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You picked me перевод на французский

612 параллельный перевод
When you picked me up at Baskul, they were on my tail for a year.
Quand vous m'avez pris à Baskul, ils me poursuivaient depuis un an.
I'm glad you picked me up.
Je suis contente que tu m'aies prise.
- Take me back where you picked me up. - What?
Ramenez-moi en arrière.
- I said take me back where you picked me up. - Okay.
Ramenez-moi où vous m'avez pris.
Tell them you picked me up in Paris in a bar...
T'as rencontrée à Paris dans un bar.
You picked me up so Figlia could swipe my load.
T'as fait en sorte que Figlia me vole.
So turn this car around and take me right back where you picked me up.
Alors fais demi-tour et ramène-moi où tu m'as prise.
Why didn't you leave me where you picked me up, the gutter?
Pourquoi m'avoir tirée d'oú j'étais?
I picked it up, called to you, but I guess you didn't hear me.
Je vous ai hélée, mais vous ne m'avez pas entendu.
Then somebody picked me up and took me to the place where you found me.
Puis on m'a ramassé et emmené où vous m'avez trouvé.
So you picked on me to give you an alibi?
Vous m'avez utilisé comme alibi?
Pardon me. Do you know a taxi driver named Eddie Bartlett? - He picked me up here about a week ago.
Connaissez-vous Eddie Bartlett?
You know, the last time they picked you up, it cost me 10 grand to square myself.
Non. La dernière fois, ta grande gueule m'a coûté 10 briques.
After you left... my car stalled, the cops picked me up.
Après votre départ... le moteur de ma voiture a calé, la police m'a ramassé.
Tell me he picked you up on the train and you'll make me a happy woman.
Dites-moi qu'il vous a trouvée dans le train, et vous me rendrez heureuse.
You picked the kind of life you want... so go back to it and to her... and at least let me keep a little respect for you.
Tu as choisi la vie que tu voulais... Retournes-y, retourne vers elle... et laisse-moi garder un peu de respect pour toi.
You know that wallpaper you picked out for the bedroom?
Je leur ai dit de la reprendre. Ce truc me donnerait des cauchemars.
I knew you'd want it, so I got it all picked out.
Je me doutais que vous en voudriez une.
Al, you're not trying to tell me you got picked up by a uniform.
Tu t'es laissée draguer par un militaire?
It was sweet of you to send me those flowers you picked yourself.
Merci pour ces fleurs que vous avez cueillies vous-même.
They've had someone looking you up. They picked up some gossip about you and me.
Des ragots circulent à notre sujet.
You picked a winner the day you tied up with me, Chippie.
T'as touché le gros lot en te mettant avec moi, Chippie.
I picked you up out of the gutter! I can throw you back! You never had a decent meal until you met me!
Tu mangeais pas à ta faim, avant de me rencontrer!
Do you know how long I'd go to jail if they picked me up on this?
- Tu sais combien je risque de taule?
You picked on me for the same reason she did. Somebody to put on the griddle.
Vous vous acharnez sur moi pour mettre quelqu'un sur le gril.
I know you went out of your way to get me. We picked up seven flyers.
Au péril de votre vie.
I picked you up as a boy, and... I can't help feeling responsible for you in a way, Although you left me.
Je t'ai connu gamin et je me sens encore responsable de toi même si tu m'as quitté.
I was about to be presented. I stooped and picked it up, and she said, "Thank you, Mr. Willems."
Alors que je le ramassais elle me dit : "Merci M. Willems."
Looks to me, Conchita, like you picked the wrong man.
Vous avez tiré le mauvais numéro!
You shouldn't have picked me up in the middle of the night and brought me down here.
Fallait pas m'arrêter en pleine nuit et m'amener ici.
Say, didn't you tell me that that Red officer... - we picked up on the other island was in the air force?
L'officier capturé sur l'autre île appartient à l'armée de l'air?
I was here watching the porpoises... and he made a pass at me, didn't you, boy? He picked me up a couple of weeks ago.
Il m'a levée il y a deux ou trois semaines.
They couldn't get anywhere with me, my father and Virginia so they picked you as a partner!
Ils ne pouvaient rien contre moi, mon père et Virginia... Alors ils vous ont choisi comme partenaire!
Are you trying to tell me that this knife fell through a hole in the boy's pocket, someone picked it up, went to the boy's house and stabbed his father with it just to test its sharpness?
Croyez-vous que le couteau soit tombé de sa poche et que quelqu'un l'ait ramassé pour aller l'essayer sur son père?
Well, you couldn't have picked yourself a better time to have dropped in.
Tu n'aurais pas pu choisir un meilleur moment pour passer me voir.
You know i almost got picked up the last two times.
J'ai failli me faire pincer les dernières fois.
Oh, excuse me. I think you picked up my cigarettes by mistake.
Je crois que vous avez pris mes cigarettes.
You said you would have picked me
Tu as bien dit que tu m'aurais choisie.
You've picked out me
Vous m'avez choisi.
I've never seen you. He picked me up because I was standing around... looking like I wanted to be picked up.
Il m'a ramassée parce que j'avais l'air d'une femme... qui cherchait à être ramassée.
Why didn't you come out of your hole and get me? Why did you let me stand around and... and... and get picked up like a prostitute?
Vous auriez pu venir... au lieu de me laisser me faire accoster comme une prostituée!
You didn't invite me anywhere. You invited a little tart you picked up on the street.
Vous avez invité une minette ramassée dans la rue.
You know, Reverend, when you left me and didn't give a damn what happened to me I got picked up for vagrancy.
Tu sais, Révérend, quand tu m'as laissée... et que tu te foutais pas mal de mon sort... je me suis fait coffrer pour vagabondage.
You aren't seriously suggesting that if I get through the wire and case everything out there and don't get picked up, to turn myself in and get thrown back in the cooler so you can get the information you need?
Vous ne me demandez quand même pas, au cas oû j'arriverais à me tirer, de revenir ici et de déguster deux mois de taule pour vous fournir vos tuyaux?
You're going to tell me why you packed up, picked up, and walked out on me.
Tu vas me dire pourquoi tu as fait tes valises et tu m'as quitté!
Incidentally, I appreciate your concern about me going but I want you to know I'm doing it all off my own bat. It may be a gamble, but it can increase your chances of being picked up.
Merci de vous inquiéter pour moi... mais ma décision n'engage que moi et... elle accroît vos chances... d'être sauvés.
- Show me the berries you picked.
- Montrez-les-moi.
Now, don't be bloody silly, you know I was broke when Ashe picked me up.
Ne soyez pas idiot, j'étais fauché quand Ashe est venu me chercher.
You want to blackmail me... but you picked the wrong guy!
M'opprimer! Ça ne prend pas!
Well, you should've picked me for your master.
Il fallait me choisir comme maître.
When I picked you out of the line, all you had to your name was a cloth coat with monkey fur on the collar!
Avant de me rencontrer, tu portais un manteau de peau de lapin!

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