The dog перевод на португальский
10,946 параллельный перевод
How did the dog die?
- Como é que o cão morreu?
Would it be possible, sir, to remove the dog from the lobby until we leave?
Seria possível, senhor, retirar o cão do "hall" de entrada até nós sairmos?
Owner walks away, the dog's like...
O dono afasta-se e o cão diz :
- You let the dog out again with the fence still broken, and you're gonna complain that your stepdad hasn't found him - in a timely fashion?
Deixaste o cão fugir outra vez com a vedação ainda estragada, e, agora, reclamas porque o teu padrasto não o encontrou em tempo útil?
- Because he bought her the dog?
Porque ele lhe comprou o cão?
- For the dog? - For Jane Doe.
- Para a Desconhecida.
Forget the dog, where's Bentley's keys?
Esquece o cão, onde estão as chaves da Bentley?
The dog was with her on Mulholland...
O cão estava com ela em Mulholland...
But in the stitch, the dog wasn't barking.
Mas no Stitch, o cão não estava a ladrar.
No! Not the dog!
Não o cão!
He doesn't hurt the dog.
Ele não vai magoar o cão.
You want him to hurt the dog?
Queres que ele magoe o cão?
I think you scared the dog away too.
Acho que afugentaste o cão também.
When the dog's about the die the Thakufis manager says, "Thakufls dead".
Quando o cão está prestes a morrer, o gerente do Thakur diz : "Thakur morreu".
When the dog's about the die the neighboring puppy eyes his young widow.
Quando um cão está prestes a morrer, o cachorro do vizinho cobiça a jovem viúva.
When the dog's about the die...
Quando o cão está prestes a morrer...
When she steps back outside, there's the dog, leash just lying on the ground, husband's gone.
Quando regressa à rua, vê o cão com a coleira no chão. O marido tinha desaparecido.
I'm sorry about the dog.
Lamento pelo cão.
Let the dog out!
Deixa sair o cão!
It's just the dog, it's just the dog.
É só um cão, apenas um cão.
'That's where the dog dug her up.'
Foi ali que o cão a desenterrou.
You gonna come visit him when he looks like a hot dog been left on the grill too long?
Vais visita-lo quando ele parecer um cachorro quente que foi esquecido na grelha?
" the black dog is also known
"o cão negro também é conhecido"
The last thing we need is for Andraz to be bitten by a dog the first day he's under our supervision.
A última coisa que quero é que o Andraz seja mordido por um cão, no primeiro dia connosco.
And embarrassment in the lesbian community is worse than not owning a dog.
E um constrangimento na comunidade lésbica é pior do que não se ter um cão.
I trod on the turtles twice today. The hedgehogs stabbed my ankles. There's dog hair in my food!
Hoje pisei as tartarugas duas vezes, os ouriços picaram-me os tornozelos, havia pelo de cão na minha comida.
I'll make the architect your dog.
Ponho o arquiteto às tuas ordens.
The sky was the limit for the Bell brothers, and Mad Dog was leading the charge.
O céu era o limite para os irmãos Bell, e o Mad Dog estava a abrir o caminho.
Mad Dog was thrown out of the ring and injured and quickly found himself in the jaws of a serious addiction of Vicodin and other pain meds.
E rapidamente deparou-se nas garras de um vício sério em Vicodin e outros medicamentos para a dor.
Mad Dog believes that his addictions were fueled by his lack of success, but the closer he got to the spotlight, the bigger his problems became.
Mad Dog acha que os seus vícios foram alimentados pela falta de sucesso. Mas quanto mais perto esteve da ribalta, maiores foram os seus problemas.
- After another relapse, - Mad Dog crawled up the stairs of a sober living facility and was barely even able to knock on the door.
Depois de outra recaída, Mad Dog rastejou pelas escadas de uma casa de reabilitação e mal era capaz de bater à porta.
Ryan Sakoda was one of Mad Dog's best pupils before becoming a superstar for the WWE and in Japan.
Ryan Sakoda foi um dos melhores pupilos do Mad Dog antes de se tornar estrela para a WWE e no Japão.
Unlike Mad Dog, Horshu won most of his battles in the ring, but his battle outside the ring nearly cost him his life.
Ao contrário do Mad Dog, Horshu ganhou a maior parte das suas batalhas no ringue. Mas a sua batalha fora do ringue quase lhe custou a vida.
