Into what перевод на португальский
10,361 параллельный перевод
Into what?
- Caminho para o quê?
- Into what?
- Para o quê?
What's gotten into you? Eh? - DOG WHIMPERS
Sra. Mullocks, o seu colo do útero está bem apagado, como costumamos dizer, por isso está a diluir-se e a preparar-se para o acontecimento.
What's to stop that evil bastard brother of his sending you into the next world after him?
O que impede o sacana do irmão dele de te mandar para o outro mundo atrás dele?
Let me get into this. See what the hell's going on.
Deixa-me investigar o que raio se passa.
I'm hearin'a lot of whispers and rumors concerning Detective Scarfe and what he might've been into.
Ouvi muitos rumores e burburinhos sobre o detetive Scarfe e no que ele pode estar metido.
But I want you to know what you're getting into.
Mas quero que saibas no que te estás a meter.
I think maybe what makes him stronger is also pushing the shrapnel deeper into his organs.
Acho que o que o torna mais forte está a enterrar os estilhaços mais fundo nos órgãos dele.
All right, let's see what kind of trouble we can get into.
Vamos ver que tipo de problemas podemos arranjar.
I really don't know what goes into a nervous breakdown.
Não sei exactamente o que ocorre num colapso nervoso.
I don't know what's gotten into you lately, but whatever it is, you better quit.
Não sei o que há contigo ultimamente, mas seja o que for, é melhor parares.
What bird turns into other birds?
Que pássaro é que se transforma noutros pássaros?
What mess did I get myself into?
Em que sarilhos meti-me?
You knew what you were getting into.
Sabias o que ia acontecer.
But you, you, you, you willed what you needed to do into being with nothing but grace.
Mas tu... tu fizeste o que precisavas de fazer e fizeste-o com graciosidade.
What do you got, pat? So far, nothing i can sink my teeth into.
- O que conseguiste, Pat?
I don't really want to get into this right now. What?
Não quero falar disso agora.
- What? He's not even the cop who entered the gloves into evidence ; he doesn't have to take the stand.
Não foi ele que trouxe as provas.
What you got? Shapiro's staff messed up and didn't submit 12 of our witnesses into discovery.
O pessoal do Shapiro fez asneira e não enviaram 12 das nossas testemunhas para a acusação.
And what's out in the world osmoses back into that courtroom, sequester be damned.
E o que acontecer no mundo lá fora entra por osmose no tribunal, o júri deixa de estar isolado.
On December 18, 1990, Nicole walked into that store and bought two pairs of our gloves! What?
A 18 de Dezembro de 1990, a Nicole entrou naquela loja e comprou dois pares das nossas luvas.
It's a secure way to get in and out of what could explode into hell.
É uma maneira segura de entrar e sair do que pode tornar-se um inferno.
Firing an arrow into a wall is hardly what I call...
Disparar uma seta contra a parede não é o que chamaria...
And what's your plan for getting the fish into the boat, so we can actually eat it?
E qual é o teu plano para trazeres o peixe para o barco, para o comermos?
Somebody comes into my shop with some paste like this, usually what I make them do, right, is fucking swallow it.
Se alguém aparece na minha loja com uma imitação como esta, normalmente o que lhe obrigo a fazer, é fazer-lhe engolir essa porra.
And this life that has been forced into me... that will soon come forth... what does He want me to do with it?
E esta vida que está dentro de mim? Que em breve irá eclodir? O que quer que faça com ela?
What I turned you into?
No que eu te transformei?
What you're gonna do is go home and stop inserting yourself into police business.
E tu vais para casa e vais parar de te inserir em assuntos da polícia.
It's pointless going into Arkham unless we know what we're looking for.
É escusado ir a Arkham sem saber o que procurar.
What I want is for you to use your badge and your gun to intimidate him into dropping the case.
Quero que uses o teu distintivo e a tua arma para o intimidares, para que ele desista do caso.
And you need me to break into the car for you? What?
- Precisas que invada o carro por ti?
