Next to him перевод на французский
2,107 параллельный перевод
After that they lined him up on the edge of a pit He's a smart kid. He waited until he felt the guy next to him get hit
Ils allaient l'exécuter mais intelligemment, il a attendu...
Right next to him, myself.
Caporal Cruz Renseignement Militaire Juste à côté, moi.
He'd probably shit his fucking pants if his buddy got his... blown off next to him.
Il se chierait dessus s'il voyait un de ses potes se prendre une balle.
We're right next to him.
On est juste à côté de lui.
He's gonna swim down the river to the city and we need to ride next to him.
Il va nager dans le fleuve et on le suit.
Is that mean guy Ikegami and the one next to him Fukube?
Le persécuteur c'est Ikegami et à côté de lui c'est Fukube, hein?
Who's that guy sitting next to him?
Qui est le type assis à côté de lui?
Anyway, this physicist goes into an ice cream parlor every week and orders an ice cream sundae for himself, and then offers one to the empty stool sitting next to him.
Un physicien qui va chaque semaine chez un marchand de glace et commande un sundae pour lui et un autre pour le tabouret vide à côté de lui.
But how do I do that without waking nancy who's sleeping right next to him?
Mais comment je fais pour ne pas réveiller Nancy qui dort juste à côté?
Get next to him!
Mets-toi à côté!
... and next to him is my old boyfriend, and then that's my new boyfriend.
A côté de lui mon ancien copain, et l'autre, mon nouveau copain.
How did you know I wasn't standing right next to him?
Comment vous saviez que j'étais pas près de lui?
First, when he does become eligible next year, I want him to hit the ground running.
Premièrement, quand il pourra jouer l'an prochain, je veux qu'il soit prêt.
It's worrying me, because this is the worst time possible that I could finally find a really amazing guy and start liking him a lot, like, right before I'm ready to graduate and make very important decisions about where I'm going to be living next year.
Ça m'ennuie parce que c'est le pire moment possible pour trouver un gars génial et commencer à l'aimer, juste avant de recevoir mon diplôme et de prendre des décisions importantes au sujet d'où je vais habiter l'année prochaine.
The next time I see him, I'd know exactly how to win.
La prochaine fois que je le vois, je saurai comment gagner.
I want to know what comes next. I want to see the face of the businessman when the filth touches him.
La suite m'intéresse. La tête du businessman touché par la crasse.
So next you know I get in her ear, man, and she lets me take her back to my spot, and she did me and him at the same time. - And then she blew us.
En moins de deux, je lui tombe dans l'œil, man, et elle me laisse l'emmener à mon appartement, et on la prend moi, et mon ami, tous les deux, en même temps.
I promise I'll bring him to you next week, okay?
- Mais qu'est-ce que va devenir Curtis? - Je te promets de le ramener dans une semaine.
Don't talk to him the next time you see him.
Ne le salue pas si tu le vois.
For fuck's sake, put him on the next flight to Venezuela.
Foutez-le sur le vol suivant!
"They stuck him in a room next to where I was working last night " and put him in a body bag on ice.
Ils l'ont collé dans une pièce voisine de mon bureau, dans un sac, sur de la glace.
Or as I prefer to call him, my next witness.
Ou comme je me plais à l'appeler, mon prochain témoin.
You know what? Next time you talk to Emilio you tell him for me, all right?
La prochaine fois que tu lui parles, dis-lui ça de ma part.
She wants me to juke the stats for Carcetti, this quarter and the next, hide the crime, get him elected as governor and make her the Mayor.
Elle veut que je trafique les stats pour Carcetti. Ce trimestre et le suivant. Dissimuler le crime, le faire élire gouverneur et elle, maire.
Jesus offers him a seat next to his Daddy, in a place called Paradise.
Jésus lui a offert un siège à côté de son papa, en un endroit appelé Paradis.
John's looking for somebody to tell him what to do next.
John cherche quelqu'un qui lui dira quoi faire ensuite.
Next thing you know, I got him to agree to a personal meet-up here in the hospital, where he'll be holding a red balloon.
Ensuite, il a accepté qu'on se rencontre ici à l'hôpital. Il aura un ballon rouge avec lui.
Hey, Carla, next time you hang with Dr. Cox, maybe instead of braiding each other's hair you could talk to him about making some new hires so we don't have to work forced overtime.
Carla, la prochaine fois que tu vas traîner avec Cox, au lieu de faire copain-copain, dis-lui d'embaucher des infirmières pour qu'on n'ait pas à faire des heures supplémentaires.
