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Cover yourself up перевод на португальский

52 параллельный перевод
Cover yourself up, it's cold.
Cobre-te! Cobre-te, está frio.
Cover yourself up.
Cover yourself up!
Tapa-te já.
You got heat prostration, and you cover yourself up with a blanket.
Você tem um desmaio por calor e se cobre com um cobertor.
- Cover yourself up.
- Esconde-te.
Good thing they gave you that washcloth to cover yourself up.
Ainda bem que lhe deram o pano para se cobrir.
Don't worry. Just cover yourself up.
Então poem isto.
Get in here and cover yourself up!
Vem cá e veste-te!
Cover yourself up!
Vê se te tapas!
Use these and cover yourself up.
Aqui. Use estes e cubra-se
! Cover yourself up, love.
Cobre-te, querida.
Come on, cover yourself up.
Vamos, cobre-te.
Cover yourself up, Avi.
Cobre-te, Avi.
And you, cover yourself up!
Come on. E você, ver-se co-te!
Cover yourself up, this isn't a whorehouse!
Miserável! Tenha respeito por quem usa uma farda!
Can you cover yourself up, miss?
Poderia cobrir-se, senhora?
- Would you please just cover yourself up? !
Por favor, cubra-se!
Cover yourself up.
Pode tapar-se, já tenho o que preciso.
Jimbo, cover yourself up.
Jimbo, tapa-te.
Cover yourself up with a blanket.
Tapem-se com um cobertor.
Cover yourself up.
- Cover yourself up.
Cover yourself up.
You need to cover yourself up, James. Here's a coat.
Você precisa se cobrir, James Aqui está um casaco.
Cover yourself up!
Cover yourself up.
Cubram a cabeça.
- Cover yourself up!
- Tenha respeito!
- Cover yourself up!
- O que queres que faça?
Okay. But... - you have to cover yourself up.
Está bem, mas tens de te tapar.
You disguised yourself as a samurai like an actor in a cheap comedy in an attempt to evade the police and cover up your true identity as a yakuza.
Disfarçaste-te como um samurai como um actor numa cómedia reles para tentares fugir à policia e encobrir tua real identidade de bandido.
Tape-se mais.
Cover yourself up! Thank you, Sam. Come on!
Obrigado, Sam.
Cover yourself up good. I don't want you to catch cold.
O meu ajudante disse-me que levou o meu jornal.
Why would you implicate yourself to cover up for Zo'or?
Por que se envolveria para encobrir Zo'or?
Cover yourself up!
You can just cover up by yourself.
Podes tapar-te sozinho.
Cover yourself up!
Cover yourself up.
- Cover yourself up!
- Tapa-te!
If Kip screws up, you're wiped out, so I can understand how you'd cover up for him, and maybe you're even desperate enough to kill her yourself.
Se o Kip estragasse tudo, estarias acabado. Por isso, consigo compreender porque é que o encobririas, e talvez até estivesses desesperado o suficiente para seres tu a matá-la.
And I say, "You know, it'd be pretty funny if you pissed your pants riding Freefall, and then spilled Dr. Pepper all over yourself to try, cover it up."
E eu disse : "Sabes, seria muito divertido" "se te mijasses todo a andar no Freefall,"
The next night, you drove yourself into a tree to cover up the damage to your car.
Na noite seguinte, bateste numa árvore para encobrir os danos no teu carro.
Cover yourself up.
Pode cobrir-se.
Cover yourself... Roll with yourself in breadcrumbs and bring a fucking bird up here.
Então envolve-te em migalhas e traz-me um pombo vivo!
Don't cover yourself up, I can't see you.
Não te tapes, eu não te vejo.
But do you honestly believe if a president was involved in a cover-up that he'd be stupid enough to sit across from a journalist such as yourself?
Acredita que, se um presidente estivesse envolvido num encobrimento, seria estúpido o suficiente para falar com um jornalista como você?
Not if you're trying to paint yourself as the victim to cover up the truth.
Não se estiveres a tentar fazer-te de vítima - para encobrir a verdade.

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