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He would be перевод на португальский

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In related news, incumbent State's Attorney James Castro announced today he was withdrawing from the race... this as newsman Frank Prady announced he would be...
O incumbente Procurador Estadual, James Castro, anunciou hoje que irá renunciar à sua candidatura... Ao mesmo tempo que, o jornalista Frank Prady anunciou que seria...
If he hadn't, he would be sending other competitors to an active crime scene. The important thing is
Se não mudasse, outros iam para um local do crime activo.
If she wanted him dead, he would be.
Se quisesse matá-lo, tinha-o morto.
I know he would be grateful.
Sei que ele ficaria grato.
- I told you he would be a disaster!
- Disse-te que ele ia ser um desastre!
He would be delighted.
Ele ficaria encantado.
I knew he would be hurt more by you than by me.
Sabia que sairia mais ferido por ti do que por mim.
Normally, any intelligence you could gather from Tom Keen would be yesterday's news but Berlin has gone to ground and is likely dependent on former assets he used when your husband was in his employ.
Normalmente, qualquer informação que pudesses obter do Tom Keen seriam informações ultrapassadas, mas o Berlim escondeu-se e está dependente de antigos ativos que usava quando o teu marido trabalhava para ele.
So after a while, he asked if Carl and I would be interested in going into business with him.
Então depois de algum tempo, ele perguntou se eu e o Carl estaríamos interessados em entrar no negócio com ele.
He would have wanted him to be with his mother.
Ele teria querido que ele estivesse com a sua mãe.
He'd be most honored if you would attend.
Ficaria honrado se pudesses vir.
Izzy hid it in his father's saxophone case somewhere he knew it would be safe.
O Izzy escondeu-a na mala do saxofone do pai dele... num lugar que sabia que seria seguro.
Yeah, yeah, my advice would be, um, that he should read widely, he should travel extensively, and under no circumstances, he should never, ever, ever tattoo the name of his lover on his ass ever.
Sim, sim, o meu conselho seria, humm, que ele deveria ler de tudo, que deveria viajar muito, e em quaisquer circunstâncias, ele nunca deverá, mas mesmo nunca, tatuar o nome da amada no rabo. Muito bem.
Would he be surprised if you went back to his estate?
Ele ficaria surpreso se voltasses à propriedade dele?
He--Why Would He Be Here?
Ele... Porque estaria ele aqui?
When he rose, it would be a body that would never die again. BARRY DOWNING : NARRATOR :
Os mortos levantando-se dos seus túmulos.
This says to me that maybe the body of Jesus went through some type of transformation which changed his body so that when he arose from the dead, it would be a body that would never die again.
Para mim isso sugere que talvez o corpo de Jesus passou por algum tipo de transformação, e que assim que o corpo de Jesus se levantasse dos mortos, ele teria um corpo que jamais morreria.
But he asked me to pick him up at this theater playing Hard Kill, that it would be easy to find.
Mas pediu-me para ir buscá-lo a um cinema onde era exibido o filme "Duro de Matar", que seria fácil de encontrar.
Why would he be wearing a wire?
Porque é que ele levaria uma escuta?
He knew that there would be thousands of police in attendance.
Ele sabia que milhares de policias iam.
Why would he be here, Gretchen? Yes.
Porque é que iria estar aqui?
- He knew how hard it would be... to get people to work together to save the species instead of themselves.
- Ele sabia que seria difícil levar as pessoas a colaborar para salvar a espécie em vez de a si próprias.
You know, all he had to do was to denounce you, and in a year the whole building would be kissing his ass.
Sabem, tudo o que ele tinha que fazer era denunciar-te, e num ano todo o edifício estaria a beijar-lhe o rabo.
This appears to be a signed affidavit showing that Mr. Birdwell promised another woman lobbyist not just nine months ago that he would introduce a bill for her in exchange for sexual favors.
É um testemunho assinado em como o Sr. Birdwell prometeu a outra lobista há nove meses que lhe promoveria uma lei, a troco de favores sexuais.
Sol know him, I know that he knows that it would be crazy for him to get mixed up in anything that Jimmy does.
Conheço-o e sei que ele sabe que seria uma loucura misturar-se seja com o que for que o Jimmy faz.
And he made me promise that if anything were to happen to him, I would move all his stuff to a storage facility. Somewhere secret that no one would be able to find.
