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My father was right перевод на португальский

124 параллельный перевод
My father was right about that.
O meu pai tinha razão sobre isso.
My father was right.
O meu pai estava certo,
My father was right.
O meu pai tinha razão.
I see now not that my father was right, but that I was naive.
Vejo não que o meu pai estava certo, mas que eu era ingénuo.
Thank goodness my father was right.
Graças a Deus, o meu pai tinha razão.
My father was right.
O meu pai tem razão.
My father was right.
Ele tinha razão.
My father was right.
Meu Deus, o meu pai tinha razão.
Maybe my father was right about my marrying you.
Talvez o meu pai tivesse razão acerca do nosso casamento.
My father was right, Clark.
O meu pai tinha razão, Clark.
- Turns out my father was right.
- O meu pai tinha razão.
After that first night arriving in Los Angeles I prayed to god that my father was right.
Desde a primeira noite em que cheguei a Los Angeles, rezei a Deus para que o meu pai tivesse razão.
I had to come all this way to learn that my father was right?
Tive de fazer este caminho todo para saber que o pai tinha razão?
My father was right
O meu pai tinha razão.
My father was right, victor.
O meu pai tinha razão, Víctor.
My father was right to cut me off.
O meu pai teve razão em deixar de me apoiar.
. My father was right,. this city is full of cockroaches..
O meu pai tinha razão, esta cidade está cheia de baratas.
" My darling, my father was right.
" Meu querido, o meu pai tinha razão.
You're right when you say my father was no business man.
Tem razão quando disse que o meu pai não era nenhum empresário.
When I was five, my father introduced me to a friend of his, and for no reason at all, I hit him right in the stomach with all my strength.
Quando tinha cinco anos, o meu pai apresentou-me um amigo e, sem razão aparente, dei-lhe um soco no estômago com toda a força.
My father was 57 when he died, right, and the woman was 18.
O meu pai tinha 57 anos quando morreu, certo? E a mulher tinha 18.
And then my father died, and I inherited most of his financial empire... which is what Cal was really after right from the top.
Depois meu pai morreu e eu herdei o império financeiro dele, aquilo que o Cal queria desde sempre.
('adult Jim. ) For my father, being old was all right now.
Para meu pai, ser velho já não era problema, agora.
Then my father was standing right next to me.
E o meu pai estava ali mesmo ao meu lado.
Tell my father I was helping people down here, all right?
Diga ao meu pai que eu estava a ajudar as pessoas cá em baixo, certo?
When I was at his age I called my father "Sir", that's right!
Quando eu tinha a idade dele, eu chamava meu pai de "senhor", isso mesmo!
That dog died when I was, like, seven. Right after my father left.
Aquele cão morreu quando tinha uns sete anos logo a seguir ao meu pai ir embora.
"Between my father and I there was no love lost, right?"
Entre mim e o meu pai, não houve amor perdido, pois não?
All right My father was a corrupt cop.
Está bem. O meu pai era um policia corrupto.
I used to live right next door. My father was David Clay. My mother was Norma Clay.
Vivia mesmo ao lado, com os meus pais.
My father raised me confused about what was right and what was wrong and I realize now how terribly wrong it all was.
O meu pai deixou-me confuso acerca do que está certo e do que está errado e apercebi-me agora o quão errado tudo isto estava.
My father was not in his right mind when he wrote that second will.
O meu pai não estava no seu juízo perfeito quando escreveu o segundo testamento.
We had just arrived from Germany to finally join my father, but... my parents'marriage was always a disaster and he basically left right away.
Eu apenas veio da Alemanha, meu pai perseguição, mas... casamento de meus pais foi um desastre e fomos de volta fora.
My father was a preacher of the Word and that ain't right.
O meu pai era um pregador do mundo e isso não era justo.
Well, my father was a prosecutor, and he always said that the simplest explanation was usually the right one.
O meu pai era advogado e sempre disse que a explicação mais simples era geralmente a correcta.
My father was killed right after we moved here. - l'm sorry.
O meu pai morreu, logo depois de nos mudarmos para cá.
Philip the Fair was my grandfather, the father of my mother, therefore we also have the right to claim the French throne.
Que "Filipe o belo" era meu avô, que a minha mãe era filha dele, e por conseguinte tanto ela como eu podemos reclamar o trono de França.
My father was 54... when he died of a massive embolism, right here in Wichita.
Meu pai tinha 54 anos... E ele morreu de embolia maciça, aqui mesmo em Wichita.
I know how Sonia must be feeling right now my father was also in the army.
Sei como a Sonia se deve estar a sentir neste momento... o meu pai também esteve no exército.
Everyone knew. - Carl... you took my brother to see my father. You knew he was a drunk when you left... and you still went and bought him more liquor, right?
Carl... levaste o meu irmão a ver o meu pai, sabias que ele era um bêbado quando lá foram, e ainda assim compraste mais álcool, não foi?
I may never see my children again, but when they speak of their father, they will say, " He was a man who stood up for what was right.
Talvez não volte a ver as minhas filhas, mas quando falarem sobre o pai delas, vão dizer : " Ele era um homem que lutou por aquilo que era correcto.
Hang up and tell me what my fucking father was doing here, or I'll have a fit right now.
Desligue o telefone e diga-me o que a merda do meu pai esteve aqui a fazer, ou eu perco as estribeiras agora mesmo.
My dear sistero my faraway brother... father was right.
" Cara irmã, caro irmão distante... o papai acertou.
The moon is doing exactly what my father said it would indicating he was right about the iron core.
A Lua está a fazer o que o meu pai disse o que indica que ele tínha razão sobre o núcleo de ferro.
My mother was warm, but my father... kept every emotion tightly tucked away in his suit pocket, right next to his watch.
- Com o relógio.
My father only cared about proving he was right.
O meu pai só se importava em provar que estava certo.
my father was a no-show, my mother lied about it, and i think you're lying right now.
O meu pai era um pai ausente, e a minha mãe mentia sobre isso, e acho que você está a mentir.
My father was giving us a gift. - Simon, if you want to think that's a gift, you go right ahead, but I think that's cowardly. - Wow!
O meu pai estava a dar-nos um presente.
If I wanted to talk about my father's book, I would have told you, it was right there.
Se quisesse falar sobre o livro do meu pai, teria dito, eu o vi ali.
My father was killed right in front of me.
Meu pai foi assassinado bem na minha frente.
My father died when he was just a year older than I am right now.
Quando o meu pai morreu, tinha mais um ano do que eu.

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