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Translate.vc / английский → португальский / [ T ] / The door was open

The door was open перевод на португальский

613 параллельный перевод
- Sorry, the door was open.
- Desculpe, a porta estava aberta.
The door was open, she didn't answer my call, and I thought I heard somebody here in the cellar.
A porta estava aberta, ela não me respondeu e... eu pensei ter ouvido algo na cave.
- No. The door was open.
A porta estava aberta.
The door was open.
A porta estava aberta.
Such a stink every time the door was open.
É um fedor sempre que se abre a porta.
Oh, and when I was cleaning the hall, the door was open and I saw him.
E quando limpava o corredor, a porta dele estava aberta e eu vi-o.
She said it was when the door was open.
Ela disse que foi quando a porta estava aberta.
Once when the door was open, you saw us together in my room.
Uma vez quando a porta estava aberta, você nos viu juntas em meu quarto.
The door was open, and I saw it was brown and I thought I'd get stuck in right away before you said no. Just once.
A porta estava aberta e era castanha, e eu resolvi entrar antes que dissesses que não.
The door was open a bit, and as I looked through, there he was.
A porta estava semi-aberta, e ao espreitar aqui estava ele.
The door was open that night.
A porta estava aberta.
- The door was open.
- A porta estava aberta.
Sorry, but the door was open.
Desculpem, a porta estava aberta.
The door was open, but I left the key on the floor anyway, like you told me.
A porta estava aberta, mas deixei a chave no chão como pediu.
He walked, the door was open.
Andando. A porta estava aberta.
Oh, the door was open?
- A porta estava aberta?
Now, when Mr. Kane arrived, well, the door was open, he just walked in.
Quando Sr. Kane chegou, a porta estava aberta, ele entrou,
I'm sorry, the door was open and he came in.
Desculpe, a porta estava aberta e ele entrou.
Yeah, the door was open.
Sim, a porta estava aberta.
The door was open, and he saw this crazy woman in the bathtub.
A porta estava aberta e ele viu-a na banheira!
The door was open, the lights were on.
A porta estava aberta e as luzes acesas.
The door was open and I didn't see you anywhere. I got worried, so I came in. I was just checking the house out.
A porta estava aberta, não vi ninguém e entrei para verificar.
We didn't want to disturb you but the door was open!
Não queríamos chatear mas a porta estava aberta.
The door was open and I was attacked by a dog!
A porta estava aberta e fui atacada por um cão!
The door was open...
A porta estava aberta.
Well, just the same, I don't see why Master Edward would have locked himself in the cellar. Well, the door was open earlier,
Não percebo porque o menino Edward se havia de fechar na cave.
The door was open.
- Desculpa, a porta estava aberta.
The door was open, it was an optical illusion.
A porta estava aberta, era uma ilusão óptica.
And the door was open.
E a porta estava aberta.
One of the servants said the front door was open.
Um dos criados disse que a porta estava aberta.
Was the door open?
A porta estava aberta?
Alright, O'Hea, that was a pretty good show you put on but you can open up this chicken coop now and open up the back door.
Certo, O'Hea, já deu o seu show mas agora já pode... abrir este galinheiro e a porta de trás.
I was expecting to see the door open immediately as usual
Permaneci à espera de que a porta se abrisse, como era habitual.
- All you did was open the door for them.
- Você abriu-lhes a porta.
There was no reply... ] [... so I decided to try the door again and was surprised to find it open. ]
Não obtive resposta... e eu decidi tentar a porta de novo e fiquei surpreendido por estar aberta.
That no one answered your ring, but the front door was open.
Que ninguém respondeu à campaínha, mas a porta da frente estava aberta.
I knew this was bound to happen someday. ( loud, overlapping shouting ) Open the door!
Eu sabia que isto iria ocorrer algum dia.
Hey keep the door open, please! I was agreeing with you. Oh sure.
Deixe a porta aberta!
I'm sorry but the door was open.
Lamento, mas a porta estava aberta.
I found the front door open. The house was deserted.
A porta da frente estava aberta, a casa deserta.
They broke the door down, but the window was open and Roschmann gone.
Eles arrombaram a porta, mas a janela estava aberta... e o Roschmann tinha desaparecido.
How did they know I was gonna leave the door open?
Como souberam que deixaria aberto?
I guess the door, it sprung open,'cause all of a sudden, I was just right there on the ground.
A porta deve-se ter aberto porque de repente eu estava deitada no chão.
Why was the cellar door open?
Porque estava a porta aberta?
The back door was open.
- Pela porta de trás.
I suppose if we left the door open, we could hear if somebody was coming, or if one of the kids started to cry.
Se deixarmos a porta aberta, ouvimos alguém a chegar ou os miúdos, se algum começar a chorar.
The dishes are on the table, the refrigerator door was open...
Não limpaste a mesa, a porta do frigorífico estava aberta...
Uh, I was trying to open the door for you.
Uh, eu estava tentando abrir a porta.
I went back, the front door was still open.
Voltei, a porta da frente estava ainda aberta ;
And the bedroom door was open.
Ou que havia fogo, ou... E a porta do quarto dele estava aberta.
Now, was the library door open when you reached it?
Agora... A porta da biblioteca já estava aberta quando lá chegou?

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