As what перевод на португальский
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An article came out on satellite-detected discrepancies between Chinese sites and what had been reported by government statistics.
Saiu um artigo sobre discrepâncias entre os sites e as estatísticas do governo.
You need to feel what it will be like to sit in that office, to be the one making the decision.
Tens de sentir o que é estar naquela sala. Tomar as decisões...
- And what is it you want?
Desde as pontas dos teus dedos, Cada madeixa de cabelo
It's coming back and if it all comes back, I'm pretty sure I'll know exactly what to do.
As memórias estão a voltar e, caso voltem, saberei logo o que fazer.
Penny, what's... what's happened to your hands?
Penny, o que se passa com as tuas mãos?
We just do what we do in bed, and they do what they do.
Fazemos aquilo na cama e eles fazem as coisas deles.
What if we're the bad guys?
E se nós formos as más da fita?
We'll do whatever we can to avoid them, but we have no idea what these inmates might be armed with and I will not send my men in there unarmed.
Faremos o possível para o evitar, mas não sabemos o que as reclusas podem ter como armas e não vou enviar os meus homens desarmados.
This is what happens when you break the rules.
Isto é o que acontece quando vocês violam as regras.
What do the other columns mean?
O que significam as outras colunas?
I know you were just trying to do what's best for the children.
Sei que estava apenas a tentar fazer o que é melhor para as crianças.
What are the rules of engagement if he's meeting his wife?
Quais são as regras de compromisso se ele estiver comprometido com a esposa?
- Hey. Authorities are still searching for answers on what could have caused the horrific blast...
As autoridades continuam em busca de uma resposta...
What are your specific objections?
Quais são as tuas objeções específicas?
Tell me, what are your responsibilities?
Diz-me... quais são as tuas responsabilidades?
Do you know what kids get after a scary experience?
Sabem o que as crianças recebem depois de uma experiência assustadora?
Hey, if you need me, I'll be cold-calling people to see what they think of electricity.
Ei, se precisares de mim, estarei a questionar as pessoas para saber o que pensam da electricidade.
And as God is my witness, I will not tell my wife what I'm up to.
E com Deus como minha testemunha, não contarei à minha esposa o que ando a tramar.
But instead, you preserved what you could of this terrible new weapon, and took it back to tycho with you, keeping those secrets for yourself, no doubt believing that when the time comes, as it surely must, you and you alone,
Mas, em vez disso... Preservaste o que pudeste desta terrível nova arma e trouxeste-a para Tycho, mantendo esses segredos para ti, acreditando, sem dúvida, se chegasse a altura, como decerto chegará, que tu, e apenas tu, decidirias quando usar a arma para defender o Cinturão.
That's what people do.
É o que fazem as pessoas.
Perhaps he didn't like what the cards had to say.
Talvez ele não gostasse do que as cartas tinham a dizer.
The world will take what happens here as a warning and step back from the brink.
O mundo vai tomar o que acontecer aqui como um aviso e dará um passo atrás.
What if I just ate pieces of people, and then we let them go?
E se comesse só nacos de gente e depois as deixasse ir à vida delas?
What happened to Nick's stuff?
Onde é que estão as coisas do Nick?
Picea glauca'conica.'or, for those not versed in tree talk, dwarf alberta spruce, a dense conifer used as an accent tree... no, I get all that, but what...
- Picea Glauca Conica. Ou para os leigos em árvores, um Pinheiro do Canadá. Uma conífera usada para...
But I remember exactly when I fell, because I'll tell you what, there is nothing quite so dazzling as a beautiful woman saving your life.
Mas lembro-me quando me apaixonei, vou dizer-vos uma coisa, não há nada tão deslumbrante como quando uma linda mulher, te salva a vida.
From what I know, Jubokkos are rooted to the ground just like any other tree.
Sei que elas estão enraizadas como todas as árvores.
- What if blood could be used as a form of payment to pass into the other world?
- E se usares o sangue como forma de pagamento para passar para o outro mundo?
