That counts перевод на французский
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It's not where you're going but how you get there that counts. Al Fountain.
"Ce n'est pas où on va mais comment on y arrive qui compte." Al Fountain.
Wait a second. It's not how you get there but where you're going that counts. Is that right?
"Ce n'est pas comment on y arrive mais où on va qui compte." OK?
- Listen, in basketball it's breathing that counts...
- Liste, au basket-ball. Souter la connerie, s'il vous plaît... vous devez inhaler puis tirer, C'est la respiration qui compte...
My mother says it ain't the size that counts.
Ma mêre a dit que la taille n'est pas important.
- We managed to bring all the League worlds together into a force. That counts for a lot.
- On a réussi... à unir tous les mondes en une seule flotte, c'est déjà une victoire.
Well, it's the thought that counts.
- C'est l'intention qui compte.
- Strength isn't all that counts.
- Y a pas que la force qui compte.
No matter what they tell you, Mr. Bane it is the size of your gun that counts.
Peu importe ce qu'on vous dit, Mr Bane... la taille du flingue, voilà ce qui compte.
It's okay to step on a mine, it's stepping off that counts.
Y a pas de mal à mettre le pied sur une mine. Mais il taut savoir le retirer.
The one that counts, you idiot.
C'est celle qui compte, idiot.
If he came back, then he loves you. That's all that counts.
S'il est revenu ici, c'est qu'il t'aime.
But then it's the riche that counts.
Mais c'est le riche qui compte.
It's an individual that counts.
C'est l'individu qui compte.
That counts as one person. "
Ca comptera pour un adulte. "
It's not what you say it's what you do that counts.
Ce qui compte... c'est ce qu'on fait.
Stephen, we've worked together for four years. That counts for something.
On a travaillé ensemble pendant quatre ans.
Well, it's the thought that counts.
Bof, c'est l'intention qui compte.
I'm not interested in her sweater. It's what's underneath her sweater that counts.
C'est pas le pull qui compte... mais ce qu'il y a dessous!
- It's the thought that counts.
- Mais vous l'avez pensé.
It's the thought that counts.
C'est l'intention qui compte.
The Furies think you are. That's all that counts.
Les Furies le croient, c'est ce qui compte.
It's not whether you die- - it's how you die that counts.
Il ne s'agit pas de savoir si tu vas mourir... c'est la façon dont on meurt qui compte.
It's what's inside a man that counts.
C'est ce qu'on a en soi, qui compte.
It ain't the size that counts, asshole. It's what you do with it.
C'est pas la taille qui compte, mais ce qu'on fait avec.
It's the dream that counts.
Seul le rêve compte.
The result is all that counts!
L'important c'est le résultat!
I'm the leader of the movement here and right now, my opinion is the only one that counts, so get the oscillator.
- C'est moi, le chef. Mon opinion est la seule qui compte, alors allez chercher l'oscillateur.
So you weren't picked for the swimsuit issue. It's who you are inside that counts.
Tu n'as pas réussi l'examen du maillot de bain, mais c'est ta vraie nature qui compte.
It's what you do afterwards that counts,
L'important, c'est de réagir.
It'll be the sum total of what you've done that counts.
Ce qui comptera, ce sera la somme de tout ce qu'on a fait.
It ain't much, but I'm off the grid, man. That's what counts. Come on in.
C'est pas un palais, mais je paie rien.
That's what counts.
C'est ce qui compte.
That's all that counts.
C'est ce qui compte.
The proof is going to show that this defendant was an accomplice to Damien Echols and Jason Baldwin in the commission of these horrifying murders and we will ask you to return your verdict of guilty on three counts of capital murder.
Nous allons apporter la preuve que l'accusé a été le complice de Damien Echols et Jason Baldwin dans l'accomplissement de ces horribles crimes. Nous vous demanderons de le déclarer coupable de ce triple meurtre.
that this defendant was there, he was involved, and he's guilty of three counts of capital murder. 3-2-1.
En réexaminant les preuves, vous en viendrez à la conclusion que l'accusé a couru après Michael Moore, qu'il était présent sur les lieux, qu'il a participé à ces crimes et qu'il est coupable de ce triple meurtre.
Immoderately she weeps for Tybalt's death. Now, sir, her father counts it dangerous that she doth give her sorrow so much sway and in his wisdom hastes our marriage to stop the inundation of her tears.
Elle pleure sans mesure la mort de son cousin, à tel point que son père considère avec quelque inquiétude, ce chagrin qui sur elle a pris un tel pouvoir, et que, dans sa sagesse, il veut hâter notre mariage,
Personality, I mean that's what counts, right?
La personnalité, c'est ça qui compte, non?
That's right, what I like is what counts.
C'est ce qui m'importe, oui : me faire plaisir.
We have two counts grand theft, assault with a deadly weapon, two felony drunk drivings, and all of that before the age of 21.
Deux accusations de vol qualifié, une attaque à main armée, conduite en état d'ivresse, et tout ça avant l'âge de 21 ans.
- Yes, it did, but it doesn't count. - The wedding counts, and I want you to promise me... on everything between us that you'll be there, okay? - Good.
- Oui, mais ça ne compte pas.
That's what counts in life
C'est ce qui compte.
That's what counts.
Ça m'importe beaucoup.
What counts, is that love conquers all.
L'important, c'est que l'amour triomphe.
That's what counts most.
Patrick, tu sors immédiatement d'ici!
Right. The fact that you saved her life counts more than anything else.
Le fait que vous lui ayez sauvé la vie prime sur le reste.
- It's the thought that counts.
- C'est l'intention qui compte.
- Yeah, but it only counts as one and that first kiss.
ça compte pour une fois. Et ce premier baiser?
- Oh, that counts!
- Oui!
That's what counts.
C'est l'essentiel.
Some things don't go as fast or as strong, but up here, where it counts, you still feel like that same active young man you were at 18.
On n'est pas aussi rapide ou fort, mais là-haut, où c'est important, on se sent toujours comme un jeune homme de 18 ans.
I got a scene that's pretty much intact, but it won't stay that way long, so every minute counts out here, all right?
Les lieux sont quasiment intacts, mais pas pour très longtemps. Alors, chaque minute compte, d'accord?
counts 21
that all started with a big bang 89
that doesn't seem fair 27
that is 2872
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that means a lot coming from you 16
that means a lot to me 54
that all started with a big bang 89
that doesn't seem fair 27
that is 2872
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that means a lot coming from you 16
that means a lot to me 54
that sounds good 394
that was close 355
that sounds fun 130
that is not fair 93
that sounds great 436
that one over there 16
that is so sweet 227
that is not the point 62
that is weird 91
that was stupid 112
that was close 355
that sounds fun 130
that is not fair 93
that sounds great 436
that one over there 16
that is so sweet 227
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that was stupid 112
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that is ridiculous 146
that was quick 252
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that way 1811
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that is so cool 125