33
let him down 22
let him know 22
let him stay 21
let him 173
let him through 73
let him alone 35
let him rest 17
let him live 38
let him know 22
let him stay 21
let him 173
let him through 73
let him alone 35
let him rest 17
let him live 38