Still in bed перевод на португальский
232 параллельный перевод
She's still in bed, but the doctor says in a few days she can dance and nobody would ever know she was crippled.
Contiua na cama, mas o médico diz que em uns dias pode dançar e ninguém jamais dirá o que era.
I think they're still in bed.
Penso que ainda estão deitadas.
It's noon and he's still in bed.
É meio-dia e ele ainda na cama!
Danny still in bed?
O Danny ainda está deitado?
And you're still in bed
E ainda estás na cama
When the housekeeper went in she was still in bed.
Quando o porteiro entrou ela ainda estava na cama.
Sorry, I'm still in bed.
Desculpa, ainda estou na cama.
You're not still in bed? Of all the...
- Ainda estás na cama?
Oh, you're not still in bed.
Ainda estas na cama?
Alphonse is still in bed.
O Alphonse ainda dorme.
When he said, "Mr Leeman was dead," I thought he said, "He's still in bed."
Quando ele disse que ele estava morto pensei que fosse morto de cansaço.
I'll pick you up at 5 : 30, and we'll take this turkey while he's still in bed.
Venho buscar-te às 5h30. Vamos apanhar o bandido enquanto sonha com os anjinhos.
- Michael, are you still in bed?
- Michael, ainda estás na cama?
You're still in bed, and you're having a nightmare.
Ainda está na cama e estás a ter um pesadelo.
When the Second Mistress had the door opened they were still in bed.
Quando a Segunda Senhora abriu a porta eles ainda estavam na cama.
Deborah was still in bed when I arrived.
A Deborah ainda estava deitada quando eu cheguei.
Professor Coram was still in bed.
O Professor Coram estava ainda deitado.
- He's still in bed.
- Não, está na cama.
What are you doing still in bed, will you tell me that?
O que é que estão a fazer ainda deitados,
She's still in bed.
- Ainda está deitada.
According to your notes, you've still not decided whether to give birth in hospital, the maternity home, or your own bed.
De acordo com as suas notas, ainda não decidiu se dará à luz no hospital, no lar de maternidade, ou na própria cama.
If you're still playing games with me, if you routed me out of my bed in the middle of the night to dash down here on some confounded hoax, I...
Se ainda estão a gozar comigo... Se me fizeram sair da cama a meio da noite... para vir aqui cair numa partida idiota- -
I'd like to be a little sun to come through your window and say "Good morning" to you while you're still lying in bed.
Queria ser sol para entrar pela sua janela e lhe dizer bom dia deitadinha na sua cama.
Still in bed!
Que vida boa!
And I lay in that hospital bed. I was unable to move or run from that sound and still... it kept ringing louder and louder.
E eu fiquei deitado naquele hospital, sem poder mexer-me ou fugir daquele som.
To wake up every morning Surprised to still be so happy in the same bed
Acordarmos todas as manhãs para descobrir que estamos tão felizes na mesma cama.
Do you still think you won Gunther in a fair fight and in the marriage bed?
ainda crê que Ghunter ganhou? em luta leal e no divã nupcial?
Have you got the book or is it still in your bed?
Tem aí o livro ou será que está na sua cama?
well, it's 13 minutes to the hour of nine, nine, nine here on wonderful radio one-one-one so if you're still lying in your big, big bed now's the time to get up out of it.
Se ainda estão na sua grande cama, está na hora de se levantarem!
He was still sitting up in the bed listening.
Continuava sentado na cama, escutando.
Except in my fantasy, I was still in the bed for the second and third time.
Só que na minha fantasia eu estava ainda na cama durante a segunda e terceira vezes.
Well, it's 13 minutes to the hour of nine, nine, nine here on wonderful radio one-one-one so if you're still lying in your big, big bed now's the time to get up out of it.
Passam 13 minutos da hora 9-9-9 aqui na maravilhosa Rádio 1-1-1. Se ainda estão na vossa grande cama, está na hora de se levantarem!
In fact, if you want to sleep here, the bed is still big.
