You say that now перевод на французский
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Well, you say that now, but trust me, in a couple of years, you'll want -
- J'aime pas les garçons. Tu dis ça, mais dans même pas deux ans, tu auras envie...
- You say that now.
- Tu dis ça maintenant.
You say that now, but what if- - l'm not going to screw up what you and Karen have.
Tu dis ça maintenant, et imagine que... Je ne vais pas ruiner ce que vous avez avec Karen.
You say that now...
Tu dis ça maintenant...
Quero to say, all this besteira of John Riley, for the love of God, find that it gives to the minim pra now you?
Une question : ce foutu John Riley, tu crois qu'il en a quelque chose à foutre de toi à cette heure?
Having driven now for about one hour and 45 minutes... and having you constantly in my rearview mirror... I'd say the probability is that you're following me.
Avoir conduit pendant environ une heure 45 et t'avoir en permanence dans mon rétro signifie probablement que tu me suis.
Now, why would you say that?
Pourquoi dites-vous ça?
You can say that on television now.
Vous pouvez le dire à la télé.
- Right. If you were to talk directly to the kids at Columbine and the people in that community, what would you say to them, if they here right now?
Si vous pouviez parler aux lycéens de Columbine, qu'est-ce que vous leur diriez?
Now that all's been settled - you can say goodbye to her, if you want.
Maintenant que tout est arrangé - tu peux lui dire au revoir, si tu veux.
Now you're wrong to say that.
Tu ne devrais pas dire ça.
What did you say that for? Now he's coming back!
T'aurais pas dû dire ça.
I think what Jeff is trying to say in his frighteningly limited way is that you and Sally are friends now.
Ce que Jeff essaie de dire, avec ses mots à lui, c'est que Sally et toi êtes amis.
Well, it's not like I didn't enjoy knocking grown men unconscious for a living. It's just that there comes a time in life when you say, "That was then, and this is now", and... move on to bigger and...
J'aimais bien gagner ma croûte en mettant des molosses K.O., mais à un stade de ta vie, tu te dis : "Ce qui était n'est plus"
I can't say it'll go away soon... but I am sure that if your son... if he could talk to you right now... he would want you to know that you are loved and needed... in this house.
Mais je suis sûr que si votre fils pouvait vous parler maintenant, il voudrait vous dire que vous êtes aimée et qu'on a besoin de vous dans cette maison.
You say that I'm an immature parent, and now I want to do something for my child that's important and responsible, and you won't let me?
Tu prétends que je n'ai aucune maturité, mais j'ai envie de faire quelque chose pour mon enfant qui est important et responsable, et tu veux m'empêcher?
Now that I brought you all back, I want to say something.
Sarah chuchote pour critiquer la robe de sa cousine.
What would you say if I told you that I feel ready right now?
Que dirais-tu si je te disais me sentir prête, là, tout de suite?
Needless to say, my physician was stumped. But now, thank God, you've helped to solve that riddle, because the instant I heard your shrill voice whining about a "teeny-weeny problem," it took every ounce of self-restraint I had to keep blood from shooting out my ears.
Bien sûr, mon médecin était étonné, mais Dieu merci, tu as aidé à résoudre cette énigme car en entendant ta voix aiguë, avec ta mini question, j'ai tout fait pour me contenir et empêcher le sang de me sortir par les oreilles.
So for now, I just gotta say I love you so much, that my head's gonna fly off.
Pour l'instant, sache que je t'aime tant que mon coeur risque d'exploser.
- Hey now, you're a rock star-- - I can't believe in all the time I've known you that I've had to say this twice but my penis doesn't enjoy being sung to
Dire que depuis que je te connais, j'ai dû dire ça deux fois, mais mon pénis n'aime pas qu'on lui chante des chansons.
There was a time when I was willing to say otherwise... to let you and all your friends hide some of that dirt, but not now.
Il fut un temps où j'aurais agi différemment pour vous laisser cacher cette saleté, mais plus maintenant.
not by a long shot. I don't know, Agent Doggett, but now that you've got this case... I'd say run with it.
Je l'ignore, mais maintenant que vous avez cette affaire, à vous de jouer.
I'd say that now is a very good time for you to tell me what this is all about.
Je pense qu'il est temps maintenant de m'expliquer ce qui se passe.
I'd tell you to go and say good-bye, but I've already been informed... that for now all further contact is out of the question.
Je te proposerais bien d'aller lui dire au revoir... mais j'ai déjà été informé que dorénavant... je les cite, "tout contact est interdit".
You know what that means. He say now.
Tu sais ce que ça veut dire.
I just want to make sure that in a million years from now... I can still see you up-close and we'll still have amazing things to say.
Je veux être sûr que dans un million d'années... je pourrai toujours te regarder en face et te raconter plein de trucs.
Now you want me to say West ass, that is not worth anything?
Et là, toi, gros connard de l'Ouest, tu veux me dire que ça ne vaut plus rien?
Now, you could say that Fred's problem is that he can't get up the nerve to talk to girls.
