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Translate.vc / английский → португальский / [ O ] / One would think

One would think перевод на португальский

751 параллельный перевод
One would think you were still at medical school.
Seria de pensar que ainda anda na faculdade de medicina.
One would think that there's Russian influence at the back of Surat Khan.
Quase que arriscaria dizer que há uma influência russa no Surat Khan.
Still, one would think it was yours.
Mas até parece que foi seu casamento.
One would think I was starving.
Nem que morresse de fome.
You know, watching you just now, one would think you've been doing this all your life.
Quem o visse, acharia que tinha feito isto toda a vida.
One would think only death could keep her...
- Pensava que só a morte...
The way you talk, anyone would think it was the one big thing in your life.
Falas como se fosse o ponto alto de toda a tua vida.
Besides, no one would think of looking for him at Rosa the Rose's house.
E também, porque ninguém procuraria o General aqui.
One would think so. But the only person who did see you come home that night says it was ten past ten and that you had blood on your hands.
Pode-se pensar assim, mas a única pessoa que o viu voltar para casa naquela noite... diz que eram 10 : 10 e que você tinha sangue nas mãos.
One would think you had never been young.
- Até parece que nunca foste criança.
Oh, but-but surely no one would think that I...
Com certeza que ninguém vai pensar que eu...
You're so alive and happy, one would think you're 16!
Estás tão bela e feliz, dir-se-ia que tens 16 anos!
No, but around here, no one would think twice about it if they did.
Não, mas por aqui, ninguém ia pensar duas vezes nisso, se o vissem.
I don't think one would forget meeting you, Ardeth Bay.
Ninguém que o conhece se esqueceria, Ardath Bey.
( woman ) I think that one could say at that period in August there was the same doubt as to whether war would come, whether it could be avoided, and a general hope and wish that it would.
Pode dizer-se que, naquela altura em Agosto, não se sabia se haveria guerra, se poderia ser evitada e uma esperança generalizada de que pudesse.
I think another one would be a mistake.
Acho que mais um vai ser asneira.
And so if I could buy some new furniture and one or two other things, I think I would be quite at home at Barnards Inn.
E assim, se eu puder comprar alguma mobília nova e uma ou duas outras coisas, penso que me iria sentir como em casa em Barnards Inn.
To hear you talk, no one would ever think you were a comedian.
Ao ouvi-lo falar, ninguém diria que é cómico.
The only other possibility I can think of And one I would infinitely prefer Is that Ambrose was drunk when he wrote this letter.
A outra hipótese que me ocorre e que prefiro infinitamente é que o Ambrose estava bêbado quando escreveu a carta.
I'd think how wonderful it would be to cook and care for one man.
Pensava como seria maravilhoso ter um homem para cozinhar e cuidar.
Well, I figured it would ease the high-sprung one if she could think that way.
Pensei que poderia acalmar-te se pensasses dessa forma.
Old Rufus and the major hate each other. If either one of them were to get control of Big Muddy, I'm afraid to think of what would happen.
Os Renessys e o Major se odeiam tanto que se... qualquer dos dois viesse a controlar Big Monti... nem sei o que aconteceria.
But I think Michael would not mind if I just stole one tiny little Bavarian evening.
Penso que o Michael não notaria se eu roubasse uma pequena Bávara só por uma noite.
Don't even think that. Because he would not be the first one to desert.
Isto, nem pensar.
You'd think one of them would stop and help you, after all you've done for them.
Imaginei que um fosse parar e ajudá-lo depois de tudo que fez por eles.
I would invite one of your people to think back to when he was a boy.
Vou convidar um dos teus para se lembrar de quando era criança.
One might think a prostitute would seek an abortion at any cost.
As pessoas pensam que as prostitutas grávidas fazem sempre abortos.
Say, I wonder if you would excuse me for just one minute. I think we better get this show on the road.
Bem, vai me desculpar, mas acho melhor começarmos logo com este show.
You'd never think that there were two Pratts in one room, would you?
