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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ T ] / They hurt you

They hurt you перевод на французский

978 параллельный перевод
Oh, Eddie. Have they hurt you, sweetheart?
Tu es blessé?
- Oh, Eddie, have they hurt you?
- Tu es blessé?
Did they hurt you much, Bill?
- Ils t'ont blessé, Bill?
Is you hurt, Miss Scarlett? Did they hurt you?
Etes-vous blessée, Mam'zelle Scarlett?
Darling, did they hurt you?
Ils t'ont fait mal?
Did they hurt you, son?
Ils t'ont frappé?
- Did they hurt you and make you mean mad?
- Ils t'ont rendu dingo? - Dingo, Ma'?
They hurt you and you get mad and then you get mean.
Ils frappent pour te rendre mauvais.
And they hurt you again and you get meaner and meaner, till you ain't no boy nor man any more, just a walking chunk of mean mad.
Ils remettent ça pour te rendre plus mauvais, jusqu'à ce que tu ne sois qu'une sorte d'animal mauvais et dingo.
- Did they hurt you that way, son?
- Ils t'ont fait ça?
They hurt you?
- Ils vous ont fait du mal?
They've hurt you, I know they have.
Lls t'ont blessé?
My darling, they can't hurt you.
Chéri, ils ne peuvent pas te faire de mal.
If you were really hurt... if your leg was smashed up so that you couldn't walk... the company that ran over ya would have to pay a lot of money, wouldn't they? - See? - Would that mean you and me could go places together?
Si tu étais vraiment blessé et que tu ne pouvais plus marcher, la compagnie devrait payer beaucoup d'argent.
They can't hurt you.
Rien ne peut t'abattre.
You don't think they'll hurt him?
Lls ne vont pas le blesser?
- Oh, my love, they've hurt you. - No, no.
- Mon amour, ils vous ont fait mal.
Did they hurt you?
On t'a fait mal!
Are you hurt? Just Let me catch the creep who did that! They put it there on purpose.
Vous vous êtes fait mal? Si je savais l'enfant de garce qui m'a fait ce traquenard... Parfaitement, c'est un traquenard. C'est fait exprès, ça.
- Here, they won't hurt you, little fish.
- Ils te feront pas mal, Petit Poisson!
Come on. They won't hurt you.
Allons, ils ne vous feront pas de mal.
They're liable to look at you with hurt faces and say :
Ils sont capables de vous repprocher avec le visage triste :
- If you say so. They always have a favorite. But they don't kick the others out and hurt their feelings.
Ils en préfèrent une, mais ils ne flanquent pas les autres dehors.
They're awful peculiar up here and they get hurt if you walk out on a joint.
Ils sont assez bizarres ici, et ils n'aiment pas nous voir partir.
I was afraid they'd hurt you.
J'avais peur qu'on te fasse du mal.
They could hurt you. How am I gonna know?
Qui me dira si tu es blessé?
You know who they will hurt?
A qui feront-elles du tort? A vous!
But it won't hurt you to rough it for a couple of days till they come up from Los Angeles for you.
Mais ça te fera du bien d'être enfermé en attendant la police de Los Angeles.
You know, my feet, they hurt all the time.
Mes pieds me font tout le temps mal, mais ils me parlent jamais.
Do as I say. They won't hurt you.
Allez-y, ils ne vous feront aucun mal.
They don't want to hurt you. But if you scare them, they go crazy.
Ils vous veulent pas de mal, mais s'ils ont peur, ils deviennent dingues.
I'll get you money, power, the chance to hurt people the way they've hurt you.
Je t'aurai du pouvoir et la chance de te venger de ceux qui t'ont fait du mal.
But they wouldn't like you being twins. One of us might get hurt.
Un de nous peut être blessé.
- Pasquale. So, did they hurt you?
Tu n'as rien?
They said they wouldn't hurt you.
Ils ne devaient pas te faire mal.
They threatened to hurt you, anne.
Ils ont menacé de te faire du mal.
You didn't do anything. They can't hurt you.
Ils n'ont rien contre toi.
She's right. Tell them you'll go, or they'll hurt you.
Faites semblant d'accepter.
They might hurt you.
Ils te feraient du mal.
Like they say, this will hurt you more than it does me.
Comme on dit, ça vous fera plus de mal qu'à moi.
They do not hurt you?
Elles ne te font pas mal?
Now, nobody's gonna hurt you if they can help it.
On veut faire de mal a personne.
They tell me you ain't hurt so bad.
Il paraît que tu ne vas pas trop mal.
If they find you here, it's gonna hurt.
Si on te trouve ici, ça ira mal.
- They'd be hurt if you didn't stay.
Il serait vexé si...
They're not going to hurt you.
Personne ne te fera de mal.
You're gonna be okay, they can't hurt you.
Ça va aller, ils ne peuvent pas te faire de mal.
- He wants to take you where they won't hurt you anymore.
Là où plus personne ne te fera de mal.
Et ils vont te blesser et t'écraser!
- What do you think? - I know they are only wax... but they seem so real, just looking at her makes my neck hurt.
- J'ai beau les savoir en cire... ils me paraissent si réels.
You'll only hurt Dooley's chances if they have to go out and look for you, too.
Tu feras du tort à Dooley si tu te perds, et qu'on doit te chercher.

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