That's him next to the GTO.
C'est lui, près de la GTO.
Let me just say this stuff very quickly,'cause it needs to be said in case the guy who comes in and is standing in my shoes next doesn't have it out on the table. I'll do it for him.
Au cas où celui qui va me remplacer n'ose pas, je le dis pour lui :
Next Sunday, after the service, the Baron asked the pastor to let him speak.
Le dimanche, après l'office, le baron demanda au pasteur de lui donner la parole.
I'll be back next week to pick him up again.
Je reviendrai le prendre la semaine prochaine.
Jesus offers him a seat next to daddy in a place called paradise.
Jésus lui offre une place à côté de son père au paradis...
When I was younger, my grandfather died and we were all gathered around him and there was this one candle next to his bed.
Mon grand-père est mort quand j'étais jeune. On était tous autour de lui, et il y avait une bougie près de son lit.
You have to seat him next to Mr. Sahir Khan.
Dégagez! Poussez-vous!
For such a shameful act, he was tied to a post, next to a club, so that anyone could punish him.
Pour cet acte honteux, il fut attaché à un poteau, avec un gourdin à proximité, pour que chacun puisse le punir.
And then I spent the next 12 years entirely devoted to him, which helped me forget that I was... pathologically incapable of finishing my degree
Je me suis consacrée uniquement à lui les douze années suivantes, ce qui m'a aidée à oublier que j'étais... maladivement incapable de finir mes études,
I'm taking the next couple of days off to be with him before he and Bess move away.
J'ai pris les deux prochains jours pour être avec lui avant qu'il parte avec Bess.
I asked him to stop by to talk about my next procedure.
Je lui ai demandé de passer pour parler de ma prochaine opération.
What are the odds We can get him to break In the next 12 hours?
Quelles sont nos chances de le casser durant les 12 prochaines heures?
He was... curled up next to her, with her arms around him.
C'est comme ça qu'il s'endormait.
The reaper took items from each victim and placed them on the next, so as to make sure we knew it was him.
Le Moissonneur a pris des éléments de chaque victime Et les a mis sur le prochain, Afin de s'assurer que nous savions que c'était lui.
He wants me to take him back next week.
Il veut y retourner la semaine prochaine.
And I wonder if you would have sat next to Senator McCarthy back in 1953, stripping Oppenheimer of his security clearance, slandering him as disloyal to those same American troops he saved eight years earlier.
Et moi je me demande, si tu te serais assise à côté du Sénateur McCarthy en 53, arrachant à Oppenheimer son agrément de sécurité, le considérant comme déloyal envers ces troupes américaines qu'il avait sauvées 8 ans plus tôt.
You chain him up next to Chavez on the bus.
Enchaînez-le à côté de Chavez dans le car.
Something huge and life-altering happened to him, and he's taking stock, figuring out his next move.
Quelque chose d'énorme et d'existentiel vient de lui arriver, donc il fait le point, il essaie d'établir un plan d'action.
Then perhaps you might speak to him about not hanging me next week.
Tu pourrais peut-être lui dire de ne pas me pendre la semaine prochaine.
Put him in the meat locker next to the other two.
Placez-le dans le frigo avec les deux autres.
Walter, next time you hear Captain Shepherd call me "sir," I want you to take out your sidearm and shoot him.
Walter, si le capitaine Shepherd m'appelle encore Sire, prenez votre arme et abattez-le.
Three weeks later, my mother found the greeting card he stole it off of and refused to talk to him for the next month.
3 semaines après, elle a trouvé la carte où il a pompé ça, et l'a ignoré le mois suivant.
talk is- - and this is going To break his heart and he's Going to feel like i have Definitely betrayed him- - but The talk is for qoch to be the Next one to go.
le discours est "ca va lui briser le coeur et il se sentir comme si je l'avais trahit" mais le but est que Coach soit le prochain éliminé.
next to me 47
next to you 38
next to it 16
to him 225
to himself 21
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
next to you 38
next to it 16
to him 225
to himself 21
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
next up 200
next time 1734
next week 481
next question 224
next year 228
next friday 28
next weekend 53
next step 29
him who 26
next up 200
next time 1734
next week 481
next question 224
next year 228
next friday 28
next weekend 53
next step 29
next stop 249
next month 127
next time i see you 33
next one 80
next door 79
next saturday 30
next thing you know 288
next of kin 40
next morning 58
next sunday 24
next month 127
next time i see you 33
next one 80
next door 79
next saturday 30
next thing you know 288
next of kin 40
next morning 58
next sunday 24