Fez-me prometer que, se alguma coisa lhe acontecesse, levaria as coisas todas dele para um armazém, um sítio secreto que ninguém conseguisse encontrar.
Now, the last button he pushed would be the warmest.
O último botão onde carregou é o mais quente.
He thought he could just ride off to slay dragons, and his Queen would always be waiting for him.
Achaste que podias sair e matar dragões que a rainha te esperaria.
I always had to be the bad guy mom, giving out the carrots and the punishments, and he would breeze in from God only knows where and get to be the cool, fun dad.
Sempre fui a mãe má, que só dava cenouras e castigos e ele aparecia sabe-se lá de onde como o pai "irado" e engraçado.
Well, Hope's fans would say it wouldn't be Billy if he weren't bleeding.
Bem, os fãs de Hope diriam que não seria o Billy se não estivesse a sangrar.
You're right there, why would I be calling out? He needs to talk to you.
- Tu estás aí, por que te chamaria?
He has Gates saying, " There would now be more innovations from Jobs
Põe o Gates a dizer : "Haverá mais inovações do Jobs do que a Microsoft conseguiria copiar."
He didn't think that would be cool.
Ele não achou que isso fosse fixe.
Without it, he was alonely... and would someday be extinctly... which made Gorg cranky and irrational... and physically violent.
Sem ela, ele estava sozinho... e um dia seria extinto... o que punha o Gorg fulo e irracional... e fisicamente violento.
I mean, it's Vinny, he plays pinball, right, so... Would you be broken up if I murdered him?
É o Vinny, ele joga pinball, certo, então... ficarias chateado se eu o matasse?
- Why would he be in the bushes? - I don't know.
- Porque estaria nos arbustos?
He would sit in a coffee shop on Melrose Avenue reading this giant book, because he couldn't stand to be alone in his apartment.
Sentava-se num café, na Melrose Avenue, a ler o seu livro gigante, porque não podia estar sozinho no apartamento.
Sometimes I think, had my dad had found Ben, he would have killed him and Ben's family would still be alive.
Por vezes, penso que se o meu pai tivesse encontrado o Ben, tê-lo-ia matado e a família dele ainda estaria viva.
Before he passed on to the next world, he made me promise on his deathbed that I would never be neglectful with one dollar of the money that he so carefully earned.
Antes de passar para o outro mundo, fez-me prometer no seu leito de morte... que nunca desperdiçaria um dólar do dinheiro... que ele ganhou com tanto cuidado.
I would be shocked if he were to let this go.
Eu ficaria chocado se ele fosse deixar isso sem vingança.
Very likely he's gonna get hanged but it would be nice if the families of the people he bushwhacked could come to town and watch him go purple on the rope.
Provavelmente ele vai ser enforcado, mas seria bom se as famílias das pessoas que ele atacou pudessem vir à cidade e vê-lo ficar roxo na corda.
But had he named it the Supreme Potential Hotel then, my friends, we would be talking.
Mas, se lhe tivesse chamado Supreme Potential Hotel, então, meus amigos, seria muito verdade.
Would that be weird? Would he be freaked out if I...
- Ele surtaria se eu...
Because if Martland should get his grubby hands on that painting, he would destroy a magnificent work of art. And we will be out a finder's fee.
Porque se o Martland apanhar o quadro, vai destruir uma obra de arte magnífica e ficamos sem a nossa recompensa.
Poor Jock. He was frantic with worry. But I knew everything would be all right in the end.
Coitado do Jock, estava louco de preocupação, mas eu sabia que no fim, ia ficar tudo bem.
Can you imagine how disastrous it would be if he did?
Podes imaginar o desastre que seria se isso acontecesse?
If I would have ran, he would not be mayor. He's not mayor.
Se eu tivesse concorrido, ele não seria presidente da câmara.
His throat and mouth would be swollen which explains why he didn't call for help.
A garganta e a boca devem ter inchado o que explica o porquê de não ter pedido ajuda.
He wonders what would be the best course.
Pergunta-se qual será a melhor acção a tomar.
It'd be great if he would go to Thailand.
Mas ele teria de ir para a Tailândia.
The only one that would talk would be Howie and he's not gonna remember shit.
Quem pode falar é o Howie mas não se vai lembrar de nada.

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