The door opened перевод на португальский
926 параллельный перевод
The door opened and a man stepped out of a rowboat.
A porta abriu-se e um homem saltou do barco.
The door opened and the officer appeared He was in mufti
A porta abriu-se e o oficial apareceu vestido em trajes civis.
Do you think the door opened and they were swept away?
A porta abriu-se e cairam ao espaço?
The door opened. But the god that came out was a spider.
A porta abriu-se mas o Deus que saiu era uma aranha.
He tore her dress off. And at that precise moment... the door opened... and somebody shot him.
Arrancou-lhe o vestido e nesse momento, a porta abriu-se e alguém atirou sobre ele.
He never opened it until he'd barred the door and drawn the blinds.
Nunca o abria sem trancar a porta e correr as persianas.
I think in 1930 or 1929, I don't remember, we went to Berlin and we took a taxi and arrived at a shop or at another house and a man, nice-looking but very poor-looking opened the door of the taxi, was very polite and helped my mother with the parcels and so on,
Acho que em 1930 ou 1929, não me lembro bem, fomos a Berlim, apanhámos um táxi e chegámos a uma loja ou uma casa e um homem com aspecto simpático, mas muito pobre, abriu a porta do táxi,
That we'll know better when you've opened the door.
Saberemos isso quando a senhora abrir a porta.
After I've opened the door.
Quando eu abrir a porta.
And, indeed, after a quarter of an hour the bell rang and I opened the door and the local policeman with a dog came and with him a nice young man in civilian clothes.
Ao fim de 15 minutos, a campainha tocou. Abri a porta e lá estava um polícia com um cão e um senhor simpático. O pai da miúda em roupas civis.
They opened the door for breakfast, but didn't let out any dishes.
Abriram a porta para o pequeno almoço, mas não trouxeram ainda os pratos.
Doctor, perhaps I'm not well, but when I opened the door I thought I saw a penguin with a thermometer in his mouth.
Doutor, talvez eu não esteja bem, mas quando abri a porta, pensei ver um pinguim com um termómetro na boca.
But the worst was yet to come, Inglés, when Pablo opened the city hall door and let the mob in to kill the rest.
O pior ainda estava para vir, quando Pablo abriu a porta da cidade, para o povo matar os prisioneiros.
You opened the door for him yourself.
Abriu-lhe a porta.
As she opened the door, the shot was fired.
Quando ela abriu a porta, o tiro foi disparado.
She opened the door.
Ela abriu a porta.
Until at last they reach a friendly house and the door is opened.
Até que chegam a uma casa amiga em que lhes abrem a porta.
The bell rang. I opened the door.
A campainha tocou, abri a porta.
Stopped the car, opened the door...
Parei o carro, abri a porta e disse :
As Roger stepped back, the sitting room door behind him slowly opened.
Quando Roger recuou, a porta da sala de estar atrás dele, abriu-se lentamente.
I opened the door and it was Billy Clanton.
Abri a porta, e... era o Billy Clanton.
I could smell'em the minute I opened the door.
Veio-me o cheiro assim que abri a porta.
My niece opened the door leading onto the stairs and started to climb without looking at the officer as if she was alone
A minha sobrinha abriu a porta que dá para a escada e subiu, sem olhar para o oficial, como se estivesse sozinha.
He knocked but didn't wait for my niece and opened the door himself
Bateu à porta, mas não esperou que abríssemos. Abriu-a ele mesmo.
Madam opened the door and he left.
A patroa abriu a porta, e ele saiu.
The moment I opened the door, I....
Quando abri a porta, eu...
She said he opened the door before she knocked, as if he was leaving.
Como se estivesse de saída.
When man entered the atomic age, he opened a door into a new world.
Quando o homem entrou na era atómica... ele abriu a porta para um novo mundo.
He didn't see the gun even after you opened that door.
Ele não viu a arma mesmo depois de ter aberto a porta.
If the door had opened it'd be registered here.
Estaria indicado aqui.
You opened the door, you should've closed it.
Você abriu a porta. devia fechá-la.
Ran to the door, opened it up, saw the kid run down the stairs and out of the house.
Correu para a porta, abriu-a e viu o miúdo a correr pelas escadas para a rua.
He says he crossed to the door, walked down the hall, opened the door just in time to see the boy running down the stairs.
Ele disse que foi até à porta, atravessou o corredor e abriu a porta mesmo a tempo de ver o rapaz a correr escada abaixo.
Nobody broke into the house, she must've opened the door.
Ninguém invadiu a casa. Ela deve ter aberto a porta.
It opened the door to c compartment.
Abriu a porta do Compartimento C.
The door of the house where the boy lived was unlocked and he opened it and walked in quietly with his bare feet.
A porta da casa do rapaz | estava destrancada. Ele abriu-a e entrou em silêncio, | com os pés descalços.
I opened the door to get out.
Abri a porta para sair.
You opened the door and Muff got out first.
Abriu a porta e o Muff saiu primeiro.
He got up, opened the trailer door and went outside.
Levantou-se, abriu a porta e saiu.
I opened the door very easy... very easy.
Abri a porta devagar, devagarinho.
Your little daughter opened the door to me on the way to her piano lesson and she said I was to wait in here until your arrival.
A sua filhinha abriu a porta quando ia para a aula de piano. Ela disse para eu esperar aqui até você chegar.
I opened the wrong door.
Enganei-me na porta.
I really wish I hadn't opened the wrong door.
Quem me dera não me ter enganado na porta.
But, baby, the door is opened.
Mas, querida, a porta está aberta.
You know, I had a kind of a feeling the minute I opened that door and saw you standing there.
Tive um pressentimento. Logo depois de abrir a porta... já sabia que nos daríamos bem.
Doug was calling on me. When he left, I noticed the door of apartment 210 opened just a crack, as if someone was watching.
Doug contactou-me quando saiu, notei que a porta do apartamento 210 se tinha entreaberto um pouco...
I was only trying to find a way out when I opened the trap door.
Estava a tentar encontrar a saída quando abri o alçapão.
You think your hand would fall off if you opened the door?
Custava-te muito abrir a porta?
You opened the door for us!
Você nos abriu a porta!
My yes when you opened the door was a question. Question mark implied, of course.
O meu'sim'foi uma pergunta, inferida, claro.
Then suddenly someone opened the door.
De repente, alguém abre a porta.
the doors 46
the door is locked 37
the door was open 152
the door is open 55
the door is closed 18
the door was locked 29
the door was unlocked 33
the door 306
the door's open 68
the door's locked 54
the door is locked 37
the door was open 152
the door is open 55
the door is closed 18
the door was locked 29
the door was unlocked 33
the door 306
the door's open 68
the door's locked 54
opened 20
the day before yesterday 39
the duck 18
the duke 46
the day after tomorrow 108
the day 56
the devil 179
the day before 49
the dress 56
the dog 197
the day before yesterday 39
the duck 18
the duke 46
the day after tomorrow 108
the day 56
the devil 179
the day before 49
the dress 56
the dog 197
the dogs 39
the d 504
the doctor 415
the day after 57
the day she died 19
the deal is off 49
the date 58
the dead 45
the dragon 58
the doctor said 57
the d 504
the doctor 415
the day after 57
the day she died 19
the deal is off 49
the date 58
the dead 45
the dragon 58
the doctor said 57