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He would never перевод на португальский

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When Luke isn't even related to any of those dancers he would never lie to them.
Ele não mentia a nenhum deles, mesmo não lhes sendo nada.
- He would never...
- Ele nunca...
You said he would never speak!
Disseste que ele nunca falaria!
You said he would never be heard from.
Disseste que nunca saberíamos dele.
I mean, he would never hurt Mrs. Brow.
Quero dizer, ele nunca faria mal a Sra. Brow.
He would never set in any unit.
Ele nunca entraria na minha unidade.
He would never forgive what I did to him
Ele nunca se esquecerá o que eu lhe fiz.
He would never hurt me.
Ele nunca me magoaria.
Ethan Bordas always wanted to be big brother Seth, always wanted to be you, resenting the fact that he would never be anything than your little brother.
Ethan Bordas sempre quis ser o irmao mais velho Seth, sempre quis ser tu, e ressentia-se do facto que nunca poderia ser tu nada mais que o teu irmao mais novo.
"Following numerous surgeries and therapies, he managed to hold onto his life.." ".. but serious injuries to his spinal cord meant that he would never walk again. "
Após inúmeras cirurgias e tratamentos ele conseguiu se manter vivo mas ferimentos graves na coluna o impossibilitaram de andar.
If it weren't for my marriage He would never have let me come
Se não fosse por esta farsa do casamento, ele não me deixava vir.
If my father knew I killed a woman, he would never forgive me.
Se o meu pai soubesse que matei uma mulher. Ele nunca me perdoaria.
Kevin promised that if I went along, he would never bother me again.
O Kevin prometeu que se eu alinhasse, nunca mais me incomodaria.
If he really thought of me as his daughter, he would never have done the things that he did.
Se ele tivesse mesmo pensado em mim como sua filha, jamais teria feito as coisas que ele fez.
He would never have done that.
Ele nunca faria isso.
He would never do anything to jeopardize the CIA.
Ele nunca faria nada para prejudicar a CIA.
He knows he would never get past those surveillance cameras undetected.
Ele sabe que nunca passaria despercebido por aquelas câmaras de vigilância.
Tanque's owner could even scape... but he would never have the courage to go back there.
O dono do Tanque podia até escapar... mas ele nunca ia ter coragem de voltar lá.
He would never commit such lies to the record.
Ele nunca diria tais mentiras em registo.
He didn't take out a second mortgage. He would never do that.
Ele não fez uma segunda hipoteca.
He would never kill a woman.
Ele nunca mataria uma mulher.
And we also know that those are words That he would never use to describe himself.
Mas essas são palavras que ele nunca usaria para se descrever.
He would never have to know.
Ele nunca teria de saber.
So by getting on the wrong bus, he would never know I was actually going to judy's house.
Assim ao apanhar o errado ele nunca saberá que eu ia a casa da Judy.
I decided I would ask him myself, but knowing that he would never tell me the truth,
Decidi que lhe iria perguntar directamente. Mas sabendo que ele nunca me iria contar a verdade... assumi a tua aparência.
I... if I knew his true identity, then every lowlife with high hopes of hurting him would come after me, and he would never put me in that kind of danger just to get a secret off his back.
Se eu soubesse a sua verdadeira identidade, todas as pessoas que o queiram magoar viriam atrás de mim, e ele nunca me colocaria nessa posição apenas para se livrar de um segredo.
He would never turn it off, Gibbs.
Nunca o desligaria, Gibbs.
I've heard the stitches story enough to know he would never let a doctor down there.
Ouvi tantas vezes a história desses pontos para saber que ele nunca mais deixaria um médico aproximar-se das partes baixas.
He was sure Allah would never allow the blood of his progeny to be shed.
Ele tinha certeza que Deus jamais permitiria que o sangue da sua geração fosse derramado.
Claims he would've never done anything to hurt her.
Afirma que nunca faria seja o que fosse para prejudicá-la.
He never would have stood for this!
Ele nunca concordaria com isto!
He tried to silence me tonight so you would never know.
Hoje tentou silenciar-me, para que nunca viesses a saber.
In fact, it would advantageous for me in numerous ways if he were never found.
Até seria vantajoso para mim se ele nunca fosse encontrado.
If we hadn't gone back to the beginning, back to where Lauryn Ward was kidnapped, he never would have given Rachel back.
Se não tivéssemos voltado ao início, onde a Lauryn Ward foi raptada, ele nunca teria devolvido a Rachel.
He would never do that.
- Ele nunca faria isso!
" He would never do that.'" He did!
- "Ele nunca faria isso". Mas fez!
Oh, and then he'd never key a car again, would he?
Assim ele nunca mais arranhava um carro, pois não?
And after he took his life, my confessor made me fix things so that I would never be able to sin like that again.
Depois de ele se ter suicidado, o meu confessor obrigou-me a emendar as coisas, para que não voltasse a poder pecar daquela forma.
Quoted as saying that he never doubted he would see his little girl again. The family has asked...
" Ele disse que nunca duvidou de que voltaria a ver a filha.
Never would have guessed he was the inside man for one of the most vicious crews around- - a crew led by one Sam Fisher,
Nunca diria tratar-se do informador de uma das equipas mais perigosas que há... Uma equipa liderada por um tal... Sam Fisher,
The FBI would never even admit that he works there. It's top-secret.
O FBI nunca admitirá que ele trabalha lá.
So yeah, he proved his worth on that project, brought something to it that we would never have had otherwise.
Provou que era importante para o projecto. Trouxe algo que, de outra forma, nunca poderíamos ter tido.
When Banksy had suggested to Thierry that he make some art, he could never have imagined just how far things would go. We have a mountain of...
Quando Banksy sugeriu a Thierry que "fizesse arte", nunca imaginara que as coisas pudessem ir tão longe.
Maybe if people could see how special you were, then you would never feel alone the way that he did.
Talvez se as pessoas conseguissem ver o quão especial és, então nunca te irás sentir tão sozinho como ele se sentiu.
If I knew how crazy he would be, I never would've told him where we were.
Se eu soubesse o quão louco ele ficaria, nunca lhe diria onde estávamos.
But he's the one person that you would never turn against.
Mas ele é a única pessoa a quem nunca virarias as costas.
And I remembered him telling me that one day he's going to hide in a place that I would never find him.
E lembro-me de ele me dizer que um dia ele ia esconder-se num sítio onde eu nunca o encontraria.
He would have never let this happen!
- Ele nunca deixaria isso acontecer.
I never thought Fred would be the relationship type, but he totally is.
Nunca achei que Fred seria do tipo a ter relacionamentos, mas ele é.
Because Racine would never point us in that direction if he already knew who or where the partner was.
Porque o Racine nunca nos indicaria isso se já soubesse quem era ou onde estava o parceiro.
You know, I never understood why he would miss that moment- -
Sabe, nunca entendi porque haveria ele de perder aquele momento.

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