Adrian, what a coincidence bumping into you here.
Adrian, que coincidência esbarrar contigo aqui.
Is that what happened, or did I just beta you into protecting me?
Foi o que aconteceu, ou eu fiz de beta para tu me protegeres?
Gina, do you have any idea what you're getting into?
Gina, você tem alguma idà © ia do que você està ¡ se metendo?
So what you're saying is our only option is to break into the FBI and steal the file. Don't be absurd.
Não seja absurdo.
To cut a long story short, he'd climbed back into the pushchair and what was he doing?
Para resumir uma longa história, tinha trepado de novo até ao carrinho e o que estava a fazer?
- You know what band she is into? - No.
Sabe de que banda ela gosta?
He knew what he was getting into.
Ele sabia naquilo que se estava a meter.
What, are we getting into some kind of conspiracy theory stuff here?
Estamos a entrar nalgum tipo de teoria da conspiração?
What's in that file at crime scene... that's got Punjab government to swing into action?
O que está nesse arquivo da cena do crime que o governo de Punjab teve de entrar em ação?
I am so sick and tired of all these guys coming into our lives and trying to tell us what to do.
Estou farta destes tipos que entram nas nossas vidas e tentam dizer-nos o que fazer.
What it is, Your Excellency, they've got it into their heads that they'd be better off waiting for the French.
O que eles pensam, Sua Excelência, é que seria melhor esperar pelos franceses.
I really thought this blogger was maybe gonna expose you, and then he got killed, then I don't know what's going on. Maybe Tess is right- - maybe I'm just used to getting into trouble.
Talvez a Tess tenha razão... talvez eu esteja habituado a meter-me em problemas.
I wanted to pitch her. I've got a way to turn what I do into a video game.
Tenho uma forma de transformar o que faço num jogo de vídeo.
She's going into private practice. What?
- Vai trabalhar por conta própria.
What if I were to tell you we were about to come into possession of 10,000 pounds...
E se eu lhe dissesse que estamos prestes a obter 10 mil libras?
What if I were to tell you we were about to come into possession of £ 10,000 from Comte St. Germain?
E se eu lhe dissesse que estamos prestes a obter 10 mil libras? O Conde St.
What brings you into a church, then?
Então, o que a traz a uma igreja?
We're to slip into the British camp, see what trouble we can make.
Vamos entrar no acampamento britânico à socapa, ver que problemas podemos causar.
What a waste, it seems to me, knowing it doesn't have to be this way, knowing the man who talked me into giving a shit about this crew, why, he could talk those people out there into anything.
Mas parece-me um desperdício. Por saber que não tem de acabar assim. Por conhecer o homem que fez com que me preocupasse com esta tripulação.
What a story you'll have to spin to your men to turn me into the kind of villain worth losing their lives over.
Vai ter de dar uma grande volta à história para que eu pareça um vilão que vale a pena morrer para derrotar.
what 176647
what are you doing 28810
what are you talking about 12491
what is it 20402
what do you mean 18295
what happened 16539
what's up 12096
what are you doing here 13243
whatever 7954
what are you doing right now 114
what are you doing 28810
what are you talking about 12491
what is it 20402
what do you mean 18295
what happened 16539
what's up 12096
what are you doing here 13243
whatever 7954
what are you doing right now 114
what did you do today 56
what are you wearing 305
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what do you want 9254
what do you think 9124
what are these 350
what's your name 4643
what are you 4599
what have you got 603
what's happened 1050
what are you wearing 305
what are they like 58
what do you want 9254
what do you think 9124
what are these 350
what's your name 4643
what are you 4599
what have you got 603
what's happened 1050
whatcha doing 80
what's the 204
what is this 7416
what is that 6346
what's the matter 6346
what the hell 6066
what's going on 16788
what are you doing now 174
what's wrong 10695
what are you up to 648
what's the 204
what is this 7416
what is that 6346
what's the matter 6346
what the hell 6066
what's going on 16788
what are you doing now 174
what's wrong 10695
what are you up to 648