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The neighborhood перевод на португальский

4,347 параллельный перевод
You came! Just for a second, to bring over brownies and welcome you to the neighborhood.
Só viemos trazer brownies e desejar as boas-vindas.
I was in the neighborhood.
Estava na vizinhança.
- Look at the neighborhood, man!
- Olha para o bairro, meu!
When I first found out that there was a black guy... movin'in the neighborhood...
Quando soube que um preto se ia mudar para este bairro, fiquei tipo...
One of the most kind and gentle local priests said that Stanley was the only child in the neighborhood destined for Hell.
Tinha ele seis anos, um dos padres mais bondosos e gentis da zona disse que o Stanley era a única criança do bairro já condenada ao inferno.
Got some beautiful suits for some lucky men in the neighborhood.
Uns fatos bonitos para homens sortudos cá do bairro.
You do know we're doing better than any place in the neighborhood?
Sabes que nos estamos a sair melhor do que qualquer outro sítio?
You better keep your mother alive for a long time because as soon as she's dead, there goes the neighborhood.
Mantenha viva a sua mãe, porque mal ela morrer lá se vai a vizinhança.
I was in the neighborhood.
Sim, não te preocupes, irmão. Esqueci-me, está bem?
Welcome to the neighborhood.
Bem vindo à vizinhança.
He never broke into nobody's house in the neighborhood...
Nunca roubou nenhuma casa do bairro...
If we stop listening to Leon Hubbard's story and all the neighborhood stories like it, eventually the neighborhoods will stop listening to ours.
Se deixamos de ouvir a história de Leon Hubbard e outras histórias similares do bairro, os bairros deixarão de ouvir as nossas.
The neighborhood's changed a lot.
A vizinhança muda muito.
The neighborhood's just got itself a Whole Foods.
O bairro tem um supermercado.
They love the neighborhood... Mmm-hmm.
Eles adoram o bairro.
It's in the neighborhood.
É no bairro.
Is there a fondler in the neighborhood?
há um amante na vizinhança?
I saw his protest posters all around the neighborhood.
Vi os cartazes de protesto dele no bairro inteiro.
He would've been the laughing stock of the neighborhood.
Ele teria sido motivo de gozo para o bairro inteiro.
- Yes? - Yes, I was the star of the neighborhood.
- É, eu era o melhor da vizinhança.
If patrol the neighborhood instead of gorging on cupcakes This would not happen!
... patrulhassem a vizinhança em vez de se encherem de bolos... esta merda não aconteceria!
Not impressed with the neighborhood.
Não estou nada impressionada com o bairro.
Everyone in the neighborhood still talks about you.
Lá no bairro, continuam todos a falar de ti.
This is a map of the neighborhood around Baxter Park.
Este é um mapa da vizinhança em torno de Baxter Park.
I'm grandfathered into the neighborhood.
Tenho raízes no bairro.
And I killed every kid in the neighborhood.
E eu matei todas as crianças da vizinhança.
By 7 or 8 o'clock at night, the neighborhood starts to quiet down. Everybody's worn out.
Às sete ou oito da noite, o bairro começa a sossegar.
As he's doing that, he sees a man approach him and as that man gets closer he realizes it's somebody he knows from the neighborhood.
Enquanto se vestia, viu um homem a aproximar-se. Apercebeu-se de que era alguém que ele conhecia do bairro.
And Edwards, Beckwith and Senior would all tell the police that one of the men up in the bleachers was Tony Porter and Tony Porter was somebody they knew from the neighborhood.
Edwards, Beckwith e Senior disseram à polícia que um dos homens nas bancadas era Tony Porter, que eles conheciam do bairro.
They all knew who he was from the neighborhood.
Todas o conheciam do bairro.
I'm in the neighborhood and thought I'd pick you up and drive you home.
Estou na vizinhança e pensei levá-lo a casa.
We're trying to stop real estate developers from converting the neighborhood into luxury housing and retail spaces, forcing the regular people out.
Estamos a tentar impedir os investidores imobiliários de transformar a vizinhança em mansões de luxo e áreas de comércio, obrigando as pessoas comuns a partirem.
Oh, we met through the neighborhood coalition.
- Vocês conhecem-se? Conhecemo-nos na "Aliança do Bairro".
Yeah, the neighborhood coalition is a network of homeless shelters.
A "Aliança do Bairro" é uma rede de abrigos para pessoas abandonadas.
No, I was just in the neighborhood.
- Não, eu estava perto.
And Eric's got eyes on the neighborhood.
- E o Eric está a vigiar o bairro.
Within a half hour, we were driving up into this really nice neighborhood, and we were running down the stairs of some stranger's backyard, and then we were swimming and we were in love.
Dentro de meia hora, estávamos a conduzir para um bairro maravilhoso, e estávamos a descer as escadas do quintal de um estranho, e depois estávamos a nadar e apaixonados.
The neighborhood- -
- A vizinhança...
Look I got a 60 second cut with the manager and a neighborhood.
Oiça, tenho um segmento de 60 segundos com o gerente e a vizinhança.
has got to be a huge worry, not only to the residents in this neighborhood, the Granada Hills area as well....
Certamente que não será apenas uma aflição para os habitantes de Granada Hills...
What we're gonna do is we're gonna wait and then we're gonna follow him and when we reach a road that's in a better or more populated neighborhood... then we'll report it's location to the police.
O que vamos fazer é esperar, segui-lo... e quando se encontrar num bairro melhor e mais populoso, notificamos a polícia quanto à sua localização.
Santa Clara was built around the Aguas Rojas neighborhood.
Santa Clara foi construída à volta de Aguas Rojas.
Let's just say there was a nice little white family, just like yours, but white, living in a nice little white neighborhood, willing to pick up the responsibilities, take care of the child.
Imaginemos que havia uma simpática família, tal como a tua, mas branca, a viverem num bom bairro de brancos, dispostos a assumirem as responsabilidades, a tomarem conta da criança.
- Hello. - Welcome to the neighborhood.
- Bem vinda à vizinhança.
It's out in the whole neighborhood. Yeah.
Foi no bairro todo.
The whole neighborhood was sorry. But they didn't live with him.
O bairro todo lamenta.
As soon as we leave the Sun's immediate neighborhood, we need to change the unitive distance from light-hours to light-years.
Assim que saímos da vizinhança do Sol, temos que mudar a unidade de distância de horas-luz para anos-luz.
Make sure they canvass the area around the park, all right, as well as his own neighborhood.
Assegure-te que procuram a área em volta do parque, certo, bem como no seu próprio bairro. Alguém viu alguma coisa.
A few weeks after the murders, Simon and his family moved to another Chicago neighborhood because of gang attacks on their home.
Semanas depois do crime, Simon e a família mudaram-se para outro bairro de Chicago, devido a ataques de gangues à casa onde viviam.
Seal the entire neighborhood.
Bloqueiem todo o quarteirão.
It's the right neighborhood.
- É nesta mesma vizinhança.

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