When i was six перевод на французский
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Later, when I was six, my mother took me to a Boarding School. She promised she would visit me each week.
Après quand j'avais 6 ans ma mère m'a emmené a l'école d'aveugles en me promettant qu'elle viendrait me voir et va me cherchait bombons et de l'argent.
Practice. Learned to toss a penknife when I was six.
J'ai fait mes premières armes avec un canif à six ans.
When I was six, and he was 12.
Quand j'avais 6 ans et qu'il en avait 12.
The kitten who died when I was six, and my great-aunt Matilde... and all those twisted newspaper stories you read about my romances... and why they weren't romances.
Le chaton mort quand j'avais six ans, ma grand-tante Matilde, et tous ces articles mensongers sur mes histoires d'amour qui n'en étaient pas.
I thought through that when I was six years old.
J'ai découvert ça à 6 ans.
She died when I was six.
Elle est morte quand j'avais six ans.
When I was six months old, I could change my own diapers.
À six mois, je changeais mes couches.
I'm French, Mr Eckland. My parents started me on wine mixed with water when I was six.
Je suis française, M. Eckland, à 6 ans, on me donnait déjà du vin mêlé d'eau.
When I was six months old, back in Cleveland, Ohio.
Quand j'avais six mois.
I had my own floating crap game when I was six years old.
J'avais ma propre table de crap à six ans.
When I was six, Tadashi's grandfather disappeared from the village.
En fait... quand j'ai eu six ans, mon père est mort... on m'a dit que mon père était mort.
When I was six, my mother brought me along to her family once.
Quand j'avais 6 ans, ma mère m'a emmenée voir sa famille.
Polio, when I was six.
Poliomyélite. J'avais 6 ans.
I started milling rice when I was six. So they call me Miller Six.
Comme je pile le riz depuis mes six ans, on m'appelle Chongmi Liu, "Pileur-Six".
I accepted Christ when I was six years old, didn't I?
J'ai accepté le Christ quand j'avais 6 ans.
I started when I was six, and lm still alive.
J'ai commencé à six ans et je suis toujours en vie.
I saw my first corpse When I Was six.
J'ai vu mon premier mort à l'âge de six ans.
I saw my first when I was six.
J'ai vu mon premier mort à six ans.
When I was six, I wanted to be an astronaut.
À six ans, je voulais être astronaute.
You'll never believe what I wanted to be when I was six.
Tu ne croiras jamais ce que je voulais être à six ans.
When I was six we went to the zoo one day, my mother, my father and 8 brothers and sisters.
Quand j'avais six ans, nous sommes allés au zoo, mes parents, et mes 8 frères et soeurs.
Sid! I won a rollerskating trophy there when I was six years old.
A six ans, j'ai gagné un prix de patinage là-bas!
As I say, I was sitting in front of the cabin, when I bagged 6 tigers.
J'étais assis devant la cabane quand j'ai tué six tigres.
When I got it off Hatteras, six guys was caught in the fo'c'sle'cause the door buckled and they couldn't bust her loose.
Il y a six mecs qui sont restés coincés avec la porte bloquée.
When I was ill, there were at least six men willing to give their lives for me.
Quand j'étais malade, six hommes voulaient donner leur vie pour moi.
I had an accident when I was 6.
J'ai eu un accident à l'âge de six ans.
I can remember when your greatest ambition was 50 bucks for six rounds.
Je me rappelle quand ta plus grande ambition était de 50 $ pour 6 rounds.
When she was about six, I started taking her out to the raft with the other kids and throwing her in.
À six ans, je la poussais dans l'eau profonde.
That day when they knew you had five ships to load I was greeted with six more cases of "beriberi" "double beriberi" this time.
Quand il y a eu ces cinq navires à charger, ils m'ont gratifié de six nouveaux cas de béribéri. De double béribéri, cette fois.
I guess I was about six years old when I met your Aunt Kate.
Je devais avoir environ six ans quand j'ai rencontré ta tante Kate.
When I was straightening up the couch, I found six hairpins, a lipstick a pair of false eyelashes and a swizzle stick from the Stork Club.
