Knew what перевод на португальский
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At least we knew what it was to be a family.
Pelo menos, soubemos o que é ser uma família.
They knew what we were after.
O presidente do Partido dos Panteras Negras.
I don't even think they knew what they were doing.
Acredito que nem eles sabiam o que estavam a fazer.
They knew what time Lange was being transported and the route they were taking.
Sabiam a hora a que o Lange seria transportado e a rota que iam seguir.
I mean, I knew what I was signing up for when I said I wanted to come back.
Eu sabia no que estava a meter-me quando disse que queria voltar.
And I knew what I needed to do.
E eu sabia o que eu precisava fazer.
I just wish I knew what was going on.
Queria saber aquilo que está a acontecer.
He knew what he was doing at the end.
Ele sabia aquilo que estava a fazer.
He knew what was important was how you lived your life every day.
Ele sabia que o que era importante era como viviam a vossa vida todos os dias.
Like I said, a kid. And I knew what her father was like.
E eu sabia como era o pai dela.
No one knew what to do.
Ninguém sabia o que fazer.
You would if you knew what kind of man you were protecting.
Farias se soubesses que tipo de homem estás a proteger.
If I knew what you were talking about, I might think you were speaking of classified matters, and it would require your immediate arrest by the NSA, so, Red, I... Do not know... what you are talking about.
Se soubesses do que estás a falar, devias pensar que é um assunto confidencial, e isso implicava prisão imediata pela NSA, então, Ruiva, eu não sei do que estás a falar.
So in that moment, I knew what he'd done.
Nesse instante, percebi o que ele tinha feito.
You know, ever since I was a little boy, I knew what God wanted me to do and that was make money off the backs of creative people.
Sabem, desde que era pequeno, eu sabia que Deus queria que eu o fizesse e ganhasse dinheiro por trás de pessoas criativas.
I never knew what that meant.
Nunca soube o que é que significava.
I think she knew what she was getting into.
Achei que ela soubesse onde estava se metendo.
You knew what would happen.
Sim, devia. Tu sabias o que aconteceria.
Well, I knew what transpired in this house was important. But was impossible to know if it would be remembered, saved or wind up in the proper hands.
Eu sabia que o que transparecia nesta casa era importante, mas era impossível de saber se seria lembrado, guardado, ou cairia em boas mãos.
Yeah, that before I knew what it meant.
Sim, isso foi antes de eu saber o que significava.
Knew what?
Eu sabia. Sabia o quê?
Okay... you said you knew what happened with Wallis and Christine.
Está bem... Disseste que sabes o que aconteceu com o Wallis e a Christine.
He asked you to fill the tank because he knew what you'd do.
Pediu-te para encher o depósito porque sabia o que farias.
Knew what I would do?
Sabia o que eu faria?
You think that you and Walter would be such great pals if he knew what really happened in Baghdad with that software you had him make?
Achas que tu e o Walter seriam tão amigos se ele soubesse o que aconteceu em Bagdad com o software que tu o fizeste criar?
" At that moment, I knew what I had to do, Wesen or not.
Naquele momento, sabia o que fazer, Wesen ou não.
A little. But I knew what I was doing.
Um pouco, mas, eu sabia aquilo que estava a fazer.
I knew Lily had what it took to be a great clown.
Sabia que a Lily tinha o que era preciso para ser um grande palhaço.
Hey, say what you want, but that dude knew his numbers.
Diz o que quiseres, mas ele percebia de números.
Next thing we knew, he was telling us what wars to start, what countries to invade.
E quando demos conta, ele dizia-nos quais as guerras a começar e quais os países a invadir.
And if he doesn't, we lose our chance to find out what he knew, which means more innocent people are going to be experimented on.
E se isso acontecer, perderemos a oportunidade de descobrir aquilo que ele sabe, o que significa que mais inocentes servirão de cobaias.
We are trying to figure out what Agent Thomas knew about Th-those freaky experiments, that's what.
Queremos saber aquilo que o Agente Thomas sabia sobre aquelas experiências bizarras, é isso.
They knew what we were focusing on.
E cá está ele.
You knew what?
- Sabia o quê?
What I knew about him outside of our relationship.
O que sabia sobre ele fora da nossa relação.
You were trying to figure out what we knew before you tried to kill us.
Estavam a tentar descobrir o que sabíamos antes de nos tentarem matar.