You found what the Crusaders buried in the 12th century?
Encontraram o que As Cruzadas enterraram no século XII?
What about dipping bullets in it, like we did with the Siegbarste, remember?
E se molharmos as balas, como com o Siegbarste?
No matter what other crazy stuff was going down with me, the time I spent with you guys, you made me feel...
Não importam todas as outras coisas que me aconteceram. O tempo que passei convosco, malta, me fez sentir normal.
Yo, so does this count as my community service or what?
Ei, isto conta como serviço comunitário ou o quê?
But as for today, i need you to stay in the car while I go and do what I do best, all right?
Mas quanto a hoje, preciso que fiques no carro, enquanto eu vou fazer o que faço melhor, certo?
Someone might go through your pictures and find out what kind of incredibly vanilla stuff you and your wife get up to behind closed doors.
Alguém pode ver as tuas fotos e descobrir que tipo de incrível marmelada tu e a tua esposa fazem por trás das portas.
What about you, Junior?
E tu, Junior? Tens feito as lições de casa?
You wanna talk about what people will never do?
Oh, queres falar sobre o que as pessoas nunca farão?
Right,'cause that's what you're known for... Always comin'through for people in their hour of need.
Certo, porque és conhecido por sempre aparecer, quando as pessoas precisam.
Lockhart knew what me and Billy were up to, but she wanted Teflon gone just as bad as we did.
Lockhart sabia o que eu e o Billy estávamos a fazer, mas ela queria Teflon, tanto como nós.
Not in a neighborhood like this, but kids deserve a place to go. Doesn't matter what neighborhood.
Não num bairro destes, mas as crianças merecem um lugar onde ir, não importa o bairro.
I didn't know Kelly personally, but I know what she meant to the people here.
Eu não conhecia a Kelly pessoalmente, mas sei o que ela significava para as pessoas daqui.
What'd you hear exactly? This chick who lived in my building, she worked as an escort.
Uma miúda que morava no meu prédio, trabalhou como acompanhante.
It's what city girls drink.
É o que bebem as citadinas.
What can't guns do?
O que não fazem as armas?
I understand why you did what you did. But things have changed.
Compreendo porque fizeste o que fizeste, mas as coisas mudaram.
You don't think I should be the one in charge. What I think is, you were here at 6 : 00 a.m. looking at the books, figuring out a game plan that I wasn't ready to implement, and now I am.
Só sei que cá estavas às seis da manhã, a analisar as contas, a fazer um plano que eu não quis logo implementar.
So what are you gonna do? I'm gonna take the day to enjoy my life as a free man.
Vou tirar o dia para desfrutar a minha vida de homem livre.
What exactly is my job? 'Cause as far as I can tell,
Porque pelo que estou a ver, sou o único que tem um escritório.
What do you say we both act as interim managing partners?
O que achas de ambos agirmos como sócios-gerentes interinos?
- What the hell changed between today and tonight?
- As circunstâncias mudaram. O que mudou do dia para a noite?
I'm gonna be in the same room as him, looking at an image of what he made with her.
Vou estar com ele, numa sala, a ver o que ele fez com ela.
After that, the air, the scrubbing plants, what's left of them, will die off.
Depois disso, o ar, as plantas de depuração, o que resta delas, morrerá.
what 176647
what are you doing 28810
what are you talking about 12491
what is it 20402
what do you mean 18295
what happened 16539
what's up 12096
what are you doing here 13243
whatever 7954
what are you doing right now 114
what are you doing 28810
what are you talking about 12491
what is it 20402
what do you mean 18295
what happened 16539
what's up 12096
what are you doing here 13243
whatever 7954
what are you doing right now 114
what did you do today 56
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what's your name 4643
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what are they like 58
what do you want 9254
what do you think 9124
what are these 350
what's your name 4643
what are you 4599
what have you got 603
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what is that 6346
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what's the 204
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what is that 6346
what's the matter 6346
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what's going on 16788
what are you doing now 174
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what are you up to 648