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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ S ] / So were you

So were you перевод на французский

15,907 параллельный перевод
So were you once.
Comme toi, jadis.
Cool. So were you, like, living with another roommate, or...
Tu avais une autre coloc, du coup?
But she just knew herself, you know? She knew what her terms were and she knew how she wanted to live, so... Just couldn't accept that, I guess.
Mais elle se connaissait, elle savait quelles seraient ses conditions, et elle savait comment elle voulait vivre... elle ne pouvait l'accepter, j'imagine.
I didn't know you were so athletic.
Je ne savais pas que tu étais un tel athlète.
As time went by, I knew that you were either dead or so well hidden that he would never find you.
Le temps passait, et j'ai su que tu étais sois morte sois si bien cachée qu'il ne te trouverait jamais
You were in so much pain.
Tu souffrais tellement.
Oh, so when's the last time you were on national news?
Tu as fait la une, dernièrement?
- Why were you so frightened?
- Pourquoi cette peur?
We were on the road in Spain, and I noticed that the people there pronounce the letter S with, like, a T-H "th" sound, so instead of saying Spain, they say Thpain, you know, and it's like the whole country has a crazy speech impediment, so I wrote a thong about that.
On était en tournée en Espagne, et j'ai remarqué que les Espagnols prononcent la lettre S avec un son plus proche du donc au lieu de dire Espagne, ils disent Efpagne, comme si tout le pays avait un défaut de prononciation.
If you were so important to my success, how come my solo shit's way bigger than Style Boyz ever was?
Si tu as été si essentiel à mon succès, pourquoi ma carrière solo marche mieux que Style Boyz?
So, listen, that ship you were looking for... Anubis, whatever, it never showed up here.
Ce navire que tu cherches... l'Anubis, ne s'est jamais montré ici.
We stayed in San Diego for the whole weekend so that we could give Mom a rest because we were both men, and sometimes, men can be too much of a good thing and give you a headache.
On est restés à San Diego tout le week-end. Pour que maman puisse se reposer. Parce qu'on est tous les deux des hommes.
Why were you so angry, young sir?
Pourquoi étais-tu aussi en colère, jeune homme?
You were sleeping so deeply.
Vous dormiez si profondément...
That you were so gullible!
Que vous étiez si crédule!
So you were saying.
Vous disiez.
So you were saying, Dr. Beth.
Donc vous disiez docteur Beth.
So you were scared of death?
Donc vous avez peur de la mort?
- You were so fast asleep.
- Tu dormais profondément.
It's filthy, the food was disgusting. Even the kids were dying to get back, so, you know.
C'était sale, la nourriture était répugnante, même les enfants voulaient rentrer.
So, where were you?
Alors, où étiez-vous?
So you were in fear for your life?
T'as cru qu'il voulait te tuer?
So, when your injuries occurred, you were alone?
Donc, au moment des blessures, vous étiez seule?
'And so it will be as if all the stars were laughing'when you look at the sky at night.
'Alors ce sera pour toi comme si riaient toutes les étoiles 'Quand tu regarderas le ciel, la nuit.
"Thanks to him." So you were mad.
"Grâce à lui." Vous étiez en colère.
So you guys were, like, talking about me?
- Alors, vous parlez de moi?
So, uh, apparently, according to Trevor, you were with him on 87th Street the night of...
Apparemment, d'après ce que dit Trevor, vous étiez avec lui sur la 87e...
Your lashes were batting so fast, you almost took off.
Tes cils battaient tellement fort que t'as failli me décoiffer.
So, when were you thinking of getting married?
À quelle date pensiez-vous vous marier?
So once people were good and scared, she would just leave them alone for a while... you know, really build up the fear.
Quand les gens étaient effrayés, elle les laissait seul un moment.. vous savez, pour faire monter la peur.
So, on the night of the murders, you were in an alleyway behind Bundy Drive and you heard a commotion near Nicole Brown Simpson's condominium?
Dans la nuit des meurtres, vous étiez dans une ruelle derrière Bundy Drive et vous avez entendu de l'agitation à proximité de l'appartement de Nicole Brown Simpson?
It... I thought you were dead and then you ran in and I was so relieved, it was...
C'est... j'étais tellement soulagé, c'était...
Is that why you were so desperate to find her?
Est-ce pour ça que tu étais si désespérée pour la retrouver?
I just wish you were here, so I could talk to you, see you, find out what I should do.
J'aimerais tant que vous soyez ici pour que je puisse vous parler et avoir votre avis sur ce que je devrais faire.
When you were born, I took you to your grandparents, so they could meet you and Xoan.
À ta naissance, je t'ai emmenée chez tes grands-parents pour qu'ils te voient et qu'ils rencontrent Xoan.
You were so well when I saw you.
Tu allais si bien, l'autre fois.
The last time you were so well...
La dernière fois, tu allais si bien...
Um... okay, most of you were lost on optimal polynomials on the last quiz, uh, so once you choose the degree and domain of the polynomial, the polynomial is chosen to minimize your worst-case error,
Pour la plupart, les polynômes optimaux ont été un souci au dernier examen...
You know, I didn't realize you were so sentimental.
Je ne pensais pas que tu étais si sentimental.
Right, so you were framed for the murder of that other police officer.
Bien, donc vous avez ete piege pour le meurtre de cet autre policier.
So how many were there of you?
- Je ne sais pas vraiment.
You were bragging about it so much last night, I couldn't hear the end of the neighbors'fight.
Tu t'en vantais tellement hier soir, que je n'ai même pas pu entendre la fin de la dispute des voisins.
- So why were you hugging him?
Alors pourquoi tu lui fais un câlin?
You were too busy to talk for five minutes, so I got her a makeup kit.
T'as même pas pu me parler cinq minutes ; alors, j'ai acheté une trousse de maquillage.
- You were so good.
- Très douée.
Okay, we were standing at the bar, and Josh was saying something that I like really didn't agree with, and so I chimed in, but obviously, it was a bar, so I started speaking loudly, you know what I mean?
On était au bar, et je n'étais vraiment pas d'accord avec ce que disait Josh, alors je suis intervenue, mais dans un bar, j'ai dû parler fort, tu vois? - Oui.
You knew British enforcement were on to you, so you changed the method of delivery.
Les services britanniques vous traquaient, vous avez changé de mode de livraison.
But you were so young.
Mais vous étiez si jeune.
I was so happy to hear you were in Voronezh.
J'ai été heureuse d'entendre que vous êtes à Voronezh.
We were so glad to know that you'd been saved.
Nous étions si heureux de savoir que vous avez été sauvé.
So you were able to see him before he died?
Alors vous étiez en mesure de le voir avant qu'il ne meurt?

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