On pourrait dire que le problème de Fred c'est de ne pas avoir le courage de parler aux filles.
Now, I'm ashamed to say that Her Majesty's government is willing to offer you amnesty in return for your services.
J'ai honte de dire que le gouvernement de Sa Majesté... est disposé à vous accorder l'amnistie... en échange de vos services.
Now I'm guessing that you and your friends are completely tapped out and I can buy this pot for say, $ 10.
Je pense que toi et tes amis vous êtes complètement fauchés et je peux acheter ce pot pour, disons, $ 10.
Now, how many men of my age do you know that can say that?
Tu connais combien d'homme de mon age qui peuvent dire ça?
Now that I found her, you say it's luck?
Et moi j'ai trouvé Keto grâce à la chance?
I must say it now... that I've fallen in love with you
"Je dois le dire maintenant..." "que je suis tombé amoureux de toi"
Now, I don't know where you're beliefs lies... But I recommend that we say the Lords Prayer together.
Je ne sais pas si tu es croyant... mais je propose que nous récitions ensemble le Notre Père.
You may say, "Now we'll have to eat red meat", but that's the killer for you.
Je sais pas qui vous êtes avec votre saignant, mais l'assassin, le v là!
Now you see? See what that shit makes you say?
Tu vois ce que tu dis, comment cette merde te fait parler?
Now, what did you have to go and say that for? Damn!
Pourquoi, il fallait que tu dises ça?
I don't know, but all I know is that she's not your friend right now, she's a suspect, and anything you do or say can jeopardize the case.
Je sais pas. Mais pour linstant, cest pas ton amie. Cest un suspect.
Now, I'll spare you the pitiful details of his life and only say, that thanks to me, he became one of the most prominent lawyers in San Francisco.
Je vous épargne les détails pitoyables de sa vie, mais grâce à moi, c'est devenu l'un des plus grands avocats de San Francisco.
You know, the one thing I can say about that is if I knew you then the way that I do now, it wouldn't have happened.
La seule chose que je peux dire pour ça, c'est que si je t'avais connu comme je te connais maintenant, ça ne serait pas arrivé.
What I say to you now is probably the last words that I'll ever speak.
Ce que je viens de te dire, ce sont probablement mes derniers mots.
I guess you could say that I'm working for his campaign now.
On peut dire que je fais campagne pour lui.
Now, when you say that you've done all those things, what exactly do you mean?
Quand tu dis que tu as fait toutes ces choses, que veux-tu dire?
Now. I've chosen to take it as a compliment. but what can you say when someone says that you have a face that's made for radio?
J'ai décidé de le prendre comme un compliment, mais que peut-on répondre quand on vous dit que vous avez une tête à faire de la radio?
All I can say is that if you plan to have the baby, stop drinking now.
Je peux seulement vous dire : si vous voulez garder cet enfant, arrêtez de boire maintenant.
Now you say that like it's a bad thing.
Maintenant on dirait que c'est une mauvaise chose.
- That's what you say now, but what will you say when you stand over his dead body with a shank in your hand?
- Tu dis ça maintenant, mais que tu diras-tu quand tu seras debout sur son cadavre avec une lame dans la main.
But now that you say it, I totally believe it.
Mais je veux bien le croire.
You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention now something that you later rely on in court.
Vous pouvez garder le silence, mais cela peut nuire à votre défense devant le tribunal.
- It's easy for you to say that now. But you're gonna start feeling badly about not saying goodbye.
- C'est facile à dire pour l'instant, mais vous allez vite commencer à regretter de ne pas avoir dit au revoir.
you say yes 16
you say something 57
you say that every time 21
you say 1269
you say no 28
you say the word 43
you say nothing 34
you say that like it's a bad thing 55
you say it 83
you say so 24
you say something 57
you say that every time 21
you say 1269
you say no 28
you say the word 43
you say nothing 34
you say that like it's a bad thing 55
you say it 83
you say so 24
you say that 153
you see 13602
you suck 398
you sure 3065
you speak spanish 28
you speak english 153
you speak russian 26
you shouldn't smoke 23
you stupid bitch 138
you said 2178
you see 13602
you suck 398
you sure 3065
you speak spanish 28
you speak english 153
you speak russian 26
you shouldn't smoke 23
you stupid bitch 138
you said 2178
you speak french 42
you seem like a nice guy 33
you shouldn't have done that 152
you stupid motherfucker 17
you shut the fuck up 61
you seem upset 55
you stupid idiot 42
you shut up 514
you seem troubled 30
you see me 54
you seem like a nice guy 33
you shouldn't have done that 152
you stupid motherfucker 17
you shut the fuck up 61
you seem upset 55
you stupid idiot 42
you shut up 514
you seem troubled 30
you see me 54
you seem 91
you seem nervous 52
you seem good 16
you saved me 262
you seem sad 20
you shouldn't 299
you see here 28
you should come 233
you saw me 99
you see it 216
you seem nervous 52
you seem good 16
you saved me 262
you seem sad 20
you shouldn't 299
you see here 28
you should come 233
you saw me 99
you see it 216