Still, I wish we knew who Liam really was, what he can do.
Mesmo assim, gostava de saber quem é que o Liam é de verdade, daquilo que ele é capaz.
They knew where we were meeting, what he'd be carrying.
Eles sabiam onde nos encontraríamos, e aquilo que ele trazia.
What happened to that sick boy I met on the boat, the boy abandoned at the workhouse at the age of 4, the boy who never knew kindness until the day I saved his life?
O que aconteceu àquele rapaz doente que eu conheci no barco, ao menino abandonado na oficina com quatro anos, ao rapaz que nunca conheceu bondade, até ao dia em que lhe salvei a vida?
I think she knew the unsub was coming. What took you so long?
Acho que ela sabia que o suspeito vinha.
Mikhail knew if his movements were being recorded, he'd never get away with what we were doing.
O Mikhail sabia que os seus movimentos estavam a ser gravados, ele nunca sairia impune do que estávamos a fazer.
Another serum-enhanced superhuman took him out, which means whoever's behind this doesn't want us to know what Agent Thomas knew.
Outro super-humano sob efeito do soro matou-o. Ou seja, quem está por detrás disto, não quer que saibamos aquilo que o Agente Thomas sabia.
I knew that's what she thought.
- Sabia que era isso que ela pensava.
It was clear that you'd been sent to push me to sell my company, that your entire family was corrupt, but I still had to find out what your uncle knew about my parents'murder.
Encontrou o ficheiro que tinhas sobre mim. É evidente que foste enviada para me fazer vender a empresa. A família inteira é corrupta.
If I asked you if you knew somethin''bout birthin'babies or if you didn't know nothin'bout birthing'no babies... what would you say?
Se eu te perguntar se sabes alguma coisa sobre partos ou se não sabes nada sobre partos... - o que irias dizer?
You brought me here because now you have to get Louis to back you, and you knew you'd be mad at me when I told you what you didn't want to hear. You're right. I don't want to hear it.
Chamaste-me porque tens de convencer o Louis a apoiar-te, e sabias que te zangarias comigo, ao ouvires o que não queres, de mim.
I sat in that class and listened to him talk about what kind of lawyers we should be, and I always let him down because I knew that wasn't the kind of lawyer that wins.
Sentei-me naquela sala e ouvi-o dizer que advogados deveríamos ser. Sempre o desiludi, pois sabia que não era o tipo de advogado que vence, e eu queria vencer.
I knew you'd make good company. Let me ask you something- - what do you think would happen if you call me by my first name?
Deixe-me perguntar uma coisa, O que acha que aconteceria se me chamasse pelo nome?
The ageing Soviet leaders knew that Russian society was collapsing but they had no idea what to do.
Os velhos líderes soviéticos sabiam que a sociedade russa estava a desmoronar mas não sabiam o que fazer.
That's what people wanted, and I think he sensed that. He knew that.
Era isso que as pessoas queriam e ele sentiu isso.
This was a guy who knew, who knew at the time, he was dying, and he dedicated, what, ten minutes of his life to talk about these guys who found a phone in a bar and then published a story about it?
Estamos a falar de um homem que, já na altura, sabia que estava a morrer e que dedicou uns dez minutos da sua vida para falar sobre uns tipos que encontraram um telemóvel num bar e publicaram um artigo sobre ele. Não é um pouco estranho?
what 176647
what are you doing 28810
what are you talking about 12491
what is it 20402
what do you mean 18295
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what are you doing here 13243
whatever 7954
what are you doing right now 114
what are you doing 28810
what are you talking about 12491
what is it 20402
what do you mean 18295
what happened 16539
what's up 12096
what are you doing here 13243
whatever 7954
what are you doing right now 114
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what do you think 9124
what are these 350
what's your name 4643
what are you 4599
what have you got 603
what's happened 1050
what are you wearing 305
what are they like 58
what do you want 9254
what do you think 9124
what are these 350
what's your name 4643
what are you 4599
what have you got 603
what's happened 1050
whatcha doing 80
what's the 204
what is this 7416
what is that 6346
what's the matter 6346
what the hell 6066
what's going on 16788
what are you doing now 174
what's wrong 10695
what are you up to 648
what's the 204
what is this 7416
what is that 6346
what's the matter 6346
what the hell 6066
what's going on 16788
what are you doing now 174
what's wrong 10695
what are you up to 648