Chris Leben climbed the ranks of the UFC and achieved the fame and fortune that Mad Dog dreamed of, but the fight with his own demons proved to be more than he could handle.
Chris Leben foi um dos melhores da UFC e atingiu a fama e fortuna com que o Mad Dog tinha sonhado. Mas a luta contra os seus demónios revelou-se superior às suas forças.
So, I get it : Drugs are bad, and the people who use drugs are bad guys and criminals, like Tony Montana, but Mad Dog and his friends weren't even talking about illegal drugs.
Já percebi, as drogas são más e as pessoas que as usam são vilões e criminosos, como o Tony Montana.
They were talking about legal drugs, prescription drugs, the kind you keep in your medicine cabinet.
Mas o Mad Dog e os seus amigos nem sequer falavam de drogas ilegais. Falavam de drogas legais. Medicamentos prescritos.
You see, the truth was Mad Dog wasn't the only Bell brother that was popping too many pills.
A verdade era que, o Mad Dog não era o único irmão Bell que andava a tomar muita medicação.
Maybe if Mad Dog and I were satisfied with what we had, instead of feeling like the grass is always greener, we wouldn't have turned into something outside of ourselves for our happiness.
Talvez se eu e o Mad Dog tivéssemos contentes com o que tínhamos, em vez de acharmos que a "galinha do vizinho...", não teríamos que ter recorrido a algo exterior para sermos felizes.
It was a prank. You just sprayed the wrong dog.
Provocaste o cão errado.
Smart, well-trained, loyal as hell but one summer, that dog, he got into the hen house killed half the chickens.
Inteligente, bem treinado, leal como tudo, mas um verão, entrou no galinheiro e matou metade das galinhas.
" Oh, shit. There's a... There's a dog in the men's room.
"Merda, há um... há um cão na casa de banho dos homens."
If I were inventing foods, I would have never come up with the hot dog.
Eu nunca teria inventado o cachorro-quente.
I know you mentioned you saw a dog in the stitch.
Eu sei que mencionaste teres visto um cão no Stitch.
Anything happens to my dog, I'm gonna break your arms and throw you in the lake.
Se acontecer alguma coisa ao meu cão, parto-te os braços e atiro-te para o lago.
Shut the hell up and feed my dog.
Cala a boca e alimenta o meu cão.
There's the house dog and then there's the junkyard dog.
Há o cão doméstico e o cão de guarda.
It senses aggression the way a dog senses fear.
Sente agressão tal como um cão sente o medo.
Tobes and the Sly dog.
Tobes e o Sly-Dog.
- But is it true? The puppy went attack dog on you today?
Foste mordida pelo Cachorrinho?
We think the owner of the place is one of Pelham's dog-walking clients.
Pensamos que o dono é um dos clientes do Pelham.
'Course then when the real work started, he worked like a dog. Nancy, Sr. :
"Acho que podemos chegar a acordo."
the dogs 39
dogs 267
doggy 93
dog food 22
doggie 88
doggett 48
dogmatix 17
dogen 20
dogs barking 59
dog barking 129
dogs 267
doggy 93
dog food 22
doggie 88
doggett 48
dogmatix 17
dogen 20
dogs barking 59
dog barking 129
dog barks 84
dog shit 17
doggone it 40
dog head 21
dog whimpering 16
dog whimpers 17
dog barking in distance 31
the doors 46
the day before yesterday 39
the door is locked 37
dog shit 17
doggone it 40
dog head 21
dog whimpering 16
dog whimpers 17
dog barking in distance 31
the doors 46
the day before yesterday 39
the door is locked 37
the door was open 152
the door is open 55
the duck 18
the duke 46
the day 56
the day after tomorrow 108
the devil 179
the door is closed 18
the day before 49
the dress 56
the door is open 55
the duck 18
the duke 46
the day 56
the day after tomorrow 108
the devil 179
the door is closed 18
the day before 49
the dress 56
the door was locked 29
the d 504
the door was unlocked 33
the doctor 415
the door opened 17
the door 306
the day after 57
the door's open 68
the day she died 19
the date 58
the d 504
the door was unlocked 33
the doctor 415
the door opened 17
the door 306
the day after 57
the door's open 68
the day she died 19
the date 58