The day before yesterday перевод на португальский
255 параллельный перевод
I've done nothing else but sing it since the day before yesterday, and - and now I've forgotten it completely.
Que horror! Não parei de a cantar e agora esqueci-a completamente.
We seemed to lose each other the day before yesterday.
Parecemos que nos desencontrámos antes de ontem.
They took one of our patrols prisoner the day before yesterday.
Prenderam um de nossos patrulheiros anteontem.
Mother gave them away to a tramp the day before yesterday.
A minha mãe deu-nas anteontem a um mendigo
The day before yesterday, they wanted to make me their legislature.
Anteontem, queriam que fosse o legislador deles.
We caught this one the day before yesterday, that one yesterday. That one the day before yesterday. That one ten days ago.
Pegamos este anteontem, este, ontem... este, anteontem... este, há 10 dias... este, ontem... e este, anteontem.
The day before yesterday, you cut me dead right out here at the corner.
Ainda anteontem não me falaste quando nos cruzámos na esquina.
I was in Philadelphia the day before yesterday... didn't get back till 6 : 30.
Anteontem, estive em Filadélfia. Só voltei às 18h30.
They arrived the day before yesterday.
Chegaram anteontem.
Since the day before yesterday, Angel.
Anteontem, Angel.
Father's Money Order has not yet arrived, so this man got suspicious. Or we would have escaped the day before yesterday.
O dinheiro do meu Pai ainda não chegou então este homem ficou suspeito poderíamos ter escapado anteontem.
" Yesterday and the day before yesterday as well.
"Ontem e antes de ontem também."
- I was here the day before yesterday.
Não pude vir antes.
Came the day before yesterday.
Veio anteontem.
I wasn't even born the day before yesterday.
Nem sequer nasci anteontem.
I was replaced the day before yesterday by General Howard.
Fui substituído anteontem pelo general Howard.
I drove from Paris to St. Tropez in 7 hours the day before yesterday.
An expert would say the day before yesterday.
Um especialista diria que foi usado antes de ontem.
The day before yesterday, I shot a couple of rats in the cellar.
Antes de ontem, eu atirei... em alguns ratos no sótão.
Lieutenant, the last time I saw Sir Roger Haversham... was the day before yesterday.
Tenente, a última vez que vi Sir Roger Haversham foi anteontem.
He asked me in his letter the day before yesterday.
Pediu-me em casamento na carta de anteontem.
The team arrived the day before yesterday...
A equipa chegou anteontem- -
What Earthly sins could you have committed since we last took this walk together the day before yesterday?
Que pecados podias ter cometido desde anteontem?
I flew in the day before yesterday, went sightseeing, forgot to eat, and when you started chasing me, I just got all excited.
Cheguei anteontem de avião, fui ver as vistas, esqueci-me de comer e quando me seguiu assustei-me.
I only know that because you took good care to stage an incident showing me that you suffer from vertigo. The day before yesterday, on the terrace.
Eu sei apenas porque você fez uma cena à minha frente, para provar que sofria de vertigens, antes de ontem na esplanada.
Hey, Mom helped a crow in the field the day before yesterday...
Hei, a mamã ajudou um corvo no campo anteontem...
Fritz, if he / she had told it to you yesterday or the day before yesterday... I have used everything, what I could find
Se eu te tivesse dito que não tínhamos mais filme, que já só usávamos bocados que encontrei por todo o lado, não terias fita.
I appreciate that. Emile Pavlon escaped from Torreon Prison the day before yesterday.
O Emile Pavlon fugiu da prisão antes de ontem.
I was expecting you the day before yesterday.
O que te aconteceu? Devias ter vindo anteontem.
A woman arrived the day before yesterday.
Não, chegou uma mulher, anteontem,
- The day before yesterday.
- Foi antes de ontem.
All right, call the Meteorological Institute and ask them... about the temperature near the ground today yesterday, and the day before yesterday
Então, liga para o Instituto de Meteorologia e pergunta. qual foi a temperatura junto ao solo nos últimos dias. Hoje, ontem e anteontem.
And the day before yesterday
E de anteontem...
Eleven today, fourteen yesterday and twelve and a half the day before yesterday
11 hoje, 14 ontem e 12,5 anteontem.
Saw her up in town yesterday, and the day before.
Vi-a na cidade ontem e anteontem.
That's what you told me yesterday and the day before.
Que eu já lhe disse ontem e no dia anterior.
Just like they was yesterday, and the day before, and will be tomorrow.
O mesmo de ontem. E quiçá amanhã seja igual.
Day before yesterday... you was going to lick the whole caboodle, all by yourself.
Faz uns dias... dizias que acabarias com os rebeldes, com as próprias mãos.
Yesterday, or perhaps the day before.
Ontem... anteontem.
- I ate the last speck day before yesterday.
- Comi o último bocado anteontem.
And I was prepared to admit the simple existence of a double. But then, only day before yesterday, as I was leaving here after lunch... the hall man handed me a carton of cigarettes and said... Harry the billiard-room attendant had sent them up.
E estava preparado para admitir a existência de um duplo, mas, anteontem, quando ia a sair daqui depois do almoço, o porteiro veio entregar-me um maço de cigarros a mando do Harry, o empregado dos bilhares.
Well, that girl that came in on the stage day before yesterday.
Da rapariga que chegou na diligência anteontem.
It wasn't just yesterday or the day before.
Não foi ontem nem ante-ontem.
Our target, same as yesterday, day before that, and the week before that.
O nosso objectivo, mesmo de ontem, de anteontem e na semana anterior.
So they told us yesterday and the day before.
Disseram o mesmo ontem e anteontem.
There's today, there will be tomorrow, and there will be forever, and yesterday has been, and the day before.
Hoje é dia, amanhä será dia, será sempre, ontem também foi dia, e anteontem também.
There's today, there will be tomorrow, and there will be forever, and yesterday has been, and the day before.
Hoje é dia, amanhã será dia, será sempre, ontem também foi dia, e anteontem também.
Uh, the reason I say that is because, you know, when my wife and I try to remember what happened yesterday or the day before, well, we don't agree on anything.
Quando eu e a minha esposa nos tentamos lembrar de algo, nunca concordamos sobre nada.
The day before yesterday.
She stopped yesterday, or the day before.
Ela parou ontem, ou foi anteontem, ou trasanteontem?
I didn't study today, or yesterday or the day before.
Nâo nem estudei ontem nem anteontem.
the day after tomorrow 108
the day 56
the day before 49
the day after 57
the day she died 19
the day after that 18
day before yesterday 18
the doors 46
the door is locked 37
the door was open 152
the day 56
the day before 49
the day after 57
the day she died 19
the day after that 18
day before yesterday 18
the doors 46
the door is locked 37
the door was open 152
the door is open 55
the duck 18
the duke 46
the devil 179
the door is closed 18
the dress 56
the door was locked 29
the dog 197
the dogs 39
the d 504
the duck 18
the duke 46
the devil 179
the door is closed 18
the dress 56
the door was locked 29
the dog 197
the dogs 39
the d 504
the door was unlocked 33
the door opened 17
the door 306
the doctor 415
the door's open 68
the deal is off 49
the date 58
the dead 45
the dragon 58
the doctor said 57
the door opened 17
the door 306
the doctor 415
the door's open 68
the deal is off 49
the date 58
the dead 45
the dragon 58
the doctor said 57