En remettant le divan, j'ai trouvé six pinces à cheveux, un rouge à lèvres, une paire de faux cils et une cuillère à cocktail du Stork Club.
Le plus long a duré six mois, quand je servais dans la Navy.
I've controlled myself for six years... and i can't stand it any longer. I was a stupid child when i married you.
Je me suis contenue pendant six ans, mais je ne peux plus te supporter.
I was six when I went on my first "safrari"...
J'avais 6 ans quand j'ai fait mon premier "safrari"...
I was a devotee of Izaak Walton when I was but six.
J'étais un partisan d'lzaak Walton quand j'avais six ans.
My mother took me to Switzerland when I was 6.
J'ai suivi ma mère en Suisse quand j'avais six ans.
Oh, when I was twenty... I went to school for six years...
Oh, quand j'avais 2O ans... je suis allé à l'école pendant 6 ans
I once saw him bag six ducks with one shot when he was blind drunk.
Je l'ai vu complètement ivre abattre 6 canards d'un seul coup.
I saved her life when she was six with herb tea.
Je lui avais sauvé la vie quand elle avait 6 ans, .. avec de simples tisanes.
I was standin'on Horse Thief Corner when Prairie Rose came down the street with nothin'on but her six-guns.
J'étais au coin de la rue quand Prairie Rose est arrivée, elle ne portait que ses deux revolvers.
When I was 6 years old, my father said to me...
Quand j'avais six ans, mon père m'a dit...
One day when I was about six, my parents had a row, you know.
J'avais six ans quand mes parents, un jour, se sont engueulés.
When I was your age, I would lug 50 pounds of ice up five, six flights of stairs!
A ton äge, je montais 6 étages avec 25 kilos de glace!
It was six months ago when I kissed Frannie too.
Frannie et moi, c'était il y a six mois.
When you were 2 and I was 6, Mother decided to leave.
Tu avais deux ans, j'en avais six, quand notre mère a décidé de partir.
So in the late fall of 1982, when I heard that Tap was releasing a new album called Smell The Glove and was planning a tour of the US to promote that album, I jumped at the chance to make the documentary, the, if you will, rockumentary that you're about to see.
Donc, en fin d'automne 1982... quand j'ai su que Tap sortait un nouvel album, Sens le gant... et projetait sa première tournée aux Etats-Unis en près de six ans... pour en faire la promotion... j'ai sauté sur l'occasion, il va sans dire... de tourner un documentaire- - ou mieux un "rockumentaire"... que vous êtes sur le point de voir.
When I was about six years old, my momma took me to the city.
Vois-tu, je devais avoir six ans, lorsqu'un jour, ma mère m'emmena en ville.
When I was about six I made my dad breakfast in bed on Father's Day.
A six ans, j'ai apporté le petit-déjeuner au lit à mon père le jour de sa fête.
d When I was just a beardless boy no more than six years old d l used to go akeeping crows in rain and wind and cold d Oh, well do I remember now as well as it can be
Quand j'étais un p tit garçon Sans un poil au menton Je chassais le corbeau En toute saison Oh oui, je me souviens bien Comme si c'était hier
[Castillo] As I said the other day, when I was in South Vietnam in 1972, there were six murders in nine days. They stopped.
Comme je vous l'ai dit, j'étais au Viêt-Nam en 1972.
When he was six years old I went to meet him
Quand il a eu six ans, je suis allée le voir.
when i was younger 134
when i was a child 198
when i'm gone 52
when it comes to you 25
when it rains 55
when i 169
when in doubt 76
when i was little 263
when i was your age 229
when i was young 206
when i was a child 198
when i'm gone 52
when it comes to you 25
when it rains 55
when i 169
when in doubt 76
when i was little 263
when i was your age 229
when i was young 206
when i was nine 31
when i was a boy 126
when i was 779
when i first met you 94
when it happened 60
when it does 42
when is it 116
when i'm with you 72
when it comes 19
when i'm dead 26
when i was a boy 126
when i was 779
when i first met you 94
when it happened 60
when it does 42
when is it 116
when i'm with you 72
when it comes 19
when i'm dead 26