Nunca imaginaria ver dois Pratts na mesma sala, pois não?
And I think one day, if there is someone who could analyse us, you and me, maybe he would know.
E acho que, um dia, se alguém conseguir analisar-nos, a si e a mim, talvez soubesse.
Do you think for one minute that my late brother D.J. would go away and leave these ladies to face the Bannisters?
Acredita que o meu falecido irmão D.J. teria ido embora... e deixado estas damas enfrentarem os Bannister?
Which of these do you think would be better for the new scene? This one?
Qual destes acha melhor para a cena nova?
If I were to get that position at the Opera, the one he was after... do you think it would upset him?
Se eu obtivesse aquela posição na Ópera, à qual ele aspirava, acha que isso o afectaria?
"l would like to give you a nice present, but I think this one will be of much use for you."
"Gostava de vos dar um bom presente, mas acho que este vos dará muito mais jeito."
What would you think if I told you you were one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen?
Que pensaria se lhe dissesse que vocé é uma das mulheres mais bonitas que já conheci?
... some kind of silly warning you know and they, they opened the show, I think, and they also closed the show which I thought was like a... an astute planning on Sullivan's part, because it would made you very angry if you had to sit through the whole show to wait to see The Rutles, you know, so they clearly, every-one had tuned in to that week's show, just to see The Rutles.
Eles abriram o programa, acho, e fecharam também, pareceu-me uma jogada astuta por parte do Ed Sullivan... Porque as pessoas se irritariam se esperassem todo o programa para ver os Rutles. Porque claramente tinham ido ali naquela semana só para vê-los...
I think one of the enemy's servants... would, well, seem fairer and feel fouler, if you understand.
Avho que um vr ¡ ado dos ¡ n ¡ m ¡ gos... parever ¡ a ma ¡ s justo e o sent ¡ ríamos ma ¡ s desonesto.
You'd think pirates would check out an unarmed ship. Particularly one they bothered to fire on.
Achas que os pirates tinham o trabalho para deixar fugir uma nave desarmada,... particularmente uma, sobre a qual disparariam?
- I hope so. It would be nice to think one could recapture one's lost dreams, wouldn't it?
Só posso remeter o assunto às autoridades interestelares.
It would be nice to think that one could still recapture one's lost dreams :
Seria bom pensar que ainda se podem recuperar sonhos perdidos.
That school is the only one that would accept you. You know that. What do you think?
Essa escola foi a única que te aceitou.
And I would emphasize that I think our first duty is to recognize that there is not one India but several.
Sublinho novamente, que devíamos tomar conhecimento de que não existe uma única Índia, mas sim várias.
Toddy, one would suspect you think I'm mercenary.
Toddy, ainda suspeitariam que me achas um mercenário.
I think one would handle it.
Um basta. Tivemos alguns desperdícios.
When I think of Orville and Wilbur Wright standing on a hill at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina tossing a coin to see which one would take the first airplane flight and then I think of us here today...
Quando penso a Orville e Wilbur Wright, num monte em Kitty Hawk, na Carolina do Norte, a atirar a moeda ao ar para decidir quem voaria primeiro, e penso em nos aqui e hoje,
I'd like to find out why... and I think an analysis of one of your hallucinations... would be the right place to start.
Gostaria de saber porquê. Julgo que a análise de uma das suas alucinações seria um bom começo.
I would think that you're the one who's tired.
Acho que tu és o único que está cansado.
I keep trying to get a new one, but you think the company would shell out for it?
Há anos que ando a pedir um novo. Mas acham que a empresa vai nessa?
Looking upon these frail creatures, one would not think that they could contain such power.
Ao olhar para essas criaturas frágeis, ninguém imaginaria que elas poderiam possuir tanto poder.
Did you think you would make one?
Pensou que poderia fazer um?
Everyone would listen to Stanley's most ridiculous ideas but no one cared to hear what I might think.
Todos escutavam as ideias mais absurdo de Stanley... ... mas ninguém se preocupou em ouvir as minhas.

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