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Translate.vc / английский → португальский / [ M ] / My father was

My father was перевод на португальский

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I don't think that I would, uh, say that my father was very strict.
Não diria que o meu pai era muito rigoroso.
And my father and him were passing each other in the hallway and I remember my father was so excited to just see Joe Frazier.
O meu pai e ele passaram um pelo outro no corredor e lembro-me dele super entusiasmado por ver o Joe Frazier.
My father was told, actually, uh, about Joe Frazier and everything that he went through and he read about how his children would come home from school crying and my fatherjust put his head down silently and started to cry himself.
Contaram ao meu pai o que se passava com o Joe Frazier e quando ele leu que os filhos dele vinham da escola a chorar, baixou a cabeça e ele próprio começou a chorar.
At the time in which Joe Frazier came into the picture, there was a lot of probably different emotions my father was dealing with in taking the stands that he took.
Na altura em que o Joe Frazier apareceu, o meu pai teve de lidar com um misto de emoções ao assumir certas posições.
I just ran downstairs, but... by the time I got there, my father was barely breathing.
Corri pelas escadas abaixo, mas... Quando lá cheguei, o meu pai mal respirava.
My father was a criminal, too.
O meu pai também era um criminoso.
- Maybe my father was an addict too.
- Se calhar o meu pai também era.
My father was smart.
- O meu pai era inteligente.
My father was a foreman for Edward Langston.
O meu pai era um capataz para Edward Langston.
My father was one of your "freaks"?
O meu pai era um dos anormais?
- You had no right! My father was attacked twice.
- Não tinhas o direito!
My father was attacked twice.
O meu pai foi atacado duas vezes.
My father was never home.
O meu pai nunca estava em casa.
If Doris knew where my father was, she would've told me.
Se a Doris soubesse onde o meu pai estava, ela ter-me-ia dito.
My father was trying to get home to my mother.
O meu pai estava a tentar voltar para casa e para minha mãe.
My father was a gun collector.
O meu pai era coleccionador de armas.
No. My father was dying.
Não, o meu pai estava a morrer.
My father was a teacher.
O meu pai era professor.
My father was a doctor.
O meu pai era médico.
The day my father was found guilty of abuse and neglect, I sat beside him in court.
No dia em que o meu pai foi condenado por abuso e negligência estava sentado ao lado dele no tribunal.
How about the hearing where my father was convicted of neglect and abuse and I was made a ward of the state?
O julgamento em que o meu pai foi condenado por negligência e abuso e fui confiado ao Estado?
I actually remember when I was young and growing up, knowing that I wasn't allowed to ask my father for something, like, it was ice cream after hours or, you know, Daddy's a "yes" man.
Lembro-me de quando era pequena saber que não podia pedir nada ao meu pai, como, por exemplo, gelado fora de horas. O meu pai era o homem do "sim".
I would not say there was a difference between my father publicly and privately, because he's always very charismatic.
Não havia diferença entre o meu pai em público e em privado, porque ele sempre foi muito carismático.
My father taught me dispassion was the best course.
O meu pai ensinou-me que é melhor ser imparcial.
My father said morphic resonance would take a minimum of 3 generations, and he was right!
O meu pai disse que a ressonância mórfica demorava pelo menos 3 gerações. Ele estava certo!
I know, and if my father came back six months ago to kill Conrad, then where was he the 12 years before that?
- Eu sei, e se o meu pai regressou há seis meses para matar o Conrad, então onde esteve ele nos 12 anos anteriores?
She was the last woman my father ever loved.
Ela foi a última mulher que o meu pai amou.
It was my father's home.
Era o lar do meu pai.
You know, my father fought against the democrats because he was a fascist.
O meu pai lutou contra os democratas porque era fascista.
My mother had a locket with my father's picture from... when he was in boot camp before Vietnam.
A minha mãe tinha um medalhão com a imagem do meu pai... do período em que ele estava no campo de batalha, antes de ir para o Vietname.
When he was putting me into my sleeping bag. - Your father?
Quando ele me foi colocar no meu saco cama.
Ross was a husband and a father And one of my patrolmen. - Thank you.
O Ross era pai e marido e um dos meus patrulheiros.
I was young when I first married, A wealthy match my father made.
Era novo quando casei pela primeira vez, um par rico que o meu pai arranjou.
Your father was my family, my friend, my mentor.
O seu pai era a minha família, um amigo, o meu mentor.
I think she was involved with the attacks on my father.
Acho que ela esteve envolvida nos ataques ao meu pai.
I was doing what my father did...
Eu estava a fazer o mesmo que o meu pai.
Now, that came with a price, and that was my father's murder. Right?
Agora, isso teve um preço, e foi matar o meu pai, certo?
Vocês sabem como eu estava distante do meu pai?
I didn't choose to live with the doubt of who my father really was.
Não escolhi viver com a dúvida de quem o meu pai era, verdadeiramente.
I remember the parades from when I was a young boy standing by my father seeing those trucks that went by with the rockets and cannons.
Lembro-me dos desfiles de quando era criança, à beira do meu pai, a ver os camiões que passavam com os foguetes e os canhões.
The inspector and my father know I was with you at the Fox last night.
O inspector e o meu pai sabem que fui contigo à Fox.
Ah, Re-Mose, your father was as beautiful as the sunset for which he was named, and the day you were born, the name I gave you as I held you to my breast was "Bar-Shalem."
Re-Mose, o teu pai era tão bonito como o nascer do Sol que lhe deu nome, e o dia em que tu nasceste, o nome que te dei quando te segurei contra o meu peito foi "Bar-Shalem."
Pastor, this was my late husband's father.
Pastor, ele era o pai do meu último marido.
My father died when I was young, and I know that I felt the same way about him.
O meu pai morreu quando era jovem e eu sei que sentia o mesmo por ele.
That was my father.
- Foi o meu pai.
She knows I was estranged from my father.
Ela sabe que eu era distante do meu pai.
It's true, my father's palace was a cruel place for a young boy far from home.
É verdade, o palácio do meu pai era um lugar cruel para um miúdo longe de casa.
It was my father's.
Era do meu pai.
I was helping my father.
Eu ajudava o meu pai.
I thought that was my father's watch.
Pensava que era o relógio do meu pai.
I was not able to protect my father from you, but I will protect the prince and the kingdom, no matter what becomes of me.
Não consegui proteger o meu pai de si, mas vou proteger o príncipe e o reino, não interessa o que será de mim.

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