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Looks fine перевод на французский

656 параллельный перевод
The garden looks fine, Miss Sabra, and them morning glories sure is climbing.
Le jardin est magnifique, Mlle Sabra, et les ipomées poussent bien.
It looks fine, virgil, simply fine.
Elle est parfaite, Virgil, parfaite.
WARD : Oh, he looks fine, Mrs. Donati.
II a l'air d'aller bien, Mme Donati.
Looks like Alice is going to get married, and I think she'll be very happy because we just met the boy you sent her and he looks fine.
On dirait qu'Alice va se marier, elle semble très heureuse. Nous avons vu le garçon que Vous lui avez envoyé, il est bien.
- He looks fine up there, doesn't he? - Yes.
Il est bien.
- It looks fine. - It looks grand.
That looks fine.
Bon boulot.
Oh, that looks fine.
C'est très bien.
- Oh, that looks fine, fine.
- C'est três bien.
The table looks fine.
Ah! Pas mal, la table.
This looks fine enough for the governor.
ça m'a l'air assez bon pour le gouverneur.
Good to see you! You look wonderful... He looks fine.
Tu es en grande forme.
She says she's sick, but she looks fine.
C'est ce qu'elle dit. Elle a l'air en bonne santé.
The rest of your face looks fine.
Vous ne ressemblez pas à un limier.
He looks fine.
Il a l'air bien.
He looks fine. Doesn't he look fine?
II a l'air en forme, hein?
Say, it looks fine.
Pas mal.
On paper the group looks fine now.
Le groupe a l'air au point.
- Looks fine.
- Très bien.
- It looks - looks fine.
Ca te va très bien.
Looks fine to me.
Je crois que ça ira comme ça.
Looks fine.
- Pas de soucis.
- Looks fine.
- Ça va.
- Everything looks fine to me.
- Tout a l'air normal.
It looks fine.
En dessous, c'est net, parfait.
- It looks fine. How much would it be with my car?
Combien, contre la mienne?
Looks fine on a marquee.
Ça fait joli sur une affiche.
She came again? That's because when they look at her, she looks too fine.
Elle est encore revenue? elle va très bien.
- Looks like we're gonna get along fine.
- On devrait s'entendre bien.
Looks like a fine morning.
La journée s'annonce belle!
Looks to me like it was a pretty fine day.
C'est un jour mémorable!
"Her skin looks younger than mine, which is greyish."
"Sa peau est plus fine que la mienne qui est plus grise."
- She looks like a fine, honest girl. - Thank you.
Elle a l'air d'une jeune fille très bien.
I had the fine looks the same as you have them now.
Je pensais de la même manière que toi aujourd'hui.
- Looks like a fine weekend.
- Beau week-end en perspective. - Oui monsieur.
Looks like we've got another squeeze play coming up.
Il va encore falloir la jouer fine.
Oh, say, that looks like a mighty fine load of apples you got there.
On dirait que t'as un bon petit chargement de pommes.
It looks uncomfortable, but it's fine.
Cela semble malaisé mais au contraire, c'est très pratique.
I won't be doing much else it looks like, except wondering... about you and me, about you and the baby, me and my fine character.
Je ferai de même. Sur toi et moi. Toi et le bébé.
Fine. Looks great.
He looks like a fine samurai.
Fameux samouraï!
Looks like shore lights. Fine on port bow.
Des lumières à terre.
Oh, fine. Looks as if I'm also buying an aquarium.
J'achète l'aquarium.
The whole world looks upon you two fine athletes to uphold the great American tradition of sportsmanship.
Le monde entier attend de vous... le respect des traditions américaines de loyauté sportive.
Looks like Mrs. Pawley's gonna make you a fine, dutiful wife.
Mme Pawley sera une bonne femme d'interieur.
He looks fine.
- Bien.
I'm afraid it looks better in the dark. It's fine.
Il est plus joli dans le noir...
- There you are. Isn't that fine? - It looks wonderful!
Tu es contente?
This guy looks fine.
Vu sa forme, il s'en sortira.
Everything looks fine.
Magellan, contrôle la vitesse au sol avec la tour de contrôle.
The drape is just fine. Otherwise it looks very nice.
Mais à part ça, le drapé est parfait.

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