Finish them перевод на португальский
423 параллельный перевод
Finish them off -!
Acabem com elas -!
We can cover this trail and finish them off when they come through.
Podemos cobrir este trilho e acabar com eles quando passarem.
What'll you pay me to finish them off?
O que é que me paga para acabar com eles?
Finish them with arrows.
Ataquem-nos com setas.
- He wants you to finish them.
- Ele quer que você os acabe.
- I say attack now and finish them.
- Ataca-os agora e destrói-os.
He's our means to finish them all.
- Não. É o nosso meio de acabar com todos.
Ladies do not start fights, but they can finish them.
As senhoras não começam bulhas, mas conseguem ganhá-las!
Yeah, let's go finish them. MAN 3 :
- Vamos acabar com eles!
Jupiter's going to finish them off.
O Júpiter vai acabar com eles.
With two - ha! - l'll finish them!
Com duas podemos acabar com eles.
When night falls, we'll follow them and finish them.
Quando a noite cair, perseguimo-los até os exterminar!
And then I would finish them off.
Eu acabaria com eles.
Finish them off!
Finish them off.
Termina com eles.
Martin, should I finish them off?
Martin, devo acabar com eles?
- Let's finish them off.
- Vamos acabar com eles.
They're the only ones out here that don't care about us... and that is what will finish them.
São os únicos aqui que não se importam connosco... e é isso que vai acabar com eles.
You can soften them up, and I'll finish them off.
Tu acalma-los e eu acabo com eles.
Try to finish them off. And no guns.
Tenta acabar com eles, sem barulho.
Sergeant Hazard, who was in a foul mood argued that our workload proved his point. We'll never finish them off.
O Sargento Hazard, que estava de péssimo humor, defende que o nosso trabalho prova a teoria. : nunca daremos cabo deles.
We go in, and we finish them both off.
Vamos lá e acabamos com ambos.
Let them finish.
Deixe-os acabar.
I'm enjoying myself. Let them finish the match.
Deixai-os terminar o torneio.
They may finish us, but we'll get our share of them before they do.
Pode ser que nos matem a todos, mas antes, acabamos com uns quantos.
I'll finish reading them some other time?
Acabo de os ler noutra altura.
Finish tying them.
Acaba de os amarrar.
That shot'll bring them and they'll finish you.
Aquele tiro vai trazê-los até aqui e vão acabar contigo.
We agreed to let them finish.
Concordamos que acabavam o espectaculo primeiro.
Soon as the boys finish chow, I'll have them run a line up.
Vou mandá. Ios consertar a linha.
Must we wait for them to finish their tunnel?
Devemos esperar que eles finalizem o túnel?
Let them finish their load!
Deixa o carregador acabar!
And when we finish, the married men of the world will be able to look their wives in the face, that is, if they have their makeup on, and put them in their place.
Eles poderão olhar para as respectivas mulheres, se elas estiverem bem arranjadas, e metê-las na ordem.
Then let them finish second.
Então deixem-nos terminar o segundo!
If them Lancers has got a fieldpiece... they could move it in, lay in one round, and then finish us off... with them 10-foot frog stickers they're packing.
Se os lanceiros tiverem um canhão sobre rodas, podem entrar com ele e acabar connosco de uma só vez, com as lanças de 3 metros que carregam.
Then he will have to finish breaking them on the way to Fort Concho.
Então ele terá de acabar de domá-los a caminho de Forte Concho.
It was Chico's idea to finish building the church, to bring all three villages here and make them into one.
Chico teve a ideia de acabar de construir a igreja, trazer as três aldeias para aqui e formar uma só.
We're now moving outside, and we should be seeing them at the finish line in a few minutes.
Estão agora lá fora e devemos vê-los na linha de meta, daqui a pouco.
Let them finish their patriotic duties, and you'll see.
Deixa-os acabar os seu deveres patrióticos e vais ver.
Get the garage makers and the rat catchers- - Get them all to finish! - Oh.
Os caras da garagem e os caçadores de ratazanas... eles que acabem.
You just give me half of them, and I'll finish that job.
Entregue-me metade deles e eu acabo o trabalho.
They've been living wild all winter. We'll finish breaking them on the drive.
Passaram o inverno em liberdade, vão-se domando pelo caminho.
"He's sent them now to finish me off."
Foi por isto que esperei quatro anos! Ele mandou os guardas para acabarem comigo.
When do we finish with them?
Quando vamos eliminá-los?
If they arrest me before I finish my story, make them give me time so that I may tell you the whole truth.
Se me prenderem antes de eu terminar, faça com que me dêem tempo para eu lhe contar toda a verdade.
I'll finish those reports tonight... and I'll run them on over first thing tomorrow.
Ouve, eu acabo os relatórios esta noite... e levo-tos amanhã, logo pela manhã.
- I finish to deliver them uncle to its.
- Acabo de as entregar ao seu tio.
He never stayed long enough in any of them to finish this peace.
Ele nao ficou tempo suficiente em nenhum deles ate acabar esta peca.
Uh, hey, uh, come on, we better go finish up them mats, huh?
Bom, é melhor irmos acabar de fazer uns trabalhos.
- I got to finish tightening them.
- É melhor eu apertá-los! Vamos ficar sem pneu.
We didn't finish either of them, eh?
Tu e eu temos assuntos pendentes, lembras-te?
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16
finish 98
finished 495
finish him 119
finish her 20
finish it 204
finish up 45
finish me 16
finish me off 18
finish the job 36
finish him off 35
finished 495
finish him 119
finish her 20
finish it 204
finish up 45
finish me 16
finish me off 18
finish the job 36
finish him off 35