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Miss fisher перевод на португальский

582 параллельный перевод
Miss Fisher, often circumstances over which we have no control...
Miss Fisher, em certas circunstâncias sobre as quais não temos controlo...
- Good chauffeur you've got, Miss Fisher.
- Tem um belo motorista, Miss Fisher.
I don't understand if, unless perhaps... Miss Fisher's being with him may have caused complications.
Não percebo, a não ser talvez... que a Miss Fisher ao estar com ele tenha causado complicações.
I can understand you not wanting to drag Miss Fisher into it.
Consigo perceber que não queira arrastar Miss Fisher para isto.
One of Fisher's few genuine traits is his affection for Miss Fisher.
Uma das poucas marcas genuínas do Fisher é o seu afecto por Miss Fisher.
Wait a minute, Miss Fisher.
Espere, Menina Fisher.
- Look, Miss Fisher, I told you this is none of my business.
- Olhe, Menina Fisher, disse-lhe que isto não me diz respeito.
Miss Fisher, que prazer em vê-la!
- I'll see you after class, Miss Fisher.
- Falamos no fim da aula, Miss Fisher.
Miss Fisher, who had been blind from childhood, spent several terrifying hours with her attacker, as police tried in vain to locate and rescue her.
A menina Fisher, cega desde a sua infância, passou várias horas com o agressor, com a polícia a tentar, em vão, resgatá-la.
Did Miss Fisher give you an assignment?
A Miss Fisher deu-te algum trabalho?
Miss Fisher says get involved?
A Miss Fisher disse envolve-te?
How'd it go with Miss Fisher?
Como correu com a Miss Fisher?
You sound like Miss Fisher.
Pareces a Miss Fisher.
The judges have awarded Miss Fisher and Mr. Drake straight 10s in all categories.
A senhorita Morgan Fisher e o senhor Gray receberam 10 em tudo.
Until then, we'll be placing Miss Fisher
Até lá, estaremos deixando a senhora Fisher
£ 120. £ 120. Do I see £ 121? Thank you, sir. £ 121 to the gentlemen in the back row.
I'll continue questioning Miss Lee here while Miss Fisher maintains complete radio silence.
Venha, Phryne, vamos tomar um pouco de ar.
Miss Fisher, that offer does not extend to you. Saul was a good boy.
Triste verdade é, porém, que nossos leitores esperam com a respiração suspensa o próximo capítulo das Fadas Azuis.
Excuse me, I'm looking for a Miss Fisher.
- Só a gaveta da mesa... Adeus, Srta.
Hardly the visitor I expected, Miss Fisher.
Cianureto? Como foi administrado?
I also keep books on golf, Miss Fisher.
Inspetor. - Prazer em revê-lo, Sr. Lin. - Junte-se a nós.
Miss Fisher, I've come to apologise.
Assim está melhor? A Srta.
Well, it's not as easy as our Miss Fisher thinks to narrow it down, Dot.
Eu gostaria de saber isso, talvez mais do que você.
Miss Fisher thinks it's a poison that kills on contact.
Lavender era a única ainda aqui. O nome desse amigo?
No, there's far too much about me in the press, Miss Fisher.
Não, já há demasiado sobre mim na imprensa, Miss Fisher.
Two in the victim and one hit Miss Fisher's car when she was drawn outside by the gunfire.
Dois atingiram a vítima e um atingiu o carro de Miss Fisher, quando ela foi atraída pelo tiroteio.
Oh, and did you make a note about leaving the scene of the crime in order to escort Miss Fisher home?
Anotou que abandonou o local do crime para ir levar Miss Fisher a casa?
Miss Fisher is gonna make a good deal of requests, Constable. And while there may be circumstances in which we can be of mutual benefit to each other, we need to establish right up-front who wears the trousers in this arrangement.
Miss Fisher vai fazer muitos pedidos, agente, e apesar de haver circunstâncias em que possamos ser de benefício mútuo, temos de tornar claro desde o início quem é que usa as calças.
We'll ask the questions, thank you, Miss Fisher.
Nós fazemos as perguntas. Obrigado, Miss Fisher.
We've moved beyond manners, Miss Fisher.
Isto é mais do que boa educação.
I don't know how to thank you, Miss Fisher.
Não sei como agradecer-lhe, Miss Fisher.
My daughter's room, Miss Fisher.
O quarto da minha filha, Miss Fisher.
This is Miss Fisher. She's the lady detective that I was telling you about.
Esta é Miss Fisher, a detetive de que te falei.
As I'm sure you can appreciate, there are some things in a family that are personal, Miss Fisher.
Estou certa de que compreenderá, há certas coisas numa família que são pessoais, Miss Fisher.
I promise you I'm not hiding Lila between these walls, Miss Fisher.
Garanto-lhe que não estou a esconder a Lila aqui, Miss Fisher.
How does Miss Fisher know we were here?
Como é que Miss Fisher soube que estávamos aqui?
Miss Fisher.
- Miss Fisher.
There is something I think I should've told you, Miss Fisher.
Há algo que acho que devia ter-lhe contado, Miss Fisher.
Miss Carol Fisher.
Miss Carol Fisher.
Milords... ladies and gentlemen... pray silence for Miss Carol Fisher.
Milords... senhoras e senhores... façam silêncio para a Miss Carol Fisher.
Miss Tony Fisher, please.
A Senhorita Tony Fisher, por favor.
- No! Why? Apparently, Miss Patty showed his wife a picture of me, and she thinks I look like Elizabeth Taylor, which makes her Debbie Reynolds, and Stanley Eddie Fisher.
A M. Patty mostrou uma foto minha à mulher dele... e ela acha que me pareço com a Elizabeth Taylor, o que faz dela a Debbie Reynolds e dele o Eddie Fisher.
Miss Fisher, if you please.
Fisher, se fizer favor.
We're gonna miss you, Principal Fisher.
Sentiremos a sua falta, Director Fisher.
While you're under this roof, you both still work for Miss Fisher.
Vai lhe custar algo, lamento.
Uh, Miss Fisher, the inspector would like a word before you leave.
Olha isso!
Miss Fisher!
Assinado na semana anterior a sua morte.
Stay out of this, Miss Fisher.
- Oh, Stephen! - Espere!
Are you alright, Miss Fisher?
- Está bem, Miss Fisher?
Miss Phryne Fisher and my companion, Miss Williams.
- Como está? Phryne Fisher e a minha amiga Miss Williams.

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