Mas se você quiser dormir aqui, a cama é grande.
( Cheering ) And gentlemen in London still a-bed shall think themselves acursed they were not here.
E aqueles cavalheiros em Londres, que estão ainda na cama vão se amaldiçoar por cá não estarem e vão ver a sua masculinidade desvalorizada,..
When great Fred was dancing tap you were still pissing in your bed.
Pode dizer-se que agora sou eu quem se mija na cama!
Fanny should still be in bed.
A Fanny ainda deve estar na cama.
I still couldn't help but think that it meant something special. When in fact the only thing special we did that night was drink two bottles of champagne and end up on a display bed in Horne's Home Furnishings!
Pensava que teria um significado especial mas a única coisa que fizemos de especial naquela noite foi beber duas garrafas de Champanhe e acabar numa cama na parte dos móveis.
Caroline'll still be in bed.
A Caroline ainda está na cama.
Ainda está na cama.
" While still in my bed... my thoughts turn to you... my immortal beloved.
Embora ainda no leito... meus pensamentos se voltam para ti... Minha Amada Imortal...
" While still in my bed... my thoughts turn to you... my immortal beloved.
" Embora ainda no leito, meus pensamentos são para ti... Minha Amada Imortal.
Okay, that still doesn't explain how - how it could've got past Sharon Rosman... in the living room or under the bed. Is it invisible?
Isso não explica como passou pela Sharon Rosman... na sala ou para debaixo da cama.
But there are still places grown-ups forget they've been... and it is children who remind us there are creatures that lurk in the dark... and under the bed.
Mas há locais onde os adultos se esquecem que estiveram... e são as crianças que nos lembram que há criaturas escondidas no escuro... e debaixo da cama.
Yes. Your heart has too much air conditioning. So, tell me, is she still wild in bed?
Então, diz-me, ela ainda é uma fera na cama?
Out of my bed, still in my head.
Não, está só no pensamento.
That's the only reason I'm still in this bed with you.
É só por isso que ainda estou deitada ao teu lado.
He must still be in bed.
Ainda deve estar na cama.
We've been married a week, Mary. And I still don't know what you look like in a bed dress.
Já casámos há uma semana, Mary, e eu ainda não sei como tu és por baixo desse vestido.
Ofcourse ifI bumped the loathing to 9 : 00, I could still be done... in time to lay in bed, stare at the ceiling and slip slowly into madness.
Se eu adiar o ódio pras 9 h, ainda terminaria... a tempo de dormir, fitar o teto e lentamente entrar em pinel.
we're still pretty good in bed, huh?
nós damo-nos bem na cama, não?
Back in New York, Charlotte was dealing with a bed that was still cold, coldy, cold.
Em Nova Iorque, a Charlotte lidava com uma cama que estava fria, friazinha, fria.
still in surgery 25
still in one piece 16
in bed 169
bedroom 160
beds 45
bedtime 108
bedford 17
bedroom apartment 38
bedbugs 21
bedrooms 25
still in one piece 16
in bed 169
bedroom 160
beds 45
bedtime 108
bedford 17
bedroom apartment 38
bedbugs 21
bedrooms 25
bedroom's clear 17
still 4121
stiller 42
still got it 62
still friends 19
still nothing 186
still working 28
still here 218
still alive 122
still the same 29
still 4121
stiller 42
still got it 62
still friends 19
still nothing 186
still working 28
still here 218
still alive 122
still the same 29
still there 93
still sleeping 19
still waiting 37
still awake 22
still breathing 27
still me 27
still missing 18
still does 23
still hot 20
still working on it 47
still sleeping 19
still waiting 37
still awake 22
still breathing 27
still me 27
still missing 18
still does 23
still hot 20
still working on it 47
still warm 51
still asleep 18
still no pulse 27
still going 25
still are 18
still no 38
still am 36
still looking 54
still no answer 37
still do 40
still asleep 18
still no pulse 27
still going 25
still are 18
still no 38
still am 36
still looking 54
still no